Was this supposed to be intimidating? Cuz I just found it hilarious
Was this supposed to be intimidating? Cuz I just found it hilarious
>political demonstrations MUST be intimidation
You make this thread everyday, do you?
He looks like tech support. What a bunch of fucking nerds.
Geek Squad Uber Alles
Pretty sure these people were just convinced the system is becoming more and more rigged against them, and they wanted to show they won't fold while that happens
Third degree burns arent a force to be reckoned with
This is what happens when a bunch of losers and social outcasts take to the streets.
They're a bunch of basement dwelling white supremacists, tech support is too much of a compliment for losers like these
Intimidating enough for you to make a thread about it a year later.
was this thread supposed to be original? cuz i've seen it before
>basement dwelling white supremacists
We were having such a nice thread and you just had to come here and shill, didn't you?
looks like the kid that always got zeroed in on in dodgeball
It made the jews shit themselves regardless.
>angry white guys marching with torches shouting "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US" is just harmless protesting guise
You mad nazi?
>has torch rally
>niggers reeeeeeee
>run over land whale
Regular White people "doing something about it" even if it was misguided. Internet very good but ultimately everything will be decided on the streets not on the e-battlefield and the e-badasses.
I want to lift up his shirt and slap his belly until it's pink and then watch him throw up. Him and his dumb hat.
fawk yeah tsss what can't you see or sumptin tsss I fawkin buried you cocksucka
>First they ignore you
>Then they laugh at you
>Then they fight you
>Then you win
Hats do not have bellies, kill yourself.
The big issue is it's hard to be intimidated by a member in your tribe if he's in a relaxed/passive mood, this is a built in natural experience. Then there are far more intimidating former organizing rallies which you consciously or unconsciously recognize the danger, even your typical lefty can spot a dangerous criminal groid and avoid them for safety reasons.
>>Then you win
lol no you get btfo by allies
>saying you wont be forcibly replaced is a threat now
interesting concept kike
It was the stupidest thing ever imagined.
It did literally nothing but tarnish the Alt Right forever.
Yes, it was. The message was, and is, loud and clear: we are sick to death of you fucking shitskins and we WILL get rid of you, one way or another...
>3 world empires
>Tens of millions of lives
>Trillions in funding
>All to smash one tiny country smaller than california
It's kind of like the US winning in Vietnam because there is McDonalds there today. The Germans may have failed, but the man man marches on.
The Jew strikes out as he strikes you.
Anyways, this thread is full of shills..
>Tarnish the alt-right
Are you implying white males could have protested in some fashion that wouldn't have the media spin it and paint it as the most awful hitler nazi thing ever? How stupid are you.
>Tiki torches
This is why redpilled Europeans do everything in their power to distance themselves from the mutts. It's why the mutt meme even exists to begin with
fawk you cocksucka! I'll fawkin call Lamar to beat you up after he's done helping my muddah fix her floorboards you bucket of hemorrhoid juice
I'm a white nationalist but honestly I found this shit to be funny too. Brown khakis? White shirts?
Oh yea that's fucking intimidating.
This is not how you start a movement. The torches were fine. But these people looked like they worked at Best Buy.
It's also funny that Europeans are far more tolerable to fringe elements. They do tend to shut them up a little bit, but don't mess with their lives.
The tiki thing came from an old nazi germany rally.
>A bunch of regular people voicing their discontent
Name (1) thing you have done to preserve the white race.
Are you high? You go to jail here for being left-of-center
>Believing kike propaganda
This is why you will never break conditioning.
i hope you get a bloody nose and you bleed all over your shirt on your wedding day. i hope you get fawkin hit by a bus and you get fawkin paralyzed you fawkin cocksucka. i hope yah muddah doesn't clean out your colostomy bag and you stomach explodes because of poo you fawkin piece of gahbage
>Telling a random minority group that doesn't actually control the government that white people will not bow to their government control isn't at all threatening to members of said minority group
this man is a shill
his grandmother is a lampshade
his dad is a bar of soap
his sister is a candle
This is a shill thread BUT to be honest user, Unite the Right was a stupid event. All it did was get a ton of people in the alt right in jail/cause them to lose their jobs. Lots of websites got taken down too. It made the movement seem like it was 1.0 in the eyes of normies and it took a lot of the cunning out of the alt right's reputation.
The torch lit rally looked awesome though. They should have done their speeches at the night rally and gone home. The day time event was a clusterfuck.
>This is why you will never break conditioning.
You're right, I don't want to become a autistic neckbeard cringelord.
If I ever get married I am okay with getting a nosebleed, but I doubt I will ever find a wife. Oh well.
>MUH tiki torches
This is why you are getting replaced
When C-ville was still relevant, Scott Adams made a periscope about it and he said it was one of the scariest things he ever saw. He was completely serious. It was probably the torches moreso, but it really apparently did get some people scared.
Brown khakis and white shirts really was a mistake. Full blackshirts with real torches would have been better optics.
This comment lel, so incoherent.
>autistic neckbeard cringelord.
you're a shill
D&C shill.
political demonstrations don't have to be intimidating, but shouldn't be hilarious and i can't find any other words to describe angry men with tiki torches than "hilarious". Maybe "comic" comes to mind.
tsss oh well, what are you doin callin a well or sumptin tsss
I don't think it was supposed to be intimidating, supposedly meant to be moral boosting. What it was, was cringe though.
Why were they hilarious? Was it the poor wardrobe choice, not being peak physical shape, lacking militant behavior and then a fellow member of your race?
>angry men
For some reason lefties are scared of this.
I could have made a better rally myself. This did not persuade me to be a nat soc. Just hand me a microphone after a few drinks and I can come up with something better than this garbage. The greatest story never told on a loud speaker and low doses of amphetamine offered freely amongst the audience would have been so much more effective. Maybe even invite someone like Yuri Bezmenov to talk about what Marxism did to his country. Bunch of rookies.
>optics don't matter
I'll say it before as I'll say it again, Richard Spencer is a plant who wants to crash the tiki torch market by associating it with white nationalism.
There will be a new brand of torches created by Spencer's cousin in 2 years that will replace tiki torches.
Screencap this post.
Yet here you are. Doing nothing.
No idea what this dumb shit is but you're a retarded mongol.
no it was a peaceful demonstration you kike
Optics are your enemy's rules.
why tiki torches?
you can just use a wooden dowel, an old sock, some wire and rubbing alcohol
and then you would have an actual torch for cheaper
The general public is not your enemy, unless you want a dead movement. General public doesn't like shitty looking nazis running through the streets. That is bad.
tsss why are lefties so scared, is it because they are right hand batters tsss
The general public will never be swayed to action you retard. Hitler took power with some 60k people. Mussolini with 30k. The general public will follow whomever displays authority and power.
This is so basic I'm honestly stunned by how stupid your post is
>not being peak physical shape
no, just not fat.
no, cringe.
immediate association to torches was kkk, you'd have be completely stupid not to know this obvious conclusion, just like the bs salute business. deliberate sabotage.
making retarded faces like this were also supreme cringe.
Trying to match up general claimed intent of "alt right" to make Whites become group aware, move to defending Whties as a group, this spectacle achieves the opposite of drawing people in.
it was supposed to look stupid to discourage and demoralize.
of course, if there is 99 great pics representing white conservatives and 1 bad pic, thr (((media))) and global elites are gonna pick the one bad shot.
tsss how can it be shitty lookin with nazis tsss
The general public follows the one that's left standing.
You're the kike here if you think optics don't matter.
If you want people to be ''eh that alt-right is pretty cool guy'' you need to care how it looks. Nobody wants to associate with dorky looking losers. Good-looking people and good looks make the message more attractive.
The reason I don't associate myself with any modern movements is exactly that they do great work at representing themselves as idiots.
Home Depot employees march for higher wages and longer lunch breaks.
>Continually tries to D&C
>Continually tries to force others to follow enemies rules
>n-n-no you're the kike
Fuck off you obvious JIDF proxy
>hahahaha working class people right goys
how's it going schlomo, enjoying Sup Forums?
I promise I'm doing a lot, just shooting the shit right now. I'm not even nat soc because I don't know how it is in your country, but here you don't even want to be affiliated with nat soc sympathizers. Nazism is kryptonite to normies in the US because peoples family members died fighting it. The future is not Nazism but race realism which is based on science not emotion.
A bunch of fatass, smelly nazis who live with mom aren't going to be left standing, unless mom is there supporting them with the credit card.
>Nobody wants to associate with dorky looking losers. Good-looking people and good looks make the message more attractive.
I fucking hate you shills so much.
(1) The media would have found the attractive people to put forward. Unless you're implying every single demonstrator must be a super-male?
(2) You're a fucking retard. Pic related. Schlomo.
>National Socialism is based on emotion
Jesus christ. The jew really has done a number on your country
How old are? You're at least 50 with those insults. Probably a woman too.
>white supremacists
Oy vey goys ... I mean guys.
Where have I D&C:d? What are these ''enemy rules'' and why is looking not like a fucking dork ''enemy rules''?
not the ideology but how people feel towards something. Normies become emotional to Nazis as you have probably seen if you're following US news but they LOOOOOOOOVE science, and nothing is more true and stronger than science. Not even emotions. That's the argument I keep hearing anyways. Science is king. See what I mean? No jew here bud.
This is like bullying school shooters. Not a good idea; but everyone still does it.
The whole point of it was to show that the "dorks" are half a step away from burning crosses and lynching*. But the nigs and their handlers still poke the bear.
*Assuming Spencer and the other kike organizers aren't cia
Ok. Goy. Let me explain one final time
Nazis == NSDAP == National Socialist GERMAN "GERMAN" (GERMAN) Workers party
National Socialist = Form of Policy
Something about your post makes me sick. You are such a faggot.
Maybe they carry the torches so no one notices they glow in the dark
Spencer is rogue CIA. He loves the attention more than whatever his mission was.
call him a shill but his post you're responding to is spot on, even if he was an actual shill.
You are correct about that. I wish you could see how similar we are. Hearts and minds user.
Nope. This was kike controlled opposition and a false flag.
Stop talking common sense, these people are retards.
even the black man wants the right side to win , get rekt faggot
Americans can’t get stuff right post-JFK. Dustbin of history and genetic cesspool. Europe is more serious.
what a stud
I thought white men were rapists, how are they still virgins?
I wonder how much money the (((shills))) are paid here
How much does your mom weight?
Fat wierdos in slacks and polo shirts. Niggers are shaking from fear, I am sure.