Why don't leftist realize they fundamentally agree all the evil forces they think they're against?
Wall Street Occupied YOU
You'd have to think about it
>implying leftist thinks
that's where you fucked up OP
their main concerns are faggotry and white genocide.
They are mentally ill.
Occupy Wall Street was deliberately subverted with identity politics by the globalists to get people to ignore class identity and focus on race/sex/gender identity. Don't you think it's weird that all the SJW identity politics shit really kicked in to high gear just as Occupy was coming to an end?
underage confirmed, cultural marxism has been attacking the west since at least the 60s. OWS was co-opted from the beginning
Republitards think the onion is real
I know it's been around much longer. There was the whole PC debates in the late 80's early 90's. But you didn't notice an uptick in SJW bullshit around 2011/2012 just as OWS was making noise?
your mom thinks my butthole is real
Violence does not imply competence or strength, an infant can be violent and still not cause any significant physical damage.
Surprisingly astute from the Onion. It must be satire since no leftist would ever have this level of introspection.
Herrr durrrrr that's funny what you did there
Living in his head rent-free!
UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.
Both half right and half wrong. OWS technically started with libertarians who thought the tea party was coopted. OWS was coopted very quickly by SJWs though.
Leftypol thinks the Onion is funny because it gets things wrong.
The whole idea was retarded from the start because all the people there pretesting benefit from Wall Street. You wanna see real income inequality then look at the fucking early 20th century. Those people at the turn of the century had real reasons to protest unlike today
>"check out the news"
>posts twitter
Leftists are weak cucks who need safe spaces, so they resort to violent domestic terrorism
>russian hacker
some communication they don't control
They were protesting against capitalism with an iPhone in one hand and Starbucks coffee in the other.
like, we know capitalism is bad but its impossible not to have things, everyone has an iPhone and can get a starbucks like that doesn't mean capitalism isn't evil
no it just means your a fucking loser bro
according to the bourgeois cultural hegemony, but otherwise no, no human being is a loser