After Trump finishes Cucking his Base & Loses in 2022

Are you mutts going to swing back to the Democrat cess pool???

I bet you are!! LOLOLOL
>Land of the Free?
Nar, land of the cucked mutts

New war for ISRAEL with Iran soon.
Get ready to send more of your sons to die for "freedom" kek

>inb4 its all 3D chess. Derp

At least learn what year the election is held you cunt.

meh, no matter the year the question is the same

when will mutss get off the cuck bus, and tear down your (((establishment)))

>swing back to the Democrat cess pool
why would we ever go to reddit?

You bring shame to your shitposting mates.

Look he didn’t build the wall didn’t stop the wars, passed gun control, BUT AT LEAST HES NOT HILLARY

> Loses in 2022
Holy fucking shit liberals are retard tier.

I honestly think it would be best to hand things over to the Democrats so they can finally lead this country to ruin and we can finally have that much-needed balkanization.

America is doomed regardless. Trump or Hillary America is late stage Rome before the split. Northeast must split from the USA and become the new Byzantium.

A Vote for Hillary would have said to Elites,
>"It doesnt matter how currupt and evil your candidate is, we will still vote for them"

mutts did good voting Trump.
Trump still fucked the mutts tho

How about NEXT TIME, NOT voting for either party. Fuck it, burn the whole (((establishment))) down

Memeing a third-party candidate into office would be legitimately amazing. It would honestly top voting in a guy like Trump. Sometimes I don't think foreigners appreciate just how unrealistic most people consider a third party candidate actually winning an election here is; even the people who would otherwise vote for one avoid doing so for fear of "wasting their vote". If we could prove that it is in fact possible...

Would need INTENSE memeing of the track record of both sides. Constant betrayal and failure.

Jessie venture got in as interdependent governor. Perhaps there are lesson that can be learned from his strategy.

Honestly do we even need the government though??
NOT for day to day life.
Governments Collect Tax (by force), make & enforce regulations & Declare Wars.
We dont need them

I know that quite a few people consider Trump to effectively be an independent who simply ran on the GOP ticket for the sake of having a realistic shot at winning. He actually did run as a third party back in 2000, but that obviously ended poorly for him. Still, that little seed of doubt regarding the status quo may have been planted.

>Sometimes I don't think foreigners appreciate just how unrealistic most people consider a third party candidate actually winning an election here is

When I first looked at a typical euro election they had like 10 parties or some shit with a good handful of votes to split up evenly. It looked weird as fuck as an America who only know the two party system of Rs and Ds

more than likely.
judging by what i've seen just on Sup Forums very recently, it's as if there's no actual loyalty to the constitution or the people who uphold it.
just a bunch of flip flopping faggots. nothing more.

Thinking deeper on this,
Its OBVIOUS (((WHO))) the primary Enemy of the people is.
The (((MEDIA)))

We cant get in good people, because (((THEY))) litterally own all the networks, and shill their candidate. The Average mutt gets manipulated again...

Our focus perhaps should be fixing this (((problem)))

American cunt here. Didn't vote for (((Trump))) - I see right through the bullshit.

President Cuck sold out, he is coming for your guns.

Don't get all Stefan Molymeme on us bro. Yes we need a fucking Government retard.


>the one in the room is the edited version

It would have been too good to be true.

Trump delivers

Under budget

Ahead of schedule

And pushes the window farther right

>3D chess
>as opposed to other, more realistic dimensions of chess

Then the next best selling brand

>trump isn't as right wing as people wanted
>"let's vote in a left wing president"
think before you shitpost

>think before you shitpost

Fuck I didn't check the flag

more like pic related

I plan to go to war and kill tyrants

>It's another episode of Sup Forums is one person

When did shills realize they can just spam the board with threads and then point to those threads to make claims? It's almost like the exact same fucking strategy the MSM uses with public perception.

Funny, that.

The ONLY time ive needed to interact with my government is to comply with their bureaucratic bullshit.

I dont need them to shop, work, relax.
>b..but muh roads
cos local communities couldnt organize to fix their own roads
Oh wait, local councils already do that
why we need federal Gov again?
>cos criminals
local elected sheriff, private security, 2nd amendment, courts.
Nope still dont need Fed Gov.

The Ultimate Question is THIS:
>Does Federal Gov make our lives Better? Or Worse?

Nice pic.
Your statement is retarded though

Please do.

All the other faggots just shoot innocent civilians.. fucking MKultra false flag faggots