Why does pol hate the gays?
Why does pol hate the gays?
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I just hate the flamers who feel burned by society and now want to destroy things that other people love.
Fair enough.
Because they spread stds, molest children, shut down Christian businesses, and demand marriage .
i don't hate gays, i tolerate them.
however, i dislike people that want to normalize the life style of gay people
and portray it as something to be proud of.
>spread stds
so do heterosexual people you fucking spastic
>molest children
[citation needed]
>shut down christian businesses
[citation needed]
>demand marriage
yes, they want to marry their partner. so?
Couldn't of said it better. So I hear by give you the Leaf of the year award
They are whores and lepers. The worst combination ever. I can respect the decent ones that want to improve society, but the LGBT cancer must be purged in the most violent way possible. Pushing acceptance of that shit is a trick that only works on dumb people such as libtards.
read Libido Dominandi
Because we act like freaks in a place where people would prefer we just chilled the fuck out. No one gives a shit who we're fucking - lets just stop telling everyone about all our rampant degeneracy and instead act like we're normal outside the bedroom - LIKE STRAIGHT COUPLES.
Instead, we have to throw it in everyones faces, and antagonize them.
because they love the same sex they are "whores and lepers"?
Oh come on, gays are totally into young males. Let's not pretend otherwise. Twink worship is literally boy worship.
We should just fucking admit it instead of demanding [citation needed] like redditors.
That's like saying all men are into young girls because they like porn stars dressing up as school girls and saying daddy.
>lol we don't need evidence just admit you're wrong
>Instead, we have to throw it in everyones faces, and antagonize them.
I refuse to believe you're not larping. No faggot is this sensible. But yea, you're totally and absolutely right.
No one would care at all what gays do or don't do if they simply shut the hell up about it.
They are. 99% OF MEN LIKE DAT YOUNG PUSSY. Can we just fucking admit it for once and move on!?
We're animals that want to breed, and biology demands the best most fertile mates: hence the young.
>13 dick related threads now
youre horny. youve been lied to. freud is an asshole. do you hear any anti gay arguments. theyre all fake and straight and a projection on their own original creation of all deaths and all sins. and all mother fucking God damned degeneracies and abominations. every time you see a clobber passage in bible youre seeing things written against PAGAN TEMPLE SHRINE HOOKERS. you cant be a fucken grabbems. the end
whatever the fuck you're on i want some of it right now
I don't hate gays. Most of them are unfortunates who were molested by older perverts when they were too young to know any better. I hate the people--typically those selfsame perverts, and our old friends the Jews--who try to tell them that their molestation was right and natural, and they should act like they're mentally ill.
Why is this thread posted on Sup Forums on a daily basis?
Because I want to hear other people's perspectives on homosexuality
No because some of us live in America which has much more strict laws than say, Germany.
>don't hate the Gays
>that the Politics of the Gays and especially the Heteros who worship them.
They should all be put on chain gangs until they lose the taste for social activism. Our bridges and roads need work.
Regular gays no chaingang.
They bait and switched
I was sold argyle sweater fags at thanks giving and I got tyrannies eating shit out of portapotties and grinding with 6 year old boys in ass less briefs.
4chin has a homo forum
go there and post your query
Look at the sexy bunghole.
Kiss it lick it.
When shit isn't coming out of it.
I feel sorry for them because they can't do their NATURAL eros love wihtout douching the disease laden shit out of their love holes.Oh and they need a bottle of lube too,because it's natural!
They consume other mens body parasites like eating eating out of a sewer.
They have gay bowel syndrome which makes their eyes look all goofy.
Douchie douchie fag
How To Anal Douche Properly!
The worst part about these sick fucks is they PUSH their acceptance on you even though they know people want to puke thinking about the vile activities they perform.Sex is about reproduction.
Sex isn't about having an orgasm in a shithole!
Thats Eros not love.
We don't even want to think abourt sick promiscuous faggots.But yet they're always shoving their sick shit in our face begging for acceptance because they know deep inside that what they are doing is wrong.The shit parasites they pick up with their multiple shit orgasms with anyone and everyone are basically getting their tingly feelings from essentiall shoving shit up their dirty asses.They know it's wrong but they BEG for validation so they can take us to hell for condoning their filthy disease spreading shit mania.If they step in dogshit they want it off their show they wash it off right away.But then they "make love" to another mans shithole and even eat shit because when they orgasm they connect the smell of shit to their orgasm.
I wish they would just kill themselves and quit begging for people to tell them their dirty shit deed is the same as reproduction.They do create reproduction of shit parasites and diseases we don't need in society HTH!
They think that it's now their turn to be the bullies and like the black community want to bully innocent people because of their sexual orientation and religious beliefs, fuck you cunt.
>go ask /lgbt/ why Sup Forums hates homosexuals
good idea
Because they are one of many subversive elements that have been allowed to spread in society and when combined with the other subversive elements will lead to the downfall of western (and possibly others) civilization.
>implying all gays are exactly like this and most aren't normal people
yes it is
honestly its because they won't suck my dick without saying its gay
its not i just want my dick massaged by a mouth
how is that gay? like you can really tell a female mouth from a male mouth
fucking faggots
>man loves other man
>subversive element that will be the downfall of western society
jesus fucking christ western society must be pretty fragile if a dude liking dick is going to help crumble it
They are the first gate towards a complete degenerate society. We gave them the right to marry and now it is getting out control. Throw them in jail
Because fags are degenerate.
Because you fucking degenerates are 1% of the population but all you do all day is hang around on the internet whining about faggoty bullshit.
None of you have a life, you're all suicidal, but you're also bipolar and constantly high and squealing about whatever gay bullshit you overly emotional freaks are currently worked up about.
Tldr faggots are irritating
- You're evolutionary dead ends
- Your existance leads to the push for the acceptance of ever more absurd sexual activities and identities
- Both of the above contribute to the decimation of the family unit
- The family unit is necessary to maintain our society since it provides social stability and when done right results in a growing population
- A growing or sustained population promotes economic growth and acts as a defense mechanism against the inevitable friction with other groups whose population is growing.
TL;DR You're a threat to our society. Individualism shall be constrained by the national interest, and gay sex is absolutely against the national interest.
>muh order of nature
>how dare these people defy the order of nature in the privacy of their own bedroom
agree. The gays that are doing it right, never even bring up the fact that they're gay.
Pride is one of the deadly sins.
Fags want to be validated and celebrated for being proud of their filthy sodomy .Doubly sinful
Triple sinful if you consider a haughty heart.YICH
Triple sinfulness because LUST (which is all they do) is a deadly sin.Go away faggits.Get back in the closet fagula.You make me ill.
We're a bunch of fucking talking monkeys on a giant cosmic rock that have 80 years to do whatever the fuck we want. Are you seriously concerned that 'gays are going to ruin society'?
Unless you're a christian...
>believing pride is a sin
and this is why wypipo are cucked
gay people have a much higher risk of std's than straight people
disgusting and evil sociopaths, none of them are honest people
large number of pedos and in general corrupters of women, they encourage slut behavior in heterosexuals
I didn't say the sole cause don't give yourself that much credit, I just said one of the subversive elements ONE OF many. But I'll humor you with an example.
>dude likes dicks
>dude wears dresses
>dude decides he's a lady now
>dude gets pissy when people don't call him a lady
>dude demands people who refuse to call him a lady be fined or imprisoned
>dude demands his brand of degeneracy be taught in schools
>suddenly millions of little dudes wearing dresses and make up and fucking dudes because gender is a social construct and muh oppression n shiit
>repeat ad infinitum
>people too afraid to speak out because prison time for "bigotry"
And basically the society becomes so weak it can not sustain itself and if it's lucky it gets conquered by a stronger society that reintroduces decency and values.
Because of the multitude of victim complexes. A VERY small minority of people would be up in arms in the scope of the rest of the population. That and the identity politics culture that came out of the recent faggotry. I'm pretty sure the Stonewall boys would call this generation a bunch of faggots.
>Now its not cool and to be gay, what do we do now?
>Let's dress in drag, and say that we have gender dysphoria
>Let's convince others looking for social currency to inject themselves with hormone inhibs and juice up on the opposite!
>Should we care that the harsh exposure to these hormones pallet swaps is healthy?
>Who cares, sex/gender is now a social construct!
44% of you do this. enjoy the yeast infection cancers and aids and periods
KYS faggot. Please.
You're sick in the head.
You are death with a stretched out asswhole.
nope. truvada. kills aids dead. except for "heteros". all fake. all freudian. you dont wear condoms. we can see gonorrhea. you expect boogers so you dont even worry about it. 75% of global aids cases went to you. because you made it in a lab
No, because they literally have sex with thousands of strangers in their shortened lives (half of them die by their thirties), and get tons of fucked up STDs and medical conditions from their insane sex antics (avg. five simultaneous STDs on a gay at a given time).
ok so the whole 'identity politics' thing is obviously a bunch of people being retards. i'm talking about some ordinary gay guy that prefers men, not some mentally ill drag queen.
muh prolapsed cheese labia
solid argument, i concede
You're nauseating proud shithole lover.
>women arent whores
objectively theyre far more diseased too
Because they fuck kids.
>No one would care at all what gays do or don't do if they simply shut the hell up about it.
>History? No, I've never looked into that. Why do you ask?
The history of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the history of weirdo heterosexuals forcing themselves into everyone else's hidden sex lives to figure out who to burn next. There is no reason for any LGBT person to believe a straight who says "to each his own, just keep it to yourself." As soon as they give that ground, the Inquisitors start pounding at the door.
pedo and hypocrite and perverted pointless inbred paid jew retard feminist
he's wrong
>fuck you stop doing what you want in the privacy of your own home it's disgusting
Do you know that straight men have been having anal sex with straight women for hundreds of thousands of years?
In fact, given the statistical disparity between straights and queers, where straights make up the overwhelming majority, the chances are good that more straights are engaging in anal intercourse today than homosexuals.
I am consistent in my beliefs and despise whores too.
But whores are not writing laws so that purposefully spreading deadly VIH is a misdemeanor while leaving a straw on a glass (which is done for hygienic reasons) gets jail time.
Gayness is degeneracy and the acceptance of degeneracy leads to more degeneracy.
Instead of being scared into the closet they have free reign, want more rights and caused the transgender bs.
>A man with an ax wound and make-up on is a woman
>Lets make hormone blockers and give them to kids
There is no scientific benefit to dick in butt
>le straight people do it
So they can cum inside and not have kids
Leviticus 20:13 King James Version (KJV)
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Sorry God but aids isn't effective enough.
Reprobates deserve hell
If you have not committed Sodomy it isn't to late for you. Change your ways and repent before it's too late. It's a death style not a life style.
Heres the fucking deal...sexuality is not a huge part of your identity its just your prference in who or how you fuck....sexuality is also not a damn political party...so keep it to yourself and be a respondible, hardworking, stand up guy/gal .
give me a reason to not hate them
Ok so transgender nonsense is pretty stupid, and I don't agree with anything about it, so that's not relevant.
>no scientific benefit to dick in butt
does there need to be scientific benefit to having sex?
>autistic bible quote
Sup Forums hates everything
>hating everything until someone provides a reason not to
god damn your life must be great
Decent people don't have to worry about that.You and your promiscuous dickie love DO
with your multiple LUST partners!
I used to tolerate gays.
I let them hang around a long time ago trying to be OPEN MINDED.
You sick fux cannot be trusted and all your "humor" is based on denigrating someone else.You're also violent amon each other.Beg me to accept your sick shit all you want beggar.But you still make me sick to think about you.Go stick a banna up your ass.I
Where I worked in a restaurant the sick fag we let prepare the huge beef roasts that required a hole cut in it and shove garlic in the hole...
Well the owner had to kick in the door because the fag wouldn't let him in.When he kicked down the door the fag was pulling his pants up.He got carried away thinking about the hole.He was fucking a dead piece of beef.
Who knows how many roasts he jizzed in.I'd BTFO ya in person .Get in your closet sicko
I fap to traps and genderbent shit all the time, I just hat flamboyant lgbtqwert+braaaap faggots that flaunt their fetishes in public
because they're fucking disease machines, they spread STD's almost single handedly, and they are the first line of societal degradation.
Die sicko
FPBP. I don't mind gays, in fact I'd say most of them are generally indistinguishable from hetero people. It's the flaming turbofags that are unbearable and need to be culled.
Nothing wrong with them really. Hell, one of the guys I go drinking with is gay, and usually calls me a faggot for shits and giggles. Those are the good ones: They don't give a shit, and are normal; the prancing, shouting, crying ones need to be gassed.
i have plenty of good reasons to hate them. it just sounds like you cant think of anything to convince me not to hate them
You can't marry a man. It's always been a thing between a man and a woman. If you want something like marriage then call it differently
australian faggot fuck of.
whoops, ment to reply to yours
>since I don't agree with it. It's not relevant.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
>autistic bible quote
I'm sorry your upbringing didn't include good values. I bet you worship a drink more than anything Spiritual. You watch Rick and morty over there you who I assume is a Nihilist?
Oh, definitely. I'm more wondering what's the reasoning behind the extremely far right "execute all fags" type people.
t. closet gay LARPing with Oz flag
>need bible to have good values
if you don't have god, where do your morals go?
good people can have morals without a book
You can't fucking change your gender. Men and women have different chromosomes. If you think that cutting your dick off makes you a woman then you're retarded. Glueing wings to my body doesn't make me a fucking bird.
I don't hate them but they need to accept that they are in the lower echelons of human life and need to stop trying to elevate themselves with everyone else
they are annoying to listen to and elevate themselves thinking they are better than everyone
they usually have retarded opinions and force them down your throat and dominate conversations with poor logic
they make everyone uncomfortable by always talking about sex
they think about sex pretty much all the time and it shows in their behavior and mannerisms
overall they are just disugsting and perverse and they are just really annoying and fuck kids
>privacy if own home
See gay people do that. Fagits on the other hand dont.
I don't pay any attention to fags.
You're the walking dead.You are the end of your genetic make up.Keep trying to reproduce in another mans shithole and die off. Hurry up loser!
It's the end of you. Thank God
I bet you're throwing a hissyfit because I don't condone your sick shit love .It was fags that brought Hitler to power you know...This is what happens when your kind of mental illness is accepted by society.You force others to exterminate your diseased behavior.
Sex capital of the world ,Berlin 1920''
Because a lot of them are leftists.
Some of them are like that, and they're the really fucking annoying ones. That's not because they're gay though, it's because they're fucking dickheads.
They live in a fantasy world where they are the ultimate judges and any slightly degenerate activity is punished harshly
Ironically, they probably participate in degenerate activities themselves, like getting drunk, being lazy, fapping, and of course shitposting on the asshole of the internet.
Get outta here with your shit love phony facts.
You are committing genetic suicide.You have been lied to.You are defective.
I would love to.....but I can't think of one reason!