Why are young men checking out of society, Sup Forums?
"Herbivore" """Men"""
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>society openly hates you and calls for your extermination
Uh no..childish women chasing after useless degrees and forsaking nice guys for one night stands with assholes and winding up lesbian or alone is making more women have kids later in life. Or not at all.
Fuck they even get blamed for not wanting to do anything. Men are just doomed to fuck up womens lives I guess.
>look mom I posted it again
Women don't want us--simple as that.
My gf really wants kids but I keep saying no. The truth is it'd be immoral to have kids. Our civilization is ending. By the time my kids would grow up, they'd either be enslaved or live long enough to fall victim to their own genocide. There's no future for white people in Europe. I hope my gf can realize that sooner rather later so we can start a family somewhere safer.
Who cares
Nigga, have you seen the graphics in video games nowadays?
Because it has nothing to offer me. Boomers got to go to College on part-time summer jobs, and catapult immediately into a white collar job. That's assuming they didn't just "shake the manager's hand" at a local business, and marry their virgin high school qt.
Nowadays, it takes tens of thousands of dollars in loans to get a degree that will even give you the chance of meaningfully taking part in the economy. And what for? To end up with some woman who, if you're lucky, hasn't had "too many" partners?
Nope. The sooner society collapses, the better. I have absolutely no interest in taking part in something that I completely loathe.
Because women want to be the breadwinner. It's not that fucking complicated. Fucking let them, at least guys can focus on more personal pursuits. You make it sound like a bad thing, though we pretty much get the free time women got for the 20th century. What's so bad about that?
Women want men. Not boys. Especially not soyboys. That is the issue: lack of men.
Women literally cannot compete with pixels on a screen
Why should boys bother becoming men when the only reward is used goods, and a chance at divorce?
As a moralist vegetarian I've killed more men than you.
Careful...even a rhino can split a lion in half on a whim...bwoy.
because men realize we can easily opt out of this wave, wait till we're 50, marry sexy as fuck 22 year old gen z girl that, after witnessing the literal terror that is the life of a feminist, will be begging for a conservative marriage with a strong man.
bang out a few white kids while her womb is still fresh, raise them to be strong, no need for the fall of rome cycle, just opt out you guys. wait a little bit longer, there is nothing a young girl loves more than an older, experienced, seasoned and rich man. and your sperm is pretty much good forever. how fucking hilarious will it be when feminists see they completely check mated themselves age 35, no prospects and 10 cats. fuck that is just so fucking hilarious to me man
Porn and Sup Forums is the honest version of society now
Stop making this thread every day faggot.
You don't want to be Chad? All you have to do is become a man. Soyboys are tools, use them to further your purposes.
#1 rule of life: You don't always get what you want, sometimes you have to work for what you want.
This happened to Japan in the 90s and has seeped into the 00s too. Imagine if this happens to America and the decades of darkness that will follow.
I'm really glad you're not white. Keep it up Mohamed, DO NOT PRODUCE OFFSPRING. You are doing the everyone a favor, nobody wants your shitty defeatist genes in our world anyway.
Chad gets cheated on and/or divorced, too. Regardless, no, I don't want to become Chad. I can only become Chad-lite. Not worth the effort to buy a ring for a girl that every Chad got to fuck for free in her prime.
Must we have this thread 10x a day?
If women looked like this, and behaved as such, men would be busting their fucking asses off trying to earn ones hand.
But women don't act or look like this anymore. They're rancid whores. So men don't give a fuck anymore.
Men built, invented, fought, and died for family and home. Why do shit anymore?
because the jews want white males to live this lifestyle.
hookup culture relationships
when you know every woman you try to date is only going to get bored and move on to the next man in a couple months it seems kind of pointless for anyone wanting a real relationship. and something like 80% of break ups are the woman, and usually because she's found another man to "trade up" to, it's just pointless.
and then you have to endure a couple to a few months of being single while working your ass off constantly trying to flirt with women to get that next brief hookup culture relationship.
it's about effort to reward ratio. quite simple really. put in a massive effort and the reward you get is a brief relationship with some naggy cunt that wont stop trying to fight you on fucking everything
and whats the incentive to become the man women want? when the women men want basically don't exist anymore. just naggy sluts with boring personalities chasing chads and acting like princesses
why did it happen in Japan? iirc their divorce rates aren't crazy, and Jap girls are pretty cute
I've started to understand something: all this virtue signaling about white male privilege has worked. We have all these betamales that "expect" all these things such as loyal wives, good jobs and political power just because they are biological males. They don't believe they have to work at learning social skills, finding a decent mate and getting connections. They expect it to be handed to them on a platter just because they're white males.
Frankly I’m not Chad so I get benched by women I’m interested while they spend the weekends getting pounded out by strangers. Better things to devote my energy to.
any man who has been in, and seriously weighs the pros and cons of a long term relationship with a modern western / westernized / feminist woman knows full well that she brings literally NOTHING to the relationship other than maybe the occasional fuck, she is nothing but a liability and a parasite and will throw you under the bus and monkey branch to the next guy at the first opportunity and over the most trivial nonsense
Because men can wait until mid 30s to have a family. Why should I care if women my age wants to waste their prime reproduction years on beta orbiters and chads that pump and dump them. Not going to waste all the high energy in my 20s on some broad that's got dick constantly on her mind.
they had a culture of women controlling the money for some reason. it worked when women cared about family but now that they care more about themselves men are saying fuck that.
>We have all these betamales that "expect" all these things such as loyal wives, good jobs and political power just because they are biological males.
Wrong Jew scum. Men don't expect any of that shit. They don't try for it either. They don't fucking care. Get a clue.
And one day? They may get so fed up that when they DO start doing something? It'll just be hanging your kind from street posts. Chaya scum.
That's if YOU are the breadwinner mate. If you make less than your partner, the odds are in your favor.
Aren't you proving my point?
> Aren't you proving my point?
Not at all?
>you shouldn't expect a loyal wife you should work really hard for it
This is why people are opting out. "Loyal" wives (still used goods) are becoming far less common. Nobody expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter, they just want a reasonable chance, and a reward that justifies the effort put in.
There are no more reasonable chances, and the modern "prizes" whether it's some ex-cock carousel whore, or grinding office job, aren't worth the effort.
Imagine lottery tickets go up to $100 per, and the odds of winning either remain the same or get worse. Are you still going to play?
Real men are only suicidal if the battle for their country calls for it. This is not a battle. This is a death march.
You want real men to take up the plate? You want real men to participate and contribute? You want the fall of Rome delayed another pitiful decade or two?
Well then men are going to need concrete guarantees (which is what civilization is all about btw). Guarantees that not only ensure that their hard work pays off but also that their hard work is not completely in vain. Nay I say. For in today's times it doth not matter what you do in the eyes of society. The only acceptable thing society wants you to do is to be a slave and to slay yourself upon the altar of your own demise. To do anything less than such is considered heresy and even doing nothing at all and getting a rape charge is a very real possibility. No. Trump won't do the magical hard 180 this country needs because the only way the magical 180 will happen is either through collapse or a revolution. Real men see the facade of modern society and wait. They're waiting for the inevitable so that they may seize the day once again.
>they had a culture of women controlling the money for some reason.
I'm not surprised. Japanese white collar workers work absolutely insane hours. like 60 hours a week is considered the minimum, almost lazy. so their wives run the home for them.
Might have something to do with modern women being low value and unworthy of any effort beyond pump and dump.
This. Fuck women my age, they all want to get married and have kids way too soon. They have tons of baggage from previous relationships and more often than not that baggage includes an ex-husband and/or kids. They want me to wait until I commit to sleep with me even though they have fucked tons of guys before me on the first date. No thanks. Girls my age didn't want me when I was a poorfag student and when I was just starting my career and they were at their prime. Now I don't want them since they see me as betabux and they are rapidly depreciating. Younger girls are where it's at.
t. 28 y/o dating a 19 y/o
Three words:
Sex before marriage
One more word:
We had this problem before any of us could remember. Some men were just really risk averse with relationships. They didn't trust women, rightfully. They didn't want to have children until they knew they could trust that particular woman. This lead to them being kicked out of the mating pool by promiscuous "chads" who fucked everyone and left them single mothers.
By making that immoral/illegal, you bring the "herbivore" (smart) men back into the gene pool. They only want to have sex after marriage, and they want that marriage to last, so no divorce. Christian sexual morality balances out the unfair and societally unhealthy advantage of "chad" personalities.
By making premarital sex and divorce normal you exclusively favor the "chad", because he's the only one who will put up with it. Sounds TOTALLY ALPHA AND HIGH TEST BRO until society collapses because the smallest unit of a society is the nuclear family.
Absoultely couldn't be a culture of hedonism and degeneracy putting a greater focus on self-pleasure than anything else. No way it's women forsaking raising a family to instead get useless degrees. Yep it's absoultely those dang manchildren which are in mo way a response to an alienating, uncaring and isolating society.
>t. 28 y/o dating a 19 y/o
you sir are gentleman and a scholar and we should all strive to be like you in that partucular aspect that is dating
And the funniest part of that is, they don't even work hard. They just try to waste time after their work is done. It stems from not wanting to be seen going home before anyone else. It's all a facade.
is that real?
women were the housewives. they bought the groceries, took care of the kids. Of course the money is with them. Its also insurance for the female because the guy has a lesser chance of having an affair outside without money.
were there chemical weapons in Libya?
There isn't enough "empowerment" to go around I'm afraid. Women want to act like sluts and not have to deal with the consequences.
Modern women will not self-reflect or even consider the thought that they might be in the wrong on this, like it's always been.
>Guy has less chance of affair outside without money
>House all to himself while wife works
>Less stress allows for more charisma
>it's the fault of all those ICKY MEN
Make it worth my time
>1 post
>meme flag
same old articles.
That's a bolt, you dolt.
yes. massive explosions happen when you make contact with lava. basic science.
Because they want it to collapse.
are they called herbivores bc they don't eat pussy???
Childish men are a result of women's suffrage since women displaced men out of the work force, sent manly jobs oversees, and no longer allow men to behave like men. Herbivore men simply aren't willing to play all the bullshit games you need to play these days to get and attempt to control your average slutty career centered woman.
Sometimes talking to girls that much younger feels like talking to a retard but at times it feels like that talking to women of any age, only difference is it happens a little more often with younger girls but it's a pretty minor complaint.
It's so much easier to impress younger girls. Girls my age expect you to have a car and your own place and a good job and to take them for trips out of town and to just generally have your shit together. None of that stuff impresses them, they just expect you to have it. My 19 y/o gf was blown away that I have my own nice apartment (she still lives with her parents and all her friends still live at home too), which leads to lots of fucking. She overestimated how much I spent for a spontaneous weekend trip to the mountains and felt guilty letting me spend that much on her, but it was pocket change for me and she was really grateful for it. I can take her to a diner or Olive Garden and she is wrapped around my finger. On the other hand, I try taking a girl close to my age to a nice restaurant and she is buried in her phone half the date and the other half of the date she is bitching about her ex.
Damn boy, you make me feel depressed.
>women consistently make shitty choices
>blame men
i dont want to be single. i dont want to fuck three dozen sluts and sow my wild oats. all i want is a loyal, loving 6-7/10 with blonde hair and blue eyes who wants 5 kids and is willing to homeschool them. a chick who's not obese and not crazy.
also holding out for a virgin but that's like holding out for a winning lottery ticket
This attitude is exactly why European women are choosing Arabs. They don't really give a fuck which race they join they want to join the one that is confident in winning. Your pessimism is determining Europe's future it's not that your kids future is causing your pessimism. You just I don't know got to consider women as prostitutes they will go with whoever can pay. you and an alarming number of white men don't have the correct currency right now. It's in the mind.
Where are those 22 year olds coming from if you're not impregnating the current flock of women.
totally has nothing to do with women choosing to slut-it-up-around-the-globe until 33.
absolutely nothing to do with that
Young white men were manipulated on every end to be failures.
Their mothers raised them to be touchy feely faggots (shit that wont get you laid), their media corrupted their minds with degeneracy, their teachers manipulated them with white guilt and everything post high school puts "minorities" and women over them just because some of the top ceos are white guys and thats why you need to give up XYZ for the women and minorities.
Add the west no longer caring about its own culture and literally telling their young that they dont need more of them because we got third world scum who is better at everything and you are starting to get a picture why after a decade of this shit a guy just wants to sit at home alone and either jack off or slay some virtual monsters.
Oh and before i forget the biggest insult now that shit goes downhill because women are retarded and ignored their biology and niggers arent the ones who can keep civilization afloat its our fault that things are the way they are and we need to man up to broken goods and fix shit so jamal can get his handout
Fuck all of it
not my OC you dirty cygan
white people had tons of help and never gave credit.
>chinese build railroads and early infrastructure
>working immigrants on constructions of towers
>black people doing all the footwork for plantations
>muh white race is superior and knows all.
Just had a kid. He'll probably be a menace to society like the rest of my family
No, women are having kids later in life because they keep saying in their 20s, "I never want to have children." Seriously, go to a dating site. None of the women there want to ever have children at any point in their life.
And the Irish were imported en mass and conscripted by the North and sent into the Civil War as cannon fodder
Oh wait we cant talk about that because Europeans have never been mistreated
Hey look, this thread again
I will try that when I secure good job
thanks user, you made my day
Man up and take the media back from women. Don't let them write crap about you.
Because suck my cock. Since women are simply beyond redemption at this point, replace them.
"Career" """Women"""
Without any quality women, why bother? Are you going to attempt to start a family with a used up thot? Only to lose your kids and half your networth? With all that free time and no incentive, society isn't worth saving in this state.
>1 post by this ID
No, how could anyone get so close to a valcano without a suit to protect them from the heat.
I've fucked enough skanks when I was younger, what's your point? I should've impregnated them or something?
They are right but they are also very wrong.
The left is really good at pointing out symptoms but they fail to understand the cause
That’s why the lefts “solutions” are never solutions at all, they are treatments to alleviate symptoms but they never treat root cause
No its a shop of a lady falling into the sea.
Most women are shit. Maybe its just cause I live in a shitlib state but a full 80+% of women I meet seem to be neurotic and damaged. Its even worse with the women I work with who are older. They are spend all their time desperately trying to find a husband and seem to flit between one man or another 20 times a year and can't quite twig why they aren't happily married.
Im in a deep red state and its the same here
I checked out of my gender
That why I became trans. So I could be forever dosed on estrogen.
You should try it pol. Feeling girly and soft is wonderful. It even rewired my brain to find men attractive
Thats sad mate, I thought most white women voted for trump? I guess women are shite no matter where you go. It was even worse back in London though, there I have only ever met one redpilled woman who is marrying my brother. She went to a school with many nogs and doesn't like the darkies as a result.
after reading your post I laughed then I became kinda sad.
>whites used minorities as human tools
>hurrr we contributed to fuck wypipo
It's actually really nice. I'm meming.
But I feel really happy I'm growing boobs
Your mind changes when you purge all testosterone
>call out a woman for being dirty and gross
>women around you act as if you talked about them
because theyve done similar shit im sure.
Do you think it's that your mind has changed or that people are treating you like a woman now?
I think it's both.
Wanna join us?
There is a a little bit of good in everything.
In this case, if we whites get exterminated, that means The Juice get's left here alone, on this shithole of a planet, with all the niggers and other shitskins. It will be like The Planet of Apes.
I was under the impression that every female over the age of 20 already has at least one kid.
I'm with you in spirit but I'm fine being a guy that faps to lesbian porn
Translesbians are very cute
You could be a lesbian too you know.
You'd be more emotional and cuddles and kisses would be far more stimulating, let alone sex.