Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Aussätzige Edition


>News in german

>Full debate: What do we need ARD and ZDF for?

>#120db women's movement against migrant violence protest on a concert

>State propaganda
>Bundestag talking about Antifa blocking saturday's women's march

>English language analysis
>Turkish getting butthurt by Poggenburg (AfD) bant

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)
>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

Other urls found in this thread:ür-alle-das-ist-weltfremd.html

>mfw they are determined to make that whale their new führer


bump for illiterate hotel clerks sending booking rejections.

Never interupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Howzit go mates?
BÄTSCHI very true

Sup Forums teach me on Reconquista Germanica. I'm too old for Discord and shit like that but are they a force to be reckoned with?

Lmao, Altparteien making a joke out of themselves.

Discord groups rarely have much effect I guess.

Bundestag debates if german should be the Landsspache in germany.

No worries, he'll be back...


Was ist das für ein ekliger Schmierlappen, der gerade redet?
Bumping with Bundestagslink

They are way too less people to have any remarkable impact, they are 200 guys, it's a fucking joke.
Still the MSM is going bonkers on them, so they are helping the cause.

Dass man darüber überhaupt debattieren muss...

Wer hat denn überhaupt so dumme Ideen? Bestimmt die Grünen

AfD actually, as it never made its way into the GG because the notion of German being marginalized in Germany wasn't thought possible.

das ist die beste rede die ich je gehört habe von der AfD. Sie hat echt ein guten talent reden zu halten.

Trittin should just go away.

These 200 active guys last year were 200 isolated anons, some of them already active on Jewtube or Twatter.
Now they are concentrated in one place, sharing information, memes, motivating themselves, even meet up IRL.
Before there was nothing. Now there is SOMETING, and that's why the (((media))) is shitting their pants.

I said it before and say it again. We should stay what we are. The edgy meme squad with all the bells and whistles. They are an amplifier.

Getrennt marschieren, gemeinsam zuschlagen.

>Getrennt marschieren, gemeinsam zuschlagen.

Is the, dare I say it, /our girl/?ür-alle-das-ist-weltfremd.html

>„Offene Grenzen für alle“ ist weltfremd. Und wenn das Kernanliegen linker Politik ist, die Benachteiligten zu vertreten, dann ist die no-border-Position auch das Gegenteil von links. Alle Erfolge bei der Bändigung und Regulierung des Kapitalismus wurde innerhalb einzelner Staaten erkämpft, und Staaten haben Grenzen. Der BDI trommelt nicht ohne Grund seit Jahren für ein Einwanderungsgesetz

Sarah wants sympathy votes again. She's also prolly a trap. Look at her giant paws.

So was their discord shut down? Where can I find out more about them? Their Youtube channel is blocked in Germany.

but she's always held that stance on immigration, reason why she often clashed with her own party


She is still a racemixed commie whore



reminds me of Königer

this guy knows:

ob diese Fäden einfach für Taylor allein gemacht sind?

Got me

ich kanns verstehen, ich würde ebenso Fäden für Miriam machen wenn ichs könnte

Haha. Every single "young" CDU speaker looks like the usual KEK

Hey Guys,
has anyone ever thought about this


they have this big glass and beard. are these soy boys a hivemind communicating with telepathy?


RG related YT channels

ATM the recruitment is on ice.
New Server invites are only passed internally to fend off infiltrators (from the left as well as stupid RuStaG faggots).
Original Server has been shoah'd during the Böhmermann Tweet. Guess the GEZ fucker has had advanced information about the imminent shutdown-reporting. Since then RG has had several new instances.




Today at midnight is the deadline for the SPD Groko vote

I'm hoping for a no.


Digits confirm: Alles wird gut.

Hey, Swedeanon, I want you to know that I value your efforts.
Thanks, when things seem hopeless this small sign of solidarity gives me hope.


not an argument

Why is based Thilo still member of SPD? Does he merely want to trigger the Genossen?

We need to take care of each other, bruh.



>youtube channel is blocked

what isn't at this point i guess

Who else /NEET here
>comfy 850€ neetbux every month
>have enough freetime for hobbies
>use my dads new Audi A6 to drive everywhere despite having free ticket for the Ubahn (public transport is disgusting)
>lots of savings because Im smart with my finances and crypto
>enough time to prepare healthy meals
If you are going to work for sub 1200€ monthly you are an idiot and even the Ahmads on Sozialhilfe are smarter than you lol



Man, guys, I really have a few contemplations I would like to share and discuss with you here.

So, as things are going we are going to get replaced in Europe.
Yes, there are movements trying to counter it, but just look at the degree to which the people are still mindlessly promoting "tolerance" and the eternal Multicult.

It seems hopeless to be quite frank.

The only hopw that I see is genetic technologies.
The rich, who are majority European anyways will be able to afford to have altered kids.
We might come to see a new kind of humanity emerga altogether.
When given a choice, I am not sure if even Nogs wanted to still be Nogs.

But that's about it.

I and you will probably see war in Europe again in our lifetimes, and all that due to the doctrine of multiculturalism and a bunch of careless corporate whores that fancy calling themselves "politicians" and "representatives of the people".
Going into school everyday is blackpill after blackpill, hell, in a short Presentation today we came to the "conclusion", that reintroducing inner-European border controls would be contrary to "European values", whatever those are.
Probably being a mindless iddiot that puts economic welfare above all else, as that was about the only aregument that was really given.

Why should I even care about anything anymore?
It's fucking pointless, chances are we won't even make it off this dustball permanantely, and that due to retarded fights over resources and stupid fucking policies deigned for powerful individuals to keep profiting from a system that, as a whole is just holding us back, heck, it's holding humanity back.
I always thought it would be retarded to really oppose state-systems, but when one sees no hope it really is attractive to just say "fuck it".
Was this what drove Timothy McVeigh?
Or was he just a paranoid gun-nut?

>It seems hopeless to be quite frank.

War(civil/ ethnic war) is coming, there is no way around it.
Just make dealings.

>what isn't at this point i guess
Left wing propaganda

Well, the problem is that people like you can only ever be in the minority.
That's just how these solidarity-systems work.
Sadly the sub 1200,- workers are required.
Maybe we'll se UBI after automatization gets far enough, just barely enough to survive, what - did you think those that own the machines will let you into the ivory tower that you helped build, you're insane.

Chances are, taht your allowance will drastically decrease in your lifetime.
But in the end, I can't fault you for not wanting to do a positive contribution in a system that just wants to replace you anyways.
The only point of critique that I really have is that what you are doing is not really gonna solve anything.
You could do work, actually contributing to society while also fighting for change in this society.
But hey, that's just me, perhaps I'll go NEETmode after I'm done with Abi this year and Studium some time after.

Because he is over seventy years old and will never go into politics anyway, at least he said that, and remains in his old party because of half a century of history with it.

I sitll think it's a mistake, because I voted SPD once because of him and Buschkowski when the AfD was still the Luck muh Euro crap.

Fuck it, I'll go out fighting, even if my fighting just consists of shitpoosting on twitter and arming and preparing myself.

"It's all pointless"; that can be taken in two ways.

850€ netto ohne Mietkosten, Strom und Wasser?

Hey defeatist, the tide is turning if you didn't see it. Don't expect it to go well overnight, this takes time. And ffs don't buy into that propaganda. They want you to feel hopeless so you cease rebelling against them.

Also an elite class of native europeans who got rich while selling out their nation isn't what I'd consider a hope.

Yeah, it may be a resistance to the meds that is building up in me and causing a resurgence of depression.
What would you guys advise?
>Get into a balance via only lifestyle choices?
Also, this is one of my view too:I am simply not commited yet.
Perhaps the blackpilled mood would go away if we just actually *DID* something in here.
Even if it's just posting turkroach memes on the twitter of our beloved Kulturministerin.

hey kameraden!
just another day for our beloved (((press)))

bump! thanks for baking, swedebro or on jewtube search for hsm2k2 or phönix channel

what's best in life?

i'd really like to know how effective this kind of shilling is
apperrantly, welt seem convinced it is - or they genuinely triggered?

my nigga xD

well they have to be like this. in the past weeks they have upped a few anti-gov articles. not very much but enough for normies to recognize. now they need to shift back to "propaganda-mode" so they dont scare away their customers


nah only a fool wouldnt recognize these lousy attempts
i can imagine how the daily editorial conference looks like
>"malte you handle the AFD in the bundestag today"
>"got it"
>"sören can you do something to further exploit them?"
>"should i write a comment?"
>"yeah that sounds alright! someone needs to handle alice weidel today....euuuuhm...what about you?"
>"yeah i can handle that! should i adress recent statements or in general?"
>"in general should do the trick"
>"lets have a productive day!"

>" so they dont scare away their customers
if by 'their custumers' you mean intransperent interest groups in the background, i tend to agree.
readers are not the custumers but the product, or, rather, their minds and thoughts are the product

kek xD both saved

Das deutsche Grundgesetz ist ein Meme und keine Verfassung.

Die BRD ist ein besetzter Büttelstaat ohne Souveränität.

>only a fool wouldnt recognize
and how many fools are there?
hard mode:
don't go for overly optimistic asessment

is that a protocol obtained by rooskie hackerz?
btw, read that a think tank ( 'stiftung' politik und medien or soso) was hagged too.
now why would they put this out there?
is someone in fear, the hackerz could leak?

holy shit!!
just realized.
lets see those files!!

how about a #I was censored hashtag or something, where people can post their deleted comments from msm comment boards?

Daily reminder to stay inside and avoid the real world kids

>be me 90 min ago
>go outside in the garden
>see that the pond (~6m wide, 20m long, 1m deep) is "frozen"
>decide to check if the ice holds me
>one side of the pond is pretty overgrown by tree branches
>decide to cut some of them with a hedge trimmer now that I can stand on the ice
>the first few are no problem at all
>then I try to cut a bigger branch which is about 2,20 meter above the ground
>can't reach it
>next try
>I stand on my tiptoes and be able to cut it
>totally forgot that I don't have solid ground under my feet
>the branch falls down and I lose the only support I have
>I lose my balance and drop backwards on the ice ( which was lucky, the edges of the pond are covered in stones)
>hurt my hand and knee, slightly bleeding
>1 second later I hear a cracking sound
>the ice breaks and I sink in the pond
>It's not too hard to get out of it but I'm completely wet
>Conclude to never to outside again in my life

Hab letzens gehört das in Deutschland Straftaten, die von Islamisten ausgeführt werden, als Rechtsradikal gewertet werden.
Kann mir jemand sagen ob das stimmt?

>Kann mir jemand sagen ob das stimmt?
Ja, sämtliche antisemitischen Straftaten werden zum Beispiel als rechtsradikal bewerte

Sounds nice, reminds me to go outside.

Vor allem der Antisemitismus.
Gab eine Studie um das Narrativ zu pushen das wir deutschen die Bösen Judenhasser sind und die Moslems ja nichts damit zu tun haben und in dieser Studie wurde so verfahren. So wurde Antisemitismus auf einer PKK Demo mal eben als Rechtsextrem gewertet, was sehr viel über den Rest der Studie aussagt.


Hat dazu jemand Links?

>The adventures of fat ronny

>In Jena ist ein jugendlicher Intensivtäter in Haft genommen worden. Dem 19-jährigen Afghanen werden zahlreiche Gewaltdelikte vorgeworfen, wie die Polizei am Freitag mitteilte. Der junge Mann wurde bereits am Donnerstag in eine Jugendstrafanstalt gebracht.

>Er soll zu einer Gruppe Jugendlicher gehören, die in den letzten Wochen in Jena für massive Probleme gesorgt hatte. Bereits am Dienstag war ein 17 Jahre alter Syrer aus der Gruppe in Haft genommen worden. Seit einigen Monaten macht die Gruppierung in der Stadt durch aggressives Auftreten und Diebstähle auf sich aufmerksam. Wie die „Thüringer Allgemeine“ berichtet, besteht die Gruppe aus mindestens 16 Mitgliedern.

>Insgesamt werde in über 160 Fällen gegen Mitglieder der Gruppe ermittelt.

Love how these cunts are still walking around free.

>Unter ihnen sind aber auch Deutsche, einige davon Mädchen

the eternal roastie

or completely red

>das ist völkisch!!!!


10 and a half hours at work. 1 to go.

It's nice to see that so many Anons have a job and aren't neets.