>aussies got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
honestly it seems like those lads are doing okay without their 2A tbqh
>aussies got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
honestly it seems like those lads are doing okay without their 2A tbqh
muslims raped my daughter
sorry sir that's hate speech
let's haul you off to prison for 10 years er I mean 10 days before you get shanked by your muslim inmate.
Why do people have to protect themselves against the politicians they elect themselves?
>brits get guns taken
>live in a literal surveillance state
>cant buy spoons without being 30 with a licence
>australia gets guns taken
>people urging them to accept refugees that they cant defend against
>abbos kidnap and eat people because they cant defend themselves
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
Yeah, they're just PAKISTAN now. And they go to jail for literally speaking out against TERRORISM.
>hold referendum to leave EU
>lol whatever
totally not tyrannical
>disarming your citizens
>not tyrannical
Can't defend against them? I still own two guns cunt and they're on my biceps HIIIIIIIYA
This litteraly never happens or is 1000x more uncomman than getting shot in the US
>No tyrannical government.
You can literally be arrested and sentenced to 4 years for shitposting.
>Abos steal them to use against invading african nigger horde
Brits live in a police state that values sand niggers more than their own people. They'd probably execute you for pulling a donncoon off your daughter.
>no tyrannical government yet
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean its not there dipshit.
Because in the US for example, there are over 2 million government employees, 99% of which are not voted for.
implying that taking your guns wasn't tyrannical
Ask China. their president just declared himself ruler for life.
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
user, I...
I guess when you have a culture of kissing royalty ass you don't even understand what freedom is. UK was tyrannical 200 years ago and its worse today.
Oz is an uninhabited shit hole where the stupid Aussie's just get drunk and beat the shit out of each other. Honestly, Aussie's are to stupid to have guns, so it's working out.
The UK is incomplete disaragband shambles because their govt just imported the entire 3rd world and guns would make no difference because British men are to much of a pussy to fight back anyways.
OP unironically btfo
>have police come to your house to arrest you because you hurt someone's feelings
Dont ever let them take your guns my burger friends we currently being overrun and its going to be nigh impossible to ever fight back
>no tyrannical government
wew lad.
>>brits got their guns taken
>>no tyrannical government yet
Why are americans so fucking terrified of their government that they have to keep it on an as-tight-as-possible leash 24/7/365?
>evil gubbmint hates the nation, never wants its best and never knows better than me
>wider than you Muhammad
>l-l-look at yuurop their governments are practically surveillance states!11!!!1!
>none of these countries have guns in there constutstion
>USA does
You do yank, don't thow away your freedom.
HEY OP, your ancestors are softly rotting in the ground, I dont see any significant complaints coming from them. Care to join them?
To be fair the brits desrve it because theyre horrible people. Went over there a decade ago and they were the rudest most pompous cunts ive ever had the misfortune of meeting. I feel sorry for the cunts that aint but they must be rarer than a chickens tooth
Now people just throw acid in each other's faces.
>>brits got their guns taken
>>no tyrannical government yet
Someone should make an acid gun so they can ban it
Not to mention the most surveilled nation on earth
Britain is a freedom hating shithole and has been for longer than I’ve been alive. At least I saw it briefly before 1997 mass immigration, when my hometown was 90% white (its now about 60% and that includes poles)
They never had anything as dank as the second amendment is. We'd be idiots to ever consider giving it up. It's literally worth more than my life or the hundreds of thousands of lives that it cost for us to have it. It's priceless and it's in the hearts and minds of Americans where it cannot be destroyed.
Then go suck Somali cock in one of those shit countries, FAGGOT.
you are ignorant or something
its what responsible people do. why let them do whatever the fuck they want?
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
>no tyrannical government yet
Did we hop timelines again?
Little short on the neurons after your wife's boyfriend beat you for looking him in the eyes, aincha sven?
America has a higher nonwhite population, but European countries are becoming nonwhite faster.
Nandemonai baka
>aussies got their guns taken
>no freedom of speech
>can be dragged through court if you say/write something deemed to be "offensive"
>brits got their guns taken
>no freedom of speech
>can be dragged through court if you say/write something deemed to be offensive
>america still hasguns
>america still has free speech
It's like you didn't even think before posting......
Europe is a shithole because they let their governments do whatever they want. I don't want our preschools teaching children they have no gender like in Sweden. I don't want bloated bureaucracies controlling everything I do.
I have no idea what you are talking about, the British government is almost ripe to be overthrown.
>fucking leaf
>be swede
>post meme related
>get arrested
I guess you could say he was...
Whites will be a minority in the US around 2040, possibly sooner.
Whites will not be a minority in Europe in 2050 even with a so called "high migration scenario".
Britain didn't need guns until the migrants came. I bet they're wishing for them now.
>obvious bait is obvious
>still tasty
>almost forgot to sage
There's a difference between "not criticizing/scrutinizing government" and "inciting literal armed rebellion through guerilla war if the government were to step out of line".
Remove "not", my bad.
>"not criticizing/scrutinizing government"
>>no tyrannical government yet
>Let me tell you about other countries despite never leaving the US
That's why Muslims and niggers live in tents on the street in the UK. Liberals aren't living in reality
Wait to see what I have cooked up. I'm going to singlehandedly reverse this whole thing and only pay a dollar per child per month. The US isn't as stupidthinking as you drunk we are.
>get punished for thought crimes because you have the audacity to suggest that maybe some people don't assimilate well into your culture
>almost 1984 levels of censorship
>government goons harass you publicly and privately for not having a 'TV licence'
>cameras everywhere
>not tyrannical
OP pls
a guy got put in prison for putting bacon outside of a mosque then killed himself while in prison
Does this take birth rates into consideration?
it is the threat of war that keep them inline to begin with. Government is supposed to represent the people, not control them. I'm sure this is a strange concept to people used to living under a king for the last 1000 years.
>>brits got their guns taken
>>no tyrannical government yet
You're trolling, right?
british hate speech laws are tyrannical; jail time for wrong think. OP is a baiting idiot
The UK is a special case.
I do agree that they have far too much government surveillance. But don't generalise all of Europe.
Also this only considers muslims, not other economic refugees.
Holy reddit
Both our continents are shit, embrace the cultural enrichment you faggots
>more rapefugees good goy
fuck you man puns are cool
Yes, it does. Check the original source for details.
>Between mid-2010 and mid-2016, the number of Muslims in Europe grew considerably through natural increase alone – that is, estimated births outnumbered deaths among Muslims by more than 2.9 million over that period.
Because they've all pussied out. No balls, they've
Learned to suck the cock of authority and like it.
If you define tyranny by gulags,then there is no tyranny. Becoming tyranny is a process. They take your guns so you won't hurt others, they take your freedoms so you won't hurt yourself, they tell you to love government because it takes care of you, they tell you who is good, who is bad. In western countries now evrything is controlled by government, regulations, permissions, and thing like that. Guns is what differs usa from eu, if they take them it's over.
Your picture may be accurate but just wait and see what kind of mutt breed we're coming out with next. With the survival of the fittest scenario we have going on now in the US where our white people are forced to become betas, turn gay, commit suicide, or become Ubermensch, it's only a matter of time before we crank out our next batch of hard asses. It's gonna knock your socks off. It's going to make those madmen at the boston tea party look like a bunch of wankers whistling yankee doodle went to town bucko.
I guess I lost my right to bear arms
No worries, only talking about the ridiculousness of the UK here. The rest of Europe has their own problems with government overstep. But that's a discussion for another thread.
The number of non-muslim+non-white people migrating to Europe is negligible.
The combination of non-white and non-muslim, if that wasn't clear.
>get thrown in jail for shitposting
>no tyrannical government
You're fucking retarded.
>What are laws against baseball bats/knives
>what are laws requiring 16 years age to buy eggs
>What are draconian internet laws
>What are laws against islamaphobia?
>What is Sage?
You have to go back
The arrest of Le Pen was mainly based on her profound disrespect to the families of the people depicted in the videos by retweeting their gruesome deaths.
Not because we can't shitpost on twitter in Europe.
>brits got their guns taken
>no tyrannical government yet
What the fuck else should we do? Take it in the ass like every other dump country? "Fuck the government" is pretty much the foundation of this country.
>arrested for "disrespect"
>not tyranny
Oh goy it was disrespect not lack of protection for freedom of speech! Disrespect has clearly defined borders that we won’t abuse to disrespect your free speech;)
Are you telling me that it you can post this picture on a Muslim's facebook page, call them a goatfucking dune coon who worships a literal pedophile, and not go to jail?
You're not gonna be taking it in the ass if you just started respecting and trusting your government more. There's a reason they were elected and not you: they know how to run a country and properly represent the people.
But both the UK and Australia are run by nanny state governments that regulate almost every aspect of a people's lives.
feels good to be a swedish hunter desu, i got a hagelbrakare two rifles and a glock for le pistol sport shooting. we have a lot of guns its just we are very tactful about it, we even used to have our military rifles at home before some retard shoot up a peep, probably a false flag, now that i think about it...
if you don't want a licensed gun just buy one from mohammad, 5-10k for a glock and 20k for an ak. success breeds jealousy
This is bait.
Hva faen, koster en AK 20k?