The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization

The Maker Movement- a sign of de-civilization
The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outside
their profession- is a continuation of societal collapse.

Civilization exists because we rely on each other's specialization- we trade instead of steal.

Civilization only continues so long as we continue to depend on each other.

what's wrong with having productive hobbies that save money?

this is like saying it's wrong to change your own oil.

>The Make Movement- a movement where people use their free time to work outsidetheir profession-
Oy vey, goy, don't you go learning a skill for fun.
You must only learn what is required for your job, and must never be self sufficient

globalist piece of shit leaf

>save money by building shit...out of shit you buy

>spend your life doing a million things such that you'll never amount to anything special

this is still the stupidest thread ever.
there's nothing wrong with hobbies outside vidya and masturbatin.

what is it with leafs posting the same fucking thread every day?
are all of these the same leaf?

>bad goy! stop letting your mind flourish and enjoying creative pursuits! don't you know you have to be here at work extra early tomorrow to make me my shekels? p.s. you better stick around and work unpaid overtime today, or you're out the job!

Much of mankind's greatest minds made their most profound discoveries whilst pursuing their crafts and interests in their free time. There is nothing that terrifies the kike more than the white man breaking free of the physical, mental, and financial prison the Jew has put him in. Worst of all, he might lose out on some shekels!

Yes goy, you can make it yourself. But make sure to visit our (((hardware store made for amateurs))) first.

>learning mechanical skills and very basic electronics and entry level woodworking etc
>a bad thing

didn;t occur to you that people who start off making things may discover a talent or interest in some particular field be it electronics or cnc operation or 3d printing that later leads to specialization

didn't occur to you that specialists produce the things makers buy to make their things

didn't occur to you that making shit is 100x better then videogames or watching sports or 90% of the other things people do.

didn't occur to you that there's an unlimited range of shit that can be made that involve all kinds of mechanical skills people are now finding incentive to learn

civilization is: Order, Hierarchy, Power, Faith, Purpose.
stop fisting your dog and pick up some Carl Schmitt.
or. better yet.

I missed you retarded leaf
t. guy who fixes his own shit


I can't wait until I have a farm. not sure where. considering Idaho, Texas, New Hampshire, and Russia.

>Oy vey don't learn to fix your own house hire a team of contractors to do it for you.

>people use their free time to work outside

Either we haven't quite reached that point yet, or a lot of people just killed that concept already.

Most of these so-called 'makers' are just 3D printing random garbage they downloaded off of the internet. They get all excited about the possibilities and wind up just printing lightsabers to put on their desks at work.

The remainder are just dicking around with Arduinos or Raspberry Pis and fantasizing about being hardware designers. They make gay little LED light displays and download Tensorflow, then immediately abandon it when they realize that machine learning isn't something a single guy in his man cave can make great use of. So he goes back to dicking around in Ruby on Rails and repeatedly F5ing BoingBoing.

why this same vain, nonsense, empty, pointless, incorrect copypasta every day?

its a terribly weak and boring bait

a thread died for this

Oh shit it's the anti-maker leaf, off your meds again lad?

>the maker leaf

You've been doing this shit more than a year now.

You're perfecting some kind of bot, right?

What did you mean by these other threads?

You're pro-pedophilia and anti-making?

the world used to be filled with craftsman who fashioned good in a small workshop next to their home.
it's (((industrialization/factories/metropolises))) that are degenerate

Wait, actually it's pro-pedophilia, anti-making and pro-pegging.

This is an example of the twisted thinking that is widely held throughout Canada's leeching public sector: "to do more work is to take work away from someone else". This viewpoint is entirely wrong since if the other person has any level of competency than they will find something else to do, and if everyone does more than there is more economic activity and a higher per capita income. You're literally advocating dragging everyone down to the lowest common denominator. You are a good example of why socialism and state run organizations are doomed to fail and only survive as long as the capitalist system which supports them can handle the pressure.

>t. A faggy fucking city boy who wouldn't even know how to change his own tire


The only thing that is dismantled by the maker movement is government and corporate control over the populations.

You should try a little harder to not glow so brightly.

kek, the shill posted the wrong picture

What really happens in Canada is eastern Canada sits on its ass and BC and Alberta have to pay for them to do so

That's a completely different argument. Yes, buying shit in kits is expensive and Jewed up in price -- much more expensive than buying something manufactured by robots or chinks. What you're buying, though, is satisfaction of building something with your own hands, and knowledge of how it was made. Next time, you can try it without a kit and perhaps make some improvements to it. Maybe you'll come up with something better the world hasn't thought of. This is called innovation, and it is what drives civilization.

I know the kind of cringy liberal faggot you're talking about, but you go too far by associating anyone who has a hobby or wants to learn with them.
This describes them well, they get all these dev tools and just follow the instructions of others and never do anything original.
It's because they are all creatively bankrupt. They are a medium tier human.
Low tier are niggers. They can't learn.
Medium are these faggots, they can follow instructions but never really learn what they're doing, can't form ideas of their own and never make anything original.
High tier are people that actually learn the concepts behind something and understand them well enough to apply the concept to something new. They can come up with original ideas and solutions to problems.
t. arduino/raspberrypi/3dprinter/cncmachine fag

Why is this thread being created again and again? What is the agenda?

Why is it always a fucking leaf holy shit, next time use a meme flag for God's sake.

Third tier is me. Im currently working on a skookum as frig Plasma CNC rig Ive been designing for quite some time. Im hoping to eventually start a line of plasma tables, 5 axis milling machines, and 6 axis robotic arms. This vision started with me killing time and emulating makers on youtube, and eventually building myself up to some pretty serious projects like crafting bandsaws and steel casting facilities from scratch.

They really fear the impact this group of people is gonna have on society.

>Equal rights
>Gets a strap on just to stick up a guys ass because he lacks a vagina and you lack a penis

Fuck yes man, I ran a plasma table for 4 years at my old job. Running a large router right now for wood/composite cutting, I love it.
It's sad that whenever I hear "maker", I think of those people who buy preassembled kits at jacked up prices and follow braindead tutorials.
Everyone needs to start somewhere, sure, but that's as far as a lot of people go but they act like they're hot shit for it.

>>They really fear the impact this group of people is gonna have on society.
>being this deluded about one's impact
Makerism will be this generation's most embarrassing thing. Think of Vietnam for old boomers.

>I know the kind of cringy liberal faggot you're talking about

I'm against anyone who adopts two professions.

>imagination and problem solving
These people do best FOR THEMSELVES when they stay focused. This type of person becomes unique and indispensable. Dual focus people are monkies.

I only feel pity for you fellow leaf. Theres a change coming on the horizon, and the government you like cowering behind isnt going to be the one that emerges victorious.

>This is an example of the twisted thinking that is widely held throughout Canada's leeching public sector: "to do more work is to take work away from someone else".
I don't hold this view. But I will say that hobbies lower the amount of value one creates (total), and thus lowers the amount of work.

>people use their free time to work outside
>their profession
Sounds like typical peasant life. Specialized professions are a historical recent and brief phenomenon. For the vast majority of civilization, most people were generalists, not specialists. Not even during the early industrial revolution were people "specialized" the way you describe. Thus, if anything, this movement signifies the globalist plantation existence we'r evolving toward. What's even more ironic is that poorer blue collar whites pioneered the "maker" movement before it was called this: hobbyism is a modern blue collar white proccuptation. Makers are urbanite liberals trying to fetishize hobbyism in a uniquely soy fashion. The fact that you didn't recognize it as a cheap pantomime of more traditional skilled labor subculture is because you probably grew up in an urbanite shilib environment with no strong skilled male figures.

>watch out, makers will totally revolutionize the economy, and we'll be rich and you'll be poor!
No, sweetie. If, due to taxes and regulations, makers become successful, then the government will simply tax and regulate makers. Just making you hire women would be enough to sink you.

the leaf shill has been around forever

(((New experiences))) from doing it on your own.

>But I will say that hobbies lower the amount of value one creates (total), and thus lowers the amount of work.
So you think we should all work a single job, have a single skill and do nothing else with our lives? Never aspire to do anything greater, to learn, to build things greater?
We'd never evolve then. We'd almost be as bad as niggers.
How boring.

>implying that (((civilization))) is a good thing

AHAHAHAHAHAHA you understand jack shit when it comes to business, WOMAN.

Im not surprised though, as females literally have 40% less synaptic connections then men on average. They really are inferior.

Learning experiences and self-sufficiency is jewish now?
Are you from bizarro/pol/?

People who are more independent tend to have numerous skillsets. Farmers, ranchers, trappers, outdoorsmen -- all are known for having multiple tradeskills. People who tend to be independent tend to collect skillsets, not eschew them for a single skillset. That would make us all dependent on an elaborate centrally planned system.

>>So you think we should all work a single job, have a single skill and do nothing else with our lives? Never aspire to do anything greater, to learn, to build things greater?
>implying it's possible for a jack of all trades to earn more money than a specialist

>implying you can be a competent manager having only learned one job on a floor
NEET detected

>hobbyism is a modern blue collar white proccuptation. Makers are urbanite liberals trying to fetishize hobbyism in a uniquely soy fashion.
That's a pretty good way to put it. They want the 'cool points' that come with the hobby without actually learning anything.
Like how it's hip and cool to be a nerd now and play vidya.
Pretty sure I'm agreeing with you here then.
If money is all that matters to you, sure. That sounds like a boring life though with little joy and personal satisfaction.

>we are leafgion

>Producing outside of a single autistic specialization and being self-reliant is what is causing social collapse, goy. Spend more shekels, I don't loan you monetary units for free ya know!

Nobody is stealing from you just because they can do better at something in their spare time than what you can do after years of practice and training.

It's OK to admit you just suck at whatever it is you do. We're all anonymous here.

>Like how it's hip and cool to be a nerd now and play vidya.
This. Truth is, most things we now scorn were once pretty cool. Vapid urbanite lemmings wear these things out with their fetishism, turning decent things into cancer.

>Pretty sure I'm agreeing with you here then.
I was offering supporting examples to your point.

>Vapid urbanite lemmings wear these things out with their fetishism, turning decent things into cancer.
The part that bugs me is they will then ostracize members of the original group for not accepting their bullshit, effectively taking what was supposed to be an escape and kicking the original core group out. As they kick out the original group, they continue to play the professional victim game and complain about perceived or completely made up slights.
>The jew cries out as he strikes you
applies to them very well at this stage.

Has anyone else developed a serious disgust for these mass produced corporate logos, products and business's. Everytime I see a subway I wanna puke, bandshirts make me wanna knock out who ever the fuck is wearing them. Apple makes me wanna bomb entire cities out existence. The uniformity of it is fucking sickening.

>you should not never have pride in anything you do

Yeah goy, diversify your knowledge so you can keep watch on your underlings for me.
It's like you're not even trying to hide your honker.

> women dumb
>that's why they don't want me
T. Virgin

>evolve towards less efficiency

there is a subway on every block. it's all the same shit copy and pasted all over major cities/the country with the only difference being a backdrop.

Yes sitting in a cubicle doing data entry is really my specialized contribution to society

>implying that (((civilization))) is a good thing
At least you have a valid point. All the nosebergs in this thread are dedicated to making sure that none of us gain any skill with which we could be making demands in business/industry.

>everyone who doesnt agree with me is a virgin
>tfw the only thing I can center self worth around is sexuality
>tfw I base my entire existence and personality off a little flap of skin between my legs

>>spend your life doing a million things such that you'll never amount to anything special

Except that all the best and most special people spent their life doing a million things.

You're the idiot arguing against having multiple skills, thinking he fooled us by changing his ID.

>having sex is for rubes
T. Cuckadian

>You're the idiot arguing against having multiple skills, thinking he fooled us by changing his ID.
I'm on my phone, my IP changes when I lose service.

I see the irony of that statement isnt lost on you.

> my definition of best people are those who do many things
>see, I'm right by definition

>I see the irony of that statement isnt lost on you.
But sure what you're getting at. But I'm not a typical leaf, pic related.

Somehow you think thats insulting lmao. Get a grip buddy, or reach out and start talking to a councilor, If you choose the latter make sure you tell him exactly what you spend most of your day doing and show him some of your threads.

>stop being self reliant and trade sheckles goyim.

No, look at the geniuses of history.

Founding fathers, Newton, Da vinci... all the great geniuses who moved the world forward had varied skill sets and made contributions in multiple fields.

Having multiple proficiencies allows you to make connections that specialized people wouldn't make... and thus allows you to innovate new ideas.

Specialists are slaves for people who run business's.

Fuck you, OP. The Maker Movement is finally turning people away from planned obsolescence and over to repairing and taking care of their things.

We have had enough of the low testosterone bullshit society pushes. There is nothing wrong with learning another trade or picking up a hobby that involves physical labor.

>you're troubled, seek help
>you can trust me, I'm into provocative cartoon Asian girls

Also, (((thinking you're wrong, not society)))- just a chemical imbalance.

In regards to pic related. I cant believe that has actually happened.

>yes goy, spend your time making, not procreating
'Maker' is another word for 'virgin.'

I already have a wife (10 years and going strong) and a son (3 years old). I'm learning how to weld and fabricate in my spare time. I cannot see anything wrong with that.

>Divinci did it, therefore I should
There is at least a 100 IQ gap between you and him.

>blocks your path in dutch

You people are so predictably retarded in your responses. You're equivalent to a poorly programmed AI system.


Nope; the fact that you're insecure about your lack of intellect doesn't affect what I (or anyone else) should do.

We don't need everybody to be as prolific as newton... but maybe they can make smaller contributions. Your orthodoxy that everybody can only do one thing is destructive to society. Successful people have multiple skillsets.




You're here too bud.

>often posted, therefore no value

It's called a hobby, faggot. Go have fun.


oh look, theres one of his comrades. It always baffles me that they waste so much money attempting to shift Sup Forums culture, to literally no avail.

>assumes being called dumb
Divinci IQ estimates 220.
Guess 120 IQ is dumb now.

>best guide to life is to not do what anyone wants you to
>money is root of all evil
Nice counter culture you exist according to.

You really care about this. Every day for a year now?

Want to write an article arguing for it? I'll publish and promote it. Email is in the menu bar on this site.

>also, (((ai)))

You know you have an ID right?