Are we still acting like Putin didn't threaten to nuke Florida and Trump didn't roll over to the Kremlin like he always...

Are we still acting like Putin didn't threaten to nuke Florida and Trump didn't roll over to the Kremlin like he always does?
How is the White House this cucked?

Other urls found in this thread:

I am in favor of nuking flonigra

kill yourself phoneposter

nuke florida where those jewbag school shooting media whores are

its hard for some people to accept theyre wrong, but I assume trumpchcks will start to wake up once trump starts enforcing laws on vidya games and guns

I wish a Russian fucking would

Should have made it with the nukes hitting Hollywood instead.


>Nuke Florida
Boomers and spics BTFO!!!! Do us that favor Putin.

>not understanding the implicit threat, that it would kill Trump in Mar-a-Lago.
>Allowing a foreign leader to threaten war and assassination with impunity while your leader is trying to ban violent video games
Burgers are sleepwalking

Tfw they won't just nuke California


Americans are so self-hating and anti-patriotic that they would rather a FOREIGN leader threaten nuclear holocaust on them and than stand up and show some national fucking pride because "WOAH SPICS BTFO LIBS BTFO BASED PUTIN! xD"

Americans on this site are fucking coward scum and deserve to be nuke. I'll pray every night for the right of my life that God strikes them down.

Florida has more jews than NY. Nuke away, vlad. I dont care.

Why would Putin NOT want to nuke Florida?

UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.

>check out the news
Now when I check out this "news" will I see pictures of dead niggers? If not I do not care for the "news". I only like to see media that contains lots of dead niggers.

Do you like dead niggers?

This. Phone posters are the worst.

I just can't get enough dead niggers.

Dead niggers are best niggers you know.

Wow, rather than have so many nukes we couldn't intercept them all, Russians are cutting costs by making uninterceptable nukes.

I'm curious. I don't engage in this sort of tactic because I'm sort of a pussy afraid of having bad shit on my computer and it coming back and biting me in the ass in he future. But do you have anything going on in life that'd be not worth losing if some sort of, idk, discovery happened? Literally curious.

Go fuck yourself. Phoneposters are superior.

Read the article you posted. It says it’s grandstanding.
Every time Russia comes out with some super weapons, they are always animated. Last year it was some super tech submarine, animated. Nobody’s ever seen it. Just more dog and pony shows.

They should have simulated attack on Britain, why

should we make a nuke simulation for California and give it to Kremlin as gift from his favorite Mongolian throat singing website??

>But do you have anything going on in life that'd be not worth losing if some sort of, idk, discovery happened?
Having pictures from wikipedia and google images of dead niggers is not a crime. Only in leftist censorship circles do you have repercussions for having pics from wikipedia and google images on your computer. I encourage you to stay scared and intimidated by your own leftist agenda. Keep in mind we are more than aware of what your cucks find scary and use that to our advantage.

being this triggered over a simulation. if it was israel the nukes would already be in the air.

they did this before with the scorpio drone killing america soldiers and tanks in the simulation why on earth didn't obama chimped out over this...

Here is a nice burnt dead nigger for you.

ebin damage control

Humans are scum, and you're philosophically inept if you think you're exempt.

Fuck off Ahmed. You know how your government feels about you being on this site.

Don't get me started on the Brits.

Actually Putin's government reaction to (((US))) insolence is very contained.

I like Putin but would prefer Zhirinovsky. If a Kim Jong-un makes the Empire of Judeo-Femininity (USA) shit it's pants imagine a "Russian Kim Jong-un"

Fuck the JEWS and fuck the JEWNITED STATES!

Why should I care, I voted for Trump and he wants to ban my guns and video games, sounds like win for me, again I wish a Russian would

>Trump reveals MOSSAD operatives are running ISIS (duh everyone knows this)
>"No those brave chosen were just deep undercover trying to stop the big bad ISIS from bombing planes"
>"Trump just compromised our agents, this is like another shoah!"

I see through your lies Jew.

Blown up Brits.

>I'm not mad

>we can nuke any place on Earth in retaliation to anyone and nothing you have will stop it
Fucking imbeciles.

>Implying purging the state of everything south of the panhandle would be a bad thing.

there's literally nothing wrong with phone posting. welcome to 2018, grampas



I'm David Hogg. I told Vladimir that I'm not going back to school until he disarms and stops threatening Florida. It took threatening his entire economy, but clearly he like clearly took my gun control demands seriously. #NEVERAGAIN

That is truly beautiful...


Oh gosh my feelings!
More Americans died of diabetes this week than have been killed in the history of UK terrorism

It does a great job demoralizing British trust in their government and law enforcement. The Brit police are busy protecting Muhammad's army while it arrest Brits for mean tweets.

We can cause conflict in the UK anytime we wanted thanks to British self cucking.

Yes that's the right spirit but it needs to be more radical. Russia needs to be more like North Korea. Only 1 person can achieve this:

Isnt that a cutscene from starfox 64

Enjoy walking on eggshells around those 3rd world Muslim vagabonds you imported because you know your police can not protect you.

nobody takes the midget seriously
especially with these fantasies for internal consumption
he's approaching the Tyson zone fast

Schlomo is angry because Russia is not letting him rule the World.

What the Brits, Germans, and Swedes do not realize that our complaints about importing millions of 3rd world Muslim savages was not a Muh White Europe complaint but rather a complaint about how easy it will be to cause chaos now and in the future in those communities. Imagine a cartoon was enough to cause Muslim terrorist to gun down cartoonist in the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Imagine what we could do now that these leftist cucks have installed literally millions of these Muslims across Europe. War is coming... it is only a Fuck Allah Campaign away.

"Angela Merkel admits German NO-GO zones are 'a REALITY' "

Cry more soylib.

Does anyone seriously think Pic Related would protect them from a Muslim wearing a suicide vest? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA


Germany is just as bad as the UK.

Pic related for



oй oй, нaвaльнятa co шкoлы пpишли.

Brit police literally protect ISIS.

mfw I thought he was a tall well built guy
>turns out he's a manlet wearing heels


There are lots of pics of Brit police wearing women shoes.

The UK is our unofficial friend. If you care about yanks why don't you move there?

You fuckers have scared the life out of our political establishments both here in the US and the UK.

Fuck 'em nuke away.

A fucking damn shame.

Yes there are. They're a bunch of little faggots apparently

The cucks will find that diversity is not their strength but our greatest weapon against them.

Nuke the Kikes.

florida is where all the boomers go when they retire
putin is trying to save us

>asian gangs

The world is the problem, the atomic bomb is the answer.

This guy knows whats up.

What a bollocks are you prattling on about, geezer? The Russian elite lives in London, doesn't it? Why the fuck we would nuke our second home? The UK is our friend.

Holy fuck, how can Brits even compete. Literally a bunch of kikes.

I'd rather nuke anti-Semitic plebs than elite Jews and Russians in London and Geneva.

>What a bollocks are you prattling on about, geezer?
Have you not been watching the Western governments going ape shit for the past 2 years or so? You fucking elite hackers have apparently upended the worlds political establishments and "Intelligence Communities" with Hillary Clinton's emails. You fuckers are on track to becoming the new Nazis with how much the kikes in the media hate you.

I am just having a little fun with these cucked Brits but seriously... fuck the Brits.

Fuck off to Tel-Aviv like many of your co-ethnics in Russia did already. Putin The Democrat is not going to last forever Jew-boy and when that happens the Russian anti-Jew pressure vessel will lose it's safety valve and will explode.

basically this, but uk is not just a friend
russia is a british cryptocolony


Great YouTube channel


>Kills the highest per capital region of boomers

I'm from the US, but predominantly English in descent. I went to London about 8 or 9 years ago and was surprised to find I was more English than half the city. Also, if you see a fat person in London, don't make the mistake of assuming they are an American tourist; they might be Italian.






Frida was a slut and people are obsessed with her because every other woman painter is a literal who to these uncultured swines that put her on a pedestal.

Great question.

INB4 Muh Holocaust

Are we still acting like we need Florida? Which part? The Jew retirement communes or the cities with all the talented hip-hop artists?

oi, is that an assault spoon I'm seeing on your table?

Los reyes magos...