Sorority girl Rachel Bandman, 19, found dead and topless in her bedroom, after apparent drug overdose. Drug dealer is charged with intentionally killing the girl.
Sorority girl Rachel Bandman, 19, found dead and topless in her bedroom, after apparent drug overdose...
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Drug dealer charged with illegal distribution of oxycodone resulting in death. According to prosecutor, he "had every reason to believe that death would occur when he distributed the drug."
The 19 y/o USC sorority girl was found by her roommate, unresponsive with her breasts exposed. Drug dealer may also be charged with sexual assault.
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Probably killed by some rich Jew who wanted to rape her. Charging the drug dealer or boyfriend is usually the cover up
Fucking idiot if she was willingly abusing the drug to begin with.
rip titties
Good. Those weak enough to fall victim to drugs deserve to die, they will only hold us back when the unification wars come.
Once you go never come back!
Burn the coal ..... pay the toll!
We know the run of events
Yep, seems she was at least willing to try the drug. Not clear how often she used.
>ywn drug a stupid college slut and titty fuck her until she's a lifeless husk
What a waste of those titties.
Let's even give her the benefit of the doubt and assume her addiction started with a legal medical prescription. She should have immediately sought out help the moment she realized what was happening. Instead, she decided to feed her addiction, as if that ever ends well for anyone.
Link her insta?
>drug addict dies from overdose
>b-but she is attractive, therefore, innocent!
another useless roastie ended by her own choices
Dumb bitch probably took a Xanax and didn’t tell anyone.
Make no mistake, when people say we need to end the drug war, they mean they want to do this to your children.
You'd think the drug dealer would be charged with dealing drugs
Dream college desu. That or Stanford.
>assume her addiction started with a legal medical prescription
True, she probably had back pain from carrying around them jugs.
You ever wonder when you will die?
What will be your final thoughts?
Who will miss you?
>You ever wonder when you will die?
No, but I'm pretty sure I won't be overdosing and getting fucked by a drug dealer when I do. lol
stupid roastie
>You ever wonder when you will die?
>What will be your final thoughts?
>Who will miss you?
Nobody will miss you. You'll be dead.
Nobody cares about this girl either other than she had some nice tatas. If she was ugly you'd soon move on to the next thread.
Ain't that the good damnwell truth.
Agreed, it does seem pretty convenient to charge the dealer with killing her.
Why would a dealer kill his customer? Unless he really wanted to rape her that bad.
Goddamn those are some sweet fucking tits.
Could have been happy at home, taking care of her first child while having a beautiful pregnant belly of her second child...the White Male by letting himself be deceived by The Jew has killed her.
UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.
>ywn put your dick b/w those tits
So, where are the nude pics? lol
>Nobody cares about this girl either other than she had some nice tatas.
Can't argue with that, but damn if they aren't some nice tatas.
Nyet! I mean, no.
How much you want to bet he sent the titties to his friends via text.
Oh for sure. That may have been how he was caught.
Prosecution exhibit a dope dealer titty pics from time of death.
He is gonna get double castration.
One less roastie.
A roastie suicide? Nothing unusual.
liberal shitholes with good football teams
Hot bitches too, at least at USC
Literally no one would give a shit about this story if she was fugly
what a waste of milkers
So that's how we make people care about the opioid epidemic - more hot girls need to o/d.
>take illegal, dangerous drugs because her pleasure is more important than responsibility
later bitch lmao
>drug user
dont give a shit
You realize the USC in this case is the University of South Carolina, right?
>t. Gamecock fan
What about the companies that make these pills? Are we going to charge them with murder also?
Moral of the story: Be careful who you share your pills with
Such a waste.
She was probably miserable and depressed, that's why she took the shit.
Science has proven that my sperm is the cure for her depression.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it there in time.
I get the feeling she's was a jewess so that's why there's a fuss and a prosecution, if she was white no one would give a fuck
Not in weimerica
>literally feminist level of mental gymnastics
Hot take of the month
what are you saying moron, was she jewish or not?
Maybe, she doesn't look jewish to me though. Looks more like a classic big titty southern girl. She was from South Carolina after all.
>...and topless
back pain
Tits or GTFO
What a waste. I don't want to sound like a leftist but this is clearly a cultural problem, as well as an individual. Most people are weak willed, sadly, and you can pressure them into doing stupid shit. Create a liberal environment, encourage people to 'experiment' and this will happen. Drug dealers should be killed, preferably by a bullet (not shitty lethal injection).
jfc, that flexibility... crazy stuff right there
Yes. And the doctors pushing them.
actual source pls
>Drug dealer is charged with intentionally killing the girl.
Will they start blaming Toyota or General Motors every time someone dies in a car crash too?
is this real
shame those milkies are now 6 feet deep and im not 6 inches deep nah mean
are those pics legit, user?
no. some amateur. can't remember the name
its not her, Shapiro sister is thicc and that girl is a sticc
Not even that big, sad indictment of society when people go mad over some roastie's C cup breasts
I'm sure trial cases have been brought. The drug companies' and doctors' defense is always that the drugs have legitimate purpose, and they could not have foreseen that they'd be abused.
What a humiliating end to a short life
They're fake. Fake tits fucking suck no matter how nice they look.
Better fake than none at all.
>found dead and topless
and how is this politics?
looks 29. already a roasty
Deport all drug users and kill all drug dealers.
i wanna see these fukin teds
roastiness has nothing to do with age
>What a humiliating end to a short life
Humiliating, yes. Her parents probably had no idea she used. Then suddenly, boom, she dies as a junkie with her tits out.
In reality, it's usually the other way around.
What a waste of tits.
Fuck man, it's really her. I can't believe she did that.
Typical whore who's willing to do anything to get a gig in Hollywood.
I bet Ben is sucking off gay Jewish producers in media too in order to be booked by CNN and Fox.
Agreed. Just think of all the porn she inevitably would have made.
found her insta
Something funny there Austria?
Gonna be a party this weekend at the morgue. Anyway, how weak is your system that you overdose on oxycodone? That's pathetic. I somehow doubt the "drug dealer" (nigger) molested her, that's incredibly bad for business, unless of course that's how she paid for the pills?
>dem stretch marks tho
And only 19, already a 3/10. Guessing she was burning coal.
me looking for my spaghet on the right
I love how every picture of this "beautiful" girl is just a picture of her with her big ol' D cup tiddies hanging out.
Youre a dipshit just a heads up
dont care
open season on women/white knights
the more public and violent the better
Think about it m8: how often does a fresh, externally undamaged corpse of a pretty teenager turn up? There are cellphones ringing up and down the country on the necrophile circuit. We know this happens, Sir Jimmy Saville was one, he'd acquire the keys to Leeds hospital morgue and fuck the recently deceased cancer kids. Not even joking, this fucking happened so much it was common gossip among hosptial staff paid to look the other way.
>I somehow doubt the "drug dealer" (nigger) molested her, that's incredibly bad for business, unless of course that's how she paid for the pills?
This could be true. I doubt this girl ever paid cash for anything. It also helps explain why she died with her tits out.
Holy shit tht first ep of most recent Sherlock season had something like that.