Seattle user here, what is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Seattle?
Seattle user here, what is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Seattle?
faggots and asians
10/10 would go there again
God's country.
it's so gorgeous but quickly becoming Rainy version of LA, so many spics and gooks. Everywhere outside of Seattle and other cities is pretty based though, lot of country folk round these parts. We like to hunt and drive our trucks fuck yeah
It has a really unique climate. Very rare. Like a rainforest, rains all day, but mild all year round. As a mycologist this interests me because it is pretty much perfect mushroom growing weather.
lot of homeless, just blocks of tents downtown
odd how expensive cities end up like this
Its a shithole. Can't wait to move out.
Yes. I pick $$$ mushrooms a few times a year. Pounds of em.
you are homofaggots, eat shit.
Rains 8 months. Then it's too dry and fires are everywhere. 70% of all taxes go to nig and homeless programs.
Wish I bought a house in the 70s there, but wasnt born yet.
As a Seattle resident, I love it. That's why I moved here. But I'm not a Sup Forumsack.
Are you a Seattlefriend too? Word of advice, go out and enjoy our city, rather than wasting time around here.
then why are you here
Burn it to the ground.
fuck you faggots
spent all money on microbrews and got robbed before renting a bicycle
West Seattle is where it is at. I have lived here my whole life and it is nothing like the actual city, no fags, no homeless, nothing.
I live between seattle and tacoma. Its a godawful existence
I wanted to see if Sup Forums was shitposting about Putin's big nuclear extravaganza from earlier today.
No user, I own a car.
I like it all. Belltown here.
im not talking to you
so for some reason you know to instinctively go to Sup Forums, yes very believable
eat my dick niggers
Except all the jigs down in white center.
Federal Way? God damn that used to be a nice place 20 years ago until all the nigs and illegals moved in.
here's your (you)
now stfu and get out of here
I don't follow, but okay.
fuck you I am staying here.
dirtiest city ive ever been to
everything is expensive including sugar tax (shitty lib politicians laughing at you all while they rake in free money from it)
there is a giant statue of lenin in seattle, and your greatest cultural attraction is a fucking wall of chewed bubble gum. is there anything more to say?
>has a very unique climate
have you ever been to british columbia?
Neat city, but the stupid cost of living and people could be done without.
Way too many faggots and nigger lovers.
seattle is a shithole. the foothill communities along the cascades are great.
I've lived here for almost a decade after moving away from the deep south:
The vast majority of people act like TV characters (think Archer but not as funny). They don't listen, they don't truly experience life but just talk and respond, going from one exciting "scene" to the next, so they have something to brag about. It's truly a city of narcissists. Passive-aggressive narcissists.
Girls here are easy to hookup with though. There is no such thing as girlfriend or wife here. Every female is free game if they show interest and they have ZERO loyalty to their man. Just wear a condom (lot of STDs since girls here fuck bi and gay dudes too).
Food is alright, especially if you like seafood. If you're in IT or some tech field, you can make a killing and live like a king.
Work ethic doesn't exist here. No one values it. Expect service to be shit, wait times to be long, and buses not showing up on time frequently. If you're charismatic and funny, you can literally show up for work late everyday, do nothing and get away with it for at least 3-6 months. People don't fire you here, they cut hours and wait till you quit.
Everyone does "cocaine", which is really just meth with a sprinkle of coke left in it. Turns people into psychos out here.
Legal weed is nice but overpriced and "meh" quality. I got much better stuff when it was decriminalized (and I smoke a lot less weed than I used to). Decent gun laws and shall issue CCW make it okay for gun owners, just don't talk about them in public (big no no).
Very racist city (especially with the influx of chinese immigrants). It's one of those deals where everyone tries way too hard to be polite and you realize they are very visibly disturbed and nervous in the presence of minorities. I've heard "nigger" more times in this city than I did in a small southern town that had Klan rallies. It only really comes out if they are drinking and think they are in safe company.
tl;dr typical commie hellhole.
Filthy and full of homeless people. Plus terrible traffic.
I love Seattle.
Natural beauty, great food, good drink (microbreweries, wine, cocktails), awesome coffee, lots of gentrified neighborhoods, booming economy, generally safe.
Expensive as hell to live within 30 minutes of city, bad traffic, huge homeless problem, lots of bad left-wing policies, no good pizza or mexican food, lack of christians, seattle freeze (I'm fine with it because I'm introverted, but extroverts hate it.), slow drivers in the fast lane.
garbage fire. no matter how early i leave my apartment for work i always have to watch someone doing something stupid on the street before i've even had a coffee.
>you got the time brotha?
>"it's 8:07"
>uh okay cool bye dude
and the bar scene is wack as fuck. i went to a show last night at neumos and the bouncer kicked me and my wife out while we were out for a cigarette because she tripped on her shoelace. meanwhile there's teenagers walking in drinking vodka from plastic jugs and smoking dust out of a lightbulb
legal weed is pretty cool. but all these tech nerds and sensitives are going to drive me up a wall.
there is no fast lane. alll of I-5 is just "the lane".
Nuke Seattle and Oly and we'd good.
>They don't listen, they don't truly experience life but just talk and respond
>going from one exciting "scene" to the next
>If you're in IT or some tech field, you can make a killing and live like a king
This guy knows what's up. Very accurate.
Lived in WA 24 years, Seattle 2 of them.
You mean the great Satan?
Also is it just me or does 1/4 of all American posters to live in Washington.
At least we'll have a monorail train thing that will be fully built by lazy construction workers in like 25 years so thats nice.
I should add I can personally relate to all of these as well I have found these to be very true myself
fuck seattle driving.
everyone is defensive, nothing is efficient.
best bar:
i'll see you on funk night, user
Literally who
>funk night
Its getting too big for its own good.
More poverty is starting to hit the streets due to massive inflated prices. Also drug problems.
>TFW lived in king county but in the suburbs east side
>Its nothing like the city people yet we got lumped in with them all the time
has your nice little neighborhood been completely bought up by wingjong and pajeeta yet? if not consider yourself blessed.
Little china
Libtards everywhere
Stay on your side of the lake you fucker. We need to tear down 90 and 520 to keep the Jews on Mercer island and niggers in Seattle out of my Eastside. The only reason to go to Seattle is dicks burgers. It gets dark out early in Seattle and they all swarm your car at stoplights.
Capitol Hill used to be great until the faggot started claiming as their own with rainbow crosswalk and anti conservative bars
I’m surprised they just don’t install dildoes in the streets and glory holes in the bathrooms
lots of good hills to longboard on and it rains alot
I remember when I was in high school in Seattle that every school hated each other with a passion. Literally. I went to Seattle Prep and we had a rivalry with every catholic school in the area (O'Dea and Blanchet High were our arch rivals). Protip: NEVER WEAR A NATHAN HALE HODDIE AT GARFIELD. PERIOD.
staunched, humidity poz.
t.drunk spic chick in Santa Monica
>I fucking hate this life
>soyboys everywhere
white center poorfag here
sometimes I'll be the only white guy on the bus
>t.drunk spic chick in Santa Monica
why you on Sup Forums tho
>and I smoke a lot less weed than I used to
You are a degenerate
Most of this thread is pretty accurate honestly, born and raised Washington, 2 years in Seattle, it destroyed my soul and I needed to go live as a hermit in the woods for a few months for my psyche to recover.
Some of the worst traffic in the country, absurdly expensive, insane politicians, and the people are just insufferable honestly. I'm basically an ancom but these people are so pretentious and bourgeoisie and hypocritical. No sense of community, very career focused, fewest children of any city in America. They hate poor people and brown people and rural people even if they pay lip service. God help you if you don't also pay lip service. Babylon as far as I'm concerned. The rest of Washington hates them and is pretty different in the best way but we're full thank you.
Seattle is Relatively clean and safe though, most beautiful skyline on the west coast imo.
went to college for one year before it fucked my sanity. expensive, pretentious, loud.
its only redemption is valve and even that is failing us ever more daily.
a gayer san francisco with worse weather
The strippers let me touch their bootyholes
The whole metro area is insanely expensive now thanks to yuppie libtards and Chinese scum. A shitty rundown apartment will cost you about $1000.
Seattle alone has more cultural attractions than all of Canada put together. You guys are fucking irrelevant and shitty.
The light rail is also pretty fucking great honestly and should be an inspiration and model for the rest of the country
it's like portland but with even bigger normies and less whites
driving there is painful
Been here for six years. I like guns, hunting fishing and skiing. I hate all the leftists detritus that lives in this city.
Moving to Snohmish County or Kent in May.
I went there on business about 6 years ago. The first person I met there was a transvestite at a laundromat. Complete poz.
>The homeless need to be eradicated by any means necessary
That's my only gripe as a native.
t. Oregonian