What is wrong with Africa?
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Maybe it was a nigger version of Dr Frankenstein
>what is wrong with Africa?
egypt destroyed that land.
mix ups like this happen at even western hospitals, albeit rarely
Blacks live there
Ive heard a race realism theory that goes something like depending on your genetics you will naturally go towards Eurocentric Afrocentric, Asiatic, etc. forms of thinking and you will be naturally biased towards all other ways of thinking because that archetype is best representative of the way your mind works. Africans might be just as likely to be perplexed by the fact we don't live together with our extended family of cousins and relatives all in the same house.
He was referring to kangz
Makes no difference. There are no grey matter in either head.
Were they checking inside for gold?
I think he's just trying to play along user.
UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.
> even nigger doctors think all niggers look alike
It's full of fucking retarded and violent niggers
>pic related
>ctrl+f "niggers"
>4 results from 10 replies
rather disappointing, Sup Forums
Top kek
Stuff like this happens in the west all the time
>what is wrong with Africa?
It's a place made up of the other 44%, and only the other 44%.
>Stuff like this happens in the west all the time
By affirmative action niggers I bet
Yep I remember reading about a case where they removed the right kidney of a cancer patient instead of the failing, cancer ridden left kidney, essentially condemning the patient to death
>goes too accident and emergency hospital
>is surprised when doctors open the wrong skull by accident
Fucking niggers
this is fucked
Here is an old classic, be sure to read it. It's all you need to know of africa.
There's no point in trying to make them create a civilization. They have IQ's of 60 - 80. It's physically impossible to teach them to farm.
>Don't give food to africa
>Don't give weapons to africa
>Don't give them voting rights in a white civilization
The only thing niggers are good for are their rights to vote, and western politicians use this to the fullest. Wake up faggots.
At least Jewish doctors are competent.
>Jewish doctors are competent
Maybe at surgery, but I think over prescribing SSRIs, opiates doing false studies kinda negates that