so now that trump betrayed us and is taking our guns, who do we have left to support? he was my last hope...
So now that trump betrayed us and is taking our guns, who do we have left to support? he was my last hope
stfu & post more
Thanks for your concern. Come back when it actually happens and he signs a gun control bill that makes it through congress.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
Holy shit, not even Obummer was this retarded about guns. At least he's winning over leftists this way now.
Unless you are a fucking retarded criminal and/or under the age of 21, please off yourself. And that's only if anything comes of it, but it probably won't because everything about this looks like a powerplay that you fuckwits immediately panicked over. A stark contrast to other shit he's done where people go out of their way to defend shit.
I swear sometimes people like this make me want to support a gun-ban just to watch idiots "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" from how vulnerable they make themselves to obvious bait, such as this thread we've had for the 300th time since his random comment.
That's probably exactly the point. Appeal to leftists with something that will likely never happen, and then they will be more lenient with him in the future, maybe even support him if the DNC continues its downwards self-dicking contest.
That's the best part. He can say he's for it, but it'll never get to him.
He was never my hope. I saw through the bullshit. Backed by Jews, supports Jews... He is the literal poster boy of capitalism. What the fuck did you dumb niggers expect when you voted for him???
Not having Shillary in office because she would've been 100x worse than he is?
I mean, it's pretty simple. Just don't be mentally ill and you're fine.
Do you want to talk about it bud? If you're hearing voices in your head, maybe you should let it out on this anonymous message board?
post benis or shut the fuck up you blatant shill
Didn't they just take assault rifles off kids that aren't even old enough to buy beer? Just buy a pistol if you're 17yo, american tier stupid and plan on killing your classmates.
gun bill is shelved. keep up with current events.
UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.
cant buy a pistol until 21, you can buy rifles and shotguns at 18 though
Trump say a lot of things
Let me be perfectly clear, shill - nobody is taking my guns. They might try, but fuck it if I'm going out quietly.
Hey there fellow Trump supporters. Now I realise Drumpf is bad. He is controlled by Jews. Let's all vote Democrat in the next election.
I see your supervisors havent briefed you on the latest news regarding the gun ban yet. Here. Just to let you know they already told the democrats to fuck off and retracted all the offers they made since they werent willing to bend on anything. Im sure your mainstream media employers will tell you to start mass spamming thick black cock, and how can Sup Forums ever recover threads in your daily meetings tomorrow.
>who do we have left to support?
I think, it's quite obvious.
Are you, by chance from Texas?
I've noticed a suspicious number of Texans on other boards saying they're done with Trump after this (assuming they voted for him in the first place).
I knew Texans were stubborn, but I didn't know they were also this stupid.
All buckle and no belt, I guess
who is this?
what's her name?
>betrayed us
top zozzle
He's gay, will probably try and correct you
Just wait for the next election, goy. I promise, this time it will be different!
going to need some sauce
please tell me this is a girl (female).
its a girl
yeah, male, found the fag's twitter and some 8gag thread, goddamn it.
I fucking hate this decision, I don't want to wait till I am 21 to have a damn gun.