Trump wants to destroy our economy. If you are a non-amerifat Trump supporter are you the ultimate cuck?

Trump wants to destroy our economy. If you are a non-amerifat Trump supporter are you the ultimate cuck?

>A fucking leaf
>Talking about cucks

I have love for leaf people but leaf policies are fucking themselves in the ass

get fucked leaf
you had the opportunity to buy our milk and refused

This is true

>multilateral trade deals
fuck off tpp loving faggot

do you want your milk to be put in bags?

>literally taken from r/neoliberal
such a fucking leaf.
you have to go back.

in garbage bags. leaf milk is shady already but i would trust american quality even less

Plox annex.
Thank you.

Excuse me for not wanting tits.

What sane leaf doesn't want to destroy our economy? Trump is doing us a favour.

You sound like a boomer capitalist, OP. I guess you believe that immigration is necessary to improve our GDP, too, right? Go suck some CPC dick, faggot.

You deserve it for betraying and deporting that white SA family, God is on their side. Burn.

>Trump wants to destroy our economy.

You mean he wants to destroy the American economy. We'll be mostly fine. Americans are going to lose at least 100k jobs if he goes through with this before he caves in and repeals the tariffs.

When Bush tried this, Americans lost around 200k jobs, including 50k manufacturing jobs due to higher steel prices. When the EU threatened tariffs specifically targeting states that would impact Bush's re-election, he immediately repealed the tariffs, but the damage had already been done.
Remember when they put a huge tariff on our softwood lumber? We've actually seen high profit growth thanks to high demand, and the cost of the tariffs have been passed down to the American consumer. Arigato, Trump-san~

There is literally nowhere to go but up in Canada with Cuckdeau in power confirming Canada to be dead-meme within a dozen or so years. The only thing I can imagine being worse is the "Nuke Everything" touted by literal retards.

Bush tried and failed. Trump will fail even harder. Maybe it'll hurt China a bit since they're expecting shit to fall apart there, but in the end it is a meaningless 'i got your back' to people who vote straight Republican

Trump can simply threaten to leave NATO or even go further by removing troops from just one base in the EU to send a stronger signal. The EU will cave to us. Eat a dick shill.


prepare for all your industry to move to the US. Same for EU. All their big industry will be moving to US. Everyone can suck a big fat MAGA dick!

Depends why you support him. Genuinely not understanding that tariffs on allies will result in poorer allied economies is pleb tier. Understanding that a country's leader is obligated to serve the interests of his nation, and that you in his position would do the same, is patrician.

There's already 500% tariffs on Chinese steel. This is about addressing the secondary effects of Chinese dumping depressing worldwide steel prices.

do americans drink imported milk?

Tariffs only work when you have the skilled work force and capacity to replace the missing items. But unfortunately, we have a bunch of niggers and spics, so this trade war isn't going to work for shit when business owners refuse to hire the right people to do the work.

Trump's steel and aluminum tariff is pretty fucking retarded, especially when there is huge demand for these items in many industries in the US, especially the tech industry that is booming in the US. We don't have the capacity nor the capability to produce the amount required to meet this demand. Prices are going to sky rocket all over the place. It doesn't matter how many mills you want to reopen when the people we need aren't available to operate the equipment.

Tariffs without a plan doesn't work for shit. Unless he plans to have heavy subsidies in a smart way (Yeah right, it didn't work in the 70's, the mills all got lazy and a bunch of boomers got super rich to which we haven't been able to get rid of even today), this shit is bound to failure.

And since most US businesses operate by living off the back of someone, this shit isn't going to work out. One guy getting paid shit is supporting the whole company so top management can get big money.

You can use all the hypothetical arguments you like to defend this dumb policy. Yeah, Trump could technically just nuke any country that retaliates against these tariffs, but reality works a little differently. Trump is cutting off his nose to spite his face, except it will be hard-working Americans who suffer, not him.

we get taxed to shit and when we want to do the same to people doing it to us, we are the bad guys. gfys

>there is huge demand for these items
you just explained why this will work
dont forget to pay your taxes

because our milk is at a higher standard without hormones. if you want us to buy your milk you have to get on our level

go to maine or new hampshire and theres canadians buying all the milk in the stores
they're pakis too m8 this world is getting too weird

80% of our "allies" in NATO don't meet their defense expenditure requirements. Your fucking country doesn't even meet HALF the requirement.

Fuck them. Tariff them. If they whine, leave NATO and make them pay for their own defense. I'm sure anyone who complains will enjoy a 2% decrease in discretionary GDP in perpetuity.

>A Chinaman shills for the Chinese

That's a good thing for Canada though it let's more American companies in

It's not going to work. Our entire business world is circled around cheap steel and aluminum. Take away that and most of those businesses are going to leave. Demand for these items are going to drop when the prices are just too high and companies shut their doors (Did people forget the whole 70's and 80's thing already?). I will guarantee you that a vast majority of high tech manufacturers in the US will be out of the US after these tariffs hit.

And in today's connected world, there's no need to remain in the United States anymore. Manufacturer can move to Mexico or Canada and still have all the benefits. My business builds high tech goods and is 90% exported. These tariffs will just force my business into Canada. This isn't the 1950's anymore where moving equipment takes years. I can move my whole facility in a matter of a week, all half a million sqft.

China and India make American manufacturing inefficient anyway, none of those countries are going to get tariffs. Service industries make much more money, America doesn't need manufacturing anymore.

The day of the rake has come.

I'm glad you support slave wage labour and shit build quality my good leaf. Pure materialism is the only way to live.

If these tariff morons had it their way, they'd want to bring textile mills back so my t-shirt would cost $1000, because "muh jobs".

Instead of thinking of innovative ways to counter foreign manufacturing, they just bitch and moan.

We need to make annex Australia first to protecc them from Chink colonization but we'll get around to you eventually.

So how do you propose to defeat foreign manufacturing when it's so much cheaper due to having none of the working conditions of a first world standard?
I'm all for forcing China and India to give their slave labour force first world working conditions and sabotage their manufacturing as it will no longer be cheaper.

Putin basically said he was going to nuke Florida and Trump has been awfully quiet.

the funny thing is Trump know neo-liberals and globalist cucks will enter into bad deals to keep trade "open". Trump knows this and will always threaten tariffs to get better deals out of these vaginakin.

Technically, free trade / globalists faggots should just wait Trump out "and the market will sort itself out" but the globalists don't know the words slow and steady (they're at full pace or bust at this point). It'll be great to watch the TPP globalists bend over backwards to stop Trump with bettter deals.

Let's put it this way, China isn't doing well they're heavily over leverage, most of their investments are now foreign (people keeping their money away from the commie govt), they need America to survive NEED, Trump probably wants a final solution to NK so why not push on chinese imports. Feels good man.

Americans bitching about paying an extra $15 per ton. suck it up.

Not to compete with them on their level in the first place. There's a reason why high tech industry is booming in the US and that's because these foreign countries are unable too, due to inefficiencies, quality control problems and just total lack of technical people. It doesn't mean they won't be able to get to it, but certain things just can't be made cheaply, even if you do have a ton of people that will work for nothing. The US is at that point and Europe has been going way beyond that point already. Putting in these stupid tariffs will just put us back in the stone age instead of putting all of our focus on industries we're good at.

Take a good look at paper mills. The reason why China or Asian Pulp and Paper hasn't flooded the market is because paper is damn fucking expensive to make and requires technical people to keep up good quality. Not even Asian Kraft liner is flooding the market in the US. Even with Chinese subsidies, the mills have been able to remain competitive in the US and Europe due to easier logistics, better quality, better lead times and just better prices overall. APP has been trying to sell their shit kraft liner to me for boxes and almost everyone refuses it, because their shit has too much moisture in it, jamming up machines. When they try to improve the quality, their prices are no longer competitive.

I would indeed. Fuck your cheap goods at the expense of everyone else's livelihoods.

All the corp tech industry builds everything in the third world.

Only the military industrial complex would be affected and they have already been earmarked to use US steel.

Hell, Boeing is even opening plane plants in China too.

This is some more 4D chess, just to see what China will do.

wrong, you business world is circled by cheap gas, like it always has been. Cheap chinese steel and aluminium is a new phenomenom. The only problem is that most businesses now have a setup in regards to Chinese side steel traders/engineers. That's what is going to get stung, it serves them right for relying on chinks though.

Also, anything that can be outside of the US is already outside, there is no driving factor that hasn't already been pushed. Look towards automation to compete, stop crying over cheap chinese slave labor.

This image is what I will imagine when aussies laugh at us

slave mentality. A country's war capability is literally its manufacturing base, this truth hasn't changed in the last 100 years.

It's not a new phenomenon, it's been true since the 80's.

America had tariffs in the 80s too.

>closest allies
the fuck did they ever do for us?

Sorry, I don't drink estrogen infused pus.