Have you ever been discriminated against because you’re White?

I can’t tell if I faced discrimination because I was White or not a few days ago. I’ll tell the story and let you decide.
>Be me
>Live in Commiefornia
>Need a job
>Apply for one that offers decent pay (about 7 bucks above minimim wage)
>I go in to check the status of my application a few days later
>I notice all the people working there are Mexican
>not one single white person in sight
>They weren’t the run down, non speaking Mexicans though
>They’re all fairly well dressed, professional acting,speak English clearly,ect.
>I know this might have made some people here walk out, but I really needed the job
>finally brought to a place to speak to the manager
>he says all the positions have been filled
>the application said their was 7 open spots and it was only posted 3 days ago
>also kind of get a weird passive agressige vibe from the other Mexican workers that I’m not welcome there, nobody is really mean to me though

Am I just being paranoid and doing the same thing black people do when they don’t get hired and scream “das racist!”? Or do you think they legitimately didn’t want to hire me because I was white and wouldn’t fit in there? And before you ask, no this was not a restaurant or a construction job. I’d rather not say what the job was. Also, yes Commiefornia does suck, but I’m stuck here for now.

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Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Seek medical help

yes, recent trip to gergia i stopped at a IHOP, wait staff all black said in flat terms they wont serve honkeys..

So i up and left and they go you cant leave i just got water and I said why dont you fucking drown in it

no but I’ve faced discrimination because I’m a trans woman.

They wanted you to pay for your water?

Like what?

Wow, thanks. Very helpful.

What the fuck are you even saying?

Prove you’re trans

No homo

Well there is no such thing as not white in my country, so no.

Why would you want to work there?

Furthermore, Cultural Marxism must be destroyed.

I had some begging homeless black guy call me a “bitch ass cracka” because I wouldn’t give him any money.

That’s more just general racism though I guess, not discrimination.

Its possible. Talk to a lawyer.

I’ve been in that position before, you’ll take anything that you can get when you’re really desperate for money. It doesn’t mean that you have to work there forever. Just until you find a better job.


white people, ladies and gentlemen


This is how you do it

My cocksucking motherfucking history teacher on HS literally told me she would be 'harsher' marking my exams than with the other kids' cause I was white and life would be easier for me later on.

>Be me
>Also live in Commiefornia
>See less and less White people everyday

Are you actually white or just “white looking”. I mean I guess most Mexicans are technically white because most have Spanish blood. So what I’m really asking is do you have any Native American blood or are you pure European?


Happy now?

No. I am white and I was fired from my job in Los Angeles after my boss said in a meeting that whites were the enemy.

Are you a lawyer?


Oh wow I’m so upset at this post

You have really enraged me


My dad was in line to get his dream job working for the forest service, but Jimmy Carter implemented affirmative action and my dad was told he couldn't get the job because he wasn't a minority. He's been conservative ever since and so am I.

I've never had a DNA test done, but I'd say I'm around 10% Indian at max, if you saw me on the street that 10% wouldn't be noticeable by any means, I have pale skin, colored eyes and a European facial structure, none of those are Indian characteristics, the only way anyone could know I have anything Indian within me would be looking at my family tree and seeing pics of my great great grandparents or some shit, so yeah, I'd say I'm white, not as white as northern Europeans, though.

uhh sounds like you got a case





I don't want to get into it, but it was a labor union.

>be white male
>be pizza delivery driver, a worthless yet soem how decently paying job with tips.
>inb4 tip debate, only niggers and spics don't tip in my exp. especially the ones fresh form the border.
>old boss who was also Mexican acknowledged this
>new boss who was also Mexican shows up
>instantly forms a clique with all the other mexicans.
>Other whites slowly start leaving the job because now the Mexicans don't do any work.
>Be only white guy left, do all the work.
>One day decide this is bullshit and do my job title duties on a closing night and just leave with out telling any one shit.
>get texts from the boss "hey there is still a mess and you left with out telling me"
>reply "I did my job, there are 2 other people there right now dicking around."
>Get new text "I sent them home you have to come back and do this.
>Say nothing back
>next shift the DM is there and is like WTF
>So I rat this new GM out and how he sucks complete dick and has single handedly ruined the reputation of my store by being rude to customers and can't even make a god damned pizza right.
>dude gets shit on real hard for 3 months straight almost loses job.
>MFW hours go form 40 to 12
>MFW I quit and the store is now closed cuz no one left knew how to do any thing and all the regular customers followed me to my very own new pizza store.

Don't piss off a white man.. he will not hit you where you would expect nor would you see it coming. It wont be violent, but it will feel as such.

I worked at an elderly care facility as an activity director for nearly 10 years. I started as a volunteer scrubbing old guys' dentures until eventually I had my own office planning out the day's activities with a staff serving under me. My boss was an old white guy who eventually retired. They replaced him with a middle-aged sheboon with no experience.
>incompetent as fuck
>fired a ton of staff first couple of weeks, replaced them with her sheboon friends
>always coming up short on expenses, began to think she's probably stealing from the funds
>one day she told me to go trim the weeds outside the facility and i told her that's not my department
>she then complained to HR (another sheboon that she personally hired) that i was being insubordinate
>i get a written violation
>first one ever in 10 years
>another one means i'm fired
>weeks go by
>dont say a word to sheboon, dont want to get fired
>suddenly one day sheboon barges into my office and says i'm not doing my job properly
>just nod emptily and ask what i can do better
>she thought i was being sarcastic, asks me to go clean the bathrooms
>fucking janitor work
>tell her we have a fucking janitor that takes care of that shit
>"oh hes out user"
>tell her i cant do it
>"but you have to, i'm your boss"
>"yeah but i'm not your slave"
>next day
>"user we need you to come to HR right away"

And that's how I lost my job of 10 years. Now I work at a grocery store.

you started your own pizza place? good job user

should say this is also in commiefornia and yes the beaners are collectively seeping into work places to hire their friends in, and push the whiteys out. Hell even the single nigger I worked with, alright dude btw, got pushed out fucken HARD. tons of close opens on his schedule and no one to cover his lunches. Which is highly illegal here. Lunches are mandatory.


Get a black man mad enough and he wrecks his home town.. but get a white man mad enough and he gets to work.

>putting inexperienced people in management.

every fucking time it ends badly. Been through this sorta shit too user and it's gay as fuck. I'll never understand why a new manager needs to flip the god damned apple cart like that. No matter the skin color it ends badly for the vets of the place.

revenge is a pizza best served cold

>"have you ever been hated or discriminated against"?

I have. i've been protested and demonstrated against. picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the time Sick as the mind of the motherfucking kid that's behind all this commotion emotions run deep as ocean's exploding
tempers flaring from parents just blow them off and keep going not taking nothing from no one give 'em hell long as I'm breathing keep kicking ass in the morning and taking names in the evening
leave 'em with a taste as sour as vinegar in their mouth, see they can trigger me, but they'll never figure me out
look at me now, I bet you're probably sick of me now ain't you momma? Imma make you look so ridiculous now!

Mom's spaghetti.

>Mexico flag

>be white
>black person on the internet called me a honkey
oh the humanity, race war now, white genocide confirmed


Are you ok? Do you need a hug?

Talk to any regional airline pilot and they will tell you about it. Well not initially because they don't want to sound raysis, but sit in the cockpit together for 20 hours and very quickly they will break.The major airlines, Delta specifically, are all about muh diversity.

Every pilot I fly with will eventually mention, when hearing a female voice on the radios, about how they're going to get a mainline gig first. There are (((job fairs))) you have to go to to get a job at a mainline airline. Your choices are blacks/women/gays in aviation.

I've flown with white men who have spent years at the regional level who can't get a call, but a nigger who was at a regional for 1 year got a job at Delta.

Aviation is like 90% white male and we are all feeling the diversity hire pain. There is hidden graffiti in our cockpits and it's very regular to see #whitepilotsmatter or #malepilotsmatter written somewhere.

wow I had no idea. going to have to ask my bro about this once he gets in the air. Almost a fully certified pilot though I have no idea what he's going for or even what the options are. Proud of that little nigga he working hard putting him self through the classes on his own dime.

i used to date a Hispanic chick. when we went to Mexican restaurants they would never refill my drink but would make sure to refill hers

Delta is a dream job for most pilots. I can't stand it. I hate everything about their company culture. I call it Diversity Airlines. Obviously if they called me for an interview and hired me I would take it as it means an eventual $200k+ salary flying widebodys, but I hate everything they stand for. My dream job is Fedex.

Have you ever been discriminated against?
>Be me, male 25
>Finished uni- masters
>Own my own swimming school
>Just wanna join army (officers) because it's got future in politics, government etc after your 6 years minimum
>Go through initial testing
>Nail it. Easy.
>Get flown up to Canberra for officer interview and basic fitness test etc
>Smash fitness test (40 push ups, maximum 100 sit ups, 9.5 on the beep test)
>Smash team building games (basically just helping people move around)
>Smash oral presentation (basically just talk for 3 minutes on yourself and another 3 minutes on another special topic. They're just testing your ability to speak clearly and confidently)
>Get told by army chaperone that I have a very high chance of getting in
>Final interview
>"sorry user, you just don't have enough experience"

>Lost out to 3 girls.
>Girl 1 worked in army logistics
>Girl 2 dropped outta uni. Worked in a yoghurt store. Failed the fitness test.
>Girl 3 just finished uni. Did ok on the fitness test.

I'm very bitter about it. Fuck Australia

Is this typical of other airlines or have you just experienced this from "Diversity Air"? Do you recommend freight or passenger flying? Mostly just curious. It's an interesting job field to me but one I won't obtain, driving is my top skill and I use it well. Racing is my dream and I have some what acquired it. Though a 200k+ annual gets my dick hard.

White commiefornian here, its definitely because your white. Try going to high armo locations like glendale.
Story time
>go into work tonight
>all coworkers are mexicans (security)
>short troll laughs about how janitors (also la creaturas) were joking how I woukd shoot up the place since In el blanco
>laugh and say I dont need to, ICE will do it for me
>mfw last week ICE raided one of the posts

I need to work out more and join ICE.

I’ll be honest and say right off that I don’t know that much about Australia politically. I know that Melbourne is the most liberal place there and it’s basically an Australian version of Portland/San Francisco from what I can tell. But I always figured the rest of the country was fairly right leaning.

Any white who’s ever filled out a job application or a university application has been discriminated against, because they were white.

If you ain unerstan thad suthern dialect n’doen efen try’n conversate’n Texas.

Yes but do you have T I G E R S?

not exterminating the serpent people was a mistake

>Be me
>Live in Commiefornia

You have definitely been discriminated against. I'm from NYC & I swear I havent felt real racism until I moved to the west coast. Fuck everybody out here.

You should all have to be on the subways together so you can suffer each others bullshit. Not to mention that tough guy shit aint working where you can drive away like pussy.


Yes. Since I was a teen, I've been bothered by older white women, and by girls and women about my age of varying backgrounds. While I didn't mind being approached by attractive white and Asian females, unwanted advances by morbidly obese spics, negresses, and lower whites with multiple chins has been pretty uncomfortable. I even brought this up to an HR rep at my last job and she actually just laughed. I assume this isn't out of the ordinary, but I can only assume it's at least partially because I'm white.

Several companies here just won't hire you if you're white. BBC is one of them. They're even trying to get rid of whites that worked their for years.

stop talking like a faggot

Adding on to what I posted: sexual harassment directed toward white men is overlooked completely in the workplace. At the same job I mentioned, an enormous Hispanic lady openly yelled that she wanted to get me drunk so "we can get it in" which she then senselesslu repeated 3 or 4 times. An older woman saw me pumping a pallet jack and told me very openly and again in front of others she'd like to watch me "do that to something else. You look good at it. I like watching." A fat girl flirted more subtly with me for weeks before running around telling her friends I fucked her (I didn't.) And there was a schizoid lady who basically just followed me around and would actively try to get me in trouble if I spoke to any women at all.

What are you talking about? Why should I have to deal with ugly muds and trailer trash hitting on me? If I wanted that I'd be a stripper not a warehouse worker.

schools telling everyone whites will be a minority
literal cops saying you cant be rasict to whites
turks pissed on our (everyones actually) bags at the airport because foriegner, also pointed an AK at my 7 year old selfs face

so nothing major

That's fucked up. I hope you guys rise up soon. There's always a lot of shit talking between flags on here, but I don't want any white nation to have to put up with that shit. Not even Canada.

i wouldn't say it really should be considered discrimination but a black guy called me white boy at work today and i couldn't help thinking what would have happened if the situation was reversed

If you can't tell, then no, you weren't discriminated against. Stop whining.

The moment blacks take over is when society grinds to a halt. They don’t work.

no i have not, because everyone around me is just like me, white. Isnt it obvious?

My gouvernment does it every day.
>be young unemployed local from Amsterdam
>read about new D66 plans
>special labour project to get young unemployed people a job
>whites are excluded by default, liberals in the city council ask why
>"there are more unemployed foreigners than there are unemployed locals just deal with it"
>first article of the Dutch Constitution dictating how it is forbidden for gouvernment to discriminate based on ethnicity, gender or sexual preference, utterly raped and demolished
>"Why do you oppose this, local? Racist much?"
I want them dead.

what city do you live in

Non-whites have no qualms about nepotism. Only non-jewish white cucks care about being fair.



i wanted to know where people act like that


People act like dumb animals most places.



in such a situation, you can't be meek and let them control it. Be braggadocios and pompous.

you said they wouldn't serve you, yet you say they brought you water.

So we need to foster our own brand of nepotism. Kikes took over our country in basically a few decades using simple, easy to replicate tactics.

I look white, think white, act white, feel white, and was even born with blonde hair and blue eyes, BUT I'm half hispanic so TECHNICALLY I'm NOT white.

When I worked cuck wageslave jobs they loved me. They got to check off their "diversity box" while getting a white worker who can actually function and doesn't scare off white customers.

All REAL businesses just want the hardest worker. They ONLY hire minorities and women to appease FedGov and possibly avoid liberal rage boycotts. If you have anything other than blond hair / blue yes I suggest saying you are hispanic. Many hispanics have VERY white skin, like Argentinians or some Cubans. You can also claim to be half hispanic to explain away your "whiteness". Also make it a point to get really upset and offended if they question your "ethnicity".

I got some great literature for you "lady".

lolno because I like in a 90%+ white country

Should have gone to Waffle House

You don't speak Spanish, which means you cannot serve most of California effectively.

I was listening to RKelly at work and some delivery nigga brought some package and gave me this look like hol up is that R Kelly? But youre white??

I was so triggered

There should really be reeducation camps for people like you.