I support the second amendment, but can anyone give me legitimate reasons for people to have fully automatic weapons besides “I want one” or “Incase the government decides to have a genocide”
Did you try to spell shill?
Well, that too.
>I support the second amendment, but
Stopped reading there.
to shoot people like you
I think you mean collectors. Having the right to comparable arms of comon infantry is 2a all the way.
I love the "fight govt. tyranny" angle the most, as if the citizens are going to fight a continental army consisting of militia armed with hunting rifles and shit. No you dumb fucks, your shitty arms cache is not going to protect you if the armed forces decides it doesn't like you.
I think people are mainly scared of it being a slippery slope, i.e. they say they want to abridge access to some guns and then 10 years later, all guns are off the table. While slightly less stupid, it's still stupid.
robots. killer robots. we ALL have legitimate reason for needing FULL AUTO military grade hardware now, so go fuck yourself you FUCKING FAGGOT
>give me legitimate reasons for people to have fully automatic weapons
Nice bait
>I support the 2nd Amendment but..
It's time to fuck off jew. You blew your cover early.
you stupid nigger muzrats have been running around the desert for the past nearly 20 years fighting america in iraq and afghanistan with nothing more than some ak's and pickup trucks go get fucked
Do we have to post it every time?
Shall not infringe you cunt nigger
Who's Corbin Bleu?
a fully automatic weapon isnt very practical and the setting is essentially never used in combat because aimed and controlled shots are just more effective.
So basically there isn't any reason a fully automatic weapon should be illegal. In essentially every case it would just be a waste of ammunition for any would be school shooter and would likely result in them killing fewer people if used.
I'm on board with you for the most part
shall not be infringed
you reddit memeflag gypsie
Since 2007, at least 173 people have been killed in mass shootings in the United States involving AR-15s
173 people in 11 years
whew we need to get right on that
Number of deaths for leading causes of death, united states, 2016
Heart disease: 633,842
• Cancer: 595,930
• Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
• Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
• Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
• Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
• Diabetes: 79,535
• Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
• Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
• Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
whats funny about that is the leading cause of death isnt heart disease
the leading cause of death isnt even on the list
In 2014, 652,639 legal induced abortions were reported
how about we ban abortion?
The 2nd is linked to the 10th, the oath of all free citizens of the National Republic...
>1) protecting free people from foreign enemies and invaders;
>(2) protecting honest, self-responsible, hard-working citizens within the nation from domestic lawbreakers who would use coercion, fraud, or force to deprive others of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I'd say the (((enemy))) has been thru the gate for a while now. Lock 'n Load.
hello, Aussie troll. there are some of us that can see past your meme flag. every once in awhile, real Anonymous stops by.
go away or you will face the consequence. challenge us, and we will destroy you. have fun, you kangaroo fucking inbred ugly zero IQ faggot.
just having a fun night here. gtfo.
>I support the second amendment, but...
This means "I don't support the 2ndAm."
Also: "I am a concern-trolling shill"
>can anyone give me legitimate reasons
I don't need a reason. I have a Right.
>“I want one” or “Incase the government decides to have a genocide”
Either are entirely valid, as is "self-defense". Also acceptable: "I like to pew pew" and "no reason"
It is a symbol of a truly free society. The fact that you have a weapon in your house that can cause so much damage and that you can literally think of going to a school and shoot a bunch of people shows how truly free a people truly are. I also feel that if you’re living in the USA, you should make an effort to get gun safety training as in the coming years there might be a sense of crippling nihilism among our youth driving more of them insane and leading to mass shootings. The only way you can prevent more lives from getting lost is by having training to protect yourself and those around you. The fact that fully automatic weapons exist here in such a high frequency itself is a reason for you to own one for your own protection.
fuck off jidf
Spokesperson for Big Pharma