South africa white farmers

Why can't I find this on CNN?

Other urls found in this thread:

it can't be blamed on trump, russia, or racist cops?
cnn is not interested

Sign and ignore anti-white shills

I did some Google and that statement surfaced on the internet around 2016. How come it didn't get posted until now?

>real news
mutually exclusive

How is nobody pissed about this. This requires nothing less than an armed fucking rebellion.

What's to come was announced years ago

>people try to take their country back from foreigners and create a racial ethnostate
>Sup Forums gets butthurt about it

You're just jealous that your countries are too cucked to do the same.

>niggers taking back what's theirs
blacks didn't invent the nation of South Africa, nigger, they just infested it

Africa belongs to the Black man. Europe belongs to the White man. Is that fair or is it not? I am in favor of every race living in its native home land where they were crafted by nature to be.

>Whites spend decades dreaming up ways to create an ethnostate
>Still hasn't happened
>Blacks decide to just do it, it gets done

I understand why you're salty but let's try and be consistent at least.

Why would you even want to find it on CNN?
Boomer leaf detected.

>one post by this ID
Don't fucking care. This should be the number one priority for every white man with a spine left in the western world. We all need to realize and stop all denial or hesitation to the reality that is planned white genocide. We need to realize that no matter if you call Europe, Africa, or North America your home if you belong to the white race these people are your folk and need your help. We can no longer sit idly by and wait for our own extermination. We must draw the line in the sand here and accept not another single retreat. The existence of our people and the future of our children is at stake and we all know it. Do whatever you possible can to help the Boer. Tell everyone you know what is happening. Even normies can understand the obvious anti-white agenda at work here. If you can find a way, organize fundraisers and help move and resettle refugees in your country, preferably an anglophile nation like Britain, the US, or Australia. (((Fuck Canada))). If you have balls of steel find your way to South Africa and buy some jungle shorts, it's Bush Wars 2.0 in defence of your race.

Why are you talking about South Africa when you clearly know nothing about it?


White saffas in need should come to Australia if you cant kill the nogs


I agree with you if you are proposing that blacks have the right to freely kill whites in Africa and whites have the right to freely kill non whites in Europe and America. I think if all the nations had rules like that we could really achieve something as humanity.

Where am I wrong? Are you now going to argue that Black people are not in fact native to Africa and that some other race has claims to the land?

I am perfectly fine with Europe for the Whites, Africa for the Blacks, Asia for the Asians, and so on. Colonization has only ever caused problems in the long run. I'm no hypocrite, I am fine with Europe being purely White.


They in fact are not natives of South Africa. Whites were the first people to settle it.

Burgerbros, you have so many guns, send some to those white farmers. Getting past customs in nigger country should be easy.

How did the white people get this land in the first place? Violence.

>Why can't I find this on CNN?
It's mystery

>African immigrants being considered for Japanese workforce
>White Africans being displaced in Africa

Is this a blessing in disguise?

If I were rich, I would definitely attempt it.

I can’t afford to give up one of my 4 assault style rifles. The same shit is going to eventually happen here.

You do realize Africa isn't a country but a continent, and the continent of Africa has multiple countries, do you? Well, you probably don't, since you are a nigger.

>white violence
Hey look another guilt-ridden scandicuck
No moron South Africa was pretty much empty when the boers settled, except some roaming bands of hottentots.
Scandinavia reallly is cancer.

Khoisan were living in that land first. Yes, it's true the Bantu majority who live there now came later but that doesn't change the fact that Blacks were native to the land.

The Voortrekkers did some unspeakable shit to the blacks in South Africa

In all honestly they deserve what’s coming

Where the fuck have I claimed otherwise?

Do you not understand that the only reason white people own so much of the land in South Africa is because of colonialism?

Did you know most the reason the middle east is muslim is because of bloody campaigns via the sword by the prophet of islam .That you have allowed to infest your country./

The farmers should burn their crops and peace out

Worse yet, it's black-on-white crime. You know full well CNN treats that like the floor's lava.

>Africa belongs
Africans doesn't have any belongings.

Next they will be selling elephants to China'
Zimbabwe’s cash-strapped government selling elephants
And eating
SA is zimbabwe 2.0, niggers are fucking retard and incapable of learn from the past

Khoisan are native to the Western Cape, Bantus aren't.

Then neither do Europeans, and your continued genocide is something you'll just need to deal with because might (in this case socio-political) makes right and all that.

do you not understand that the dutch settled the cape along the San before the nigger bantus ever even came into the territory?
That's like a nigger claiming your shit country

Is only 20% of the mid-east Muslim, yet they own over 70% of the land?

Colonialism is not the same as colonization. South Africa was colonized when it was virtually empty.
Scandicucks truly are a cancer on Europeans with their white guilt obsession.

This, absolutely. Our own Revolution was fought over less.

nice larp

Virtually empty? What does that mean? Did people live there or not? Yes, they did and white people took their land and still own most of it, even though they are still a minority.

no, it was empty apart from the nomadic bushmen with whom whites got along.
Nigger Zulus invaded later from up north.
Read a book you illiterate sack of shit subhuman

This. The Bantu also treat the Khoikhoi and the Bushmen like trash anyway.

>Virtually empty? What does that mean?
It means there were hardly any people living there, and the very few that did did not own the land since they were nomadic.
Now kill yourself Lars, you are white and GUILTY!

Foreigners mistake kindness for weakness in Europe. When Europeans can start fighting back and the system can't, then we'll reclaim the sovereignty of Europe and then recolonise Africa. We’re going to recolonise Africa, just because we can.

African's down own shit.

Show your flag

but it's exactly the bantu who are the problem now. the san are a small fringe group, gimmebackmyland comes from the zulu and xhosa ethnicities, who, as you say, came later and thus never owned that land, now extinct tribes related to the san did.

This. The sooner people realize that all western news sources are a complete farce, the better.

Yeah okay, like I said earlier you will talk online about this endlessly and daydream about your vengeance, but it never actually happens, likely never will. Meanwhile, it's just happening in places like South Africa. They want to do it, so they just do it. What's your excuse for taking so long?

Yes, but I'm speaking in general racial terms and always have. There are similar ethnic disputes to lands in Europe but you would have no problem saying that Europe belongs to White people, something that I already mentioned I agree with.

even the Khoisan hate bantu.

But it was not empty, people lived there! What gives foreigners the right to take over a country and steal their resources and still hold on to them to this day? You are fucking idiots.

You're right. It doesn't take long to discover that this board is full of hypocrites. Nothing but unrealistic megalomaniacs who believe the world belongs to them. It's like they listened to all the BS propaganda about Hitler hating everyone and thought this fictional version of him sounded cool.

>unrealistic megalomaniacs who believe the world belongs to them
The weak should fear the strong. Just like how the native Indians lost their land to the American settlers, or how Russia’s and China’s neighbours were annexed, or how England conquered her neighbours, so too will Europe rise once more and reconquer Africa. We’ve done it before; we’ll do it again. However next time, we’ll remember how they mistook our kindness for weakness.

Most of the blacks in South Africa are less native to that land than the Boers are.

This. Blacks are proving that they harbour nothing but a quasi-genocidal hatred towards whites. Look at the comments of American blacks about the slaughter of white farmers by rampaging sadistic niggers and it is nothing but unconcealed glee. This time, when it happens, we need to let Africa starve, like it deserves, and then when the process is complete go back there and take back our rightful clay (land that we can then use so that we can protect our own environments and countrysides from despoilation).

Last I checked, foreign men were running through your towns and cities, forcibly raping your women and beating your natives, and your government bends over to them and lets them get away with it for fear of appearing racist. The weak should fear the strong, right? None of this would be a problem if people stayed where the belonged, and this includes you.

See the second reply in

>you would have no problem saying that Europe belongs to White people, something that I already mentioned I agree with.
true, I'd have no problem with that. my problem with the current SA move is that the government tries to frame this as restoring justice, when in fact it is ethnic cleansing along racial lines. it is just natural and expected for blacks to claim sub-saharan africa belongs to blacks, therefore whites have to go. but they don't use this argument, and that's where my issue with them lies.

Here's a news flash for you: different races of people fundamentally distrust each other. How the fuck can you be posting on this board and not understand this? You'd just as well post with unconcealed glee if the opposite scenario was happening and don't try to deny it or take the moral high ground. Besides, if anyone's colonizing Africa, it will be the Asians. Experience shows that they're not anywhere near as weak and easily manipulated by guilt-tripping as White people are.

last I checked, those places were neither empty nor filled with friendly nomadic natives.

Well, that's fair enough then. I agree, the media should be more honest about these things, it would be better for everyone. It could be the wake-up call for Western Europe that is desperately needed.

Here's a newsflash for you: Niggers are a communist bioweapon and you support a hostile takeover of land that feeds those same subhumans.

Consider the post I was replying to. Does might make right or is that only true under very specific circumstances that conveniently only apply when attempting to justify European colonialism?

You know an ethnostate requires a functional economy. Of which south african bl*acks cannot provide.

What I support is races living exclusively in the environment and lands where they developed, nothing more. White people do not belong in Africa. Black people do not belong in Europe. No good will come of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. People like Varg are completely right about this.

Well then the burden falls on Black people to set things right or die trying.

I can't find it on Fox Jews either.

>White people do not belong in Africa. Black people do not belong in Europe.
Despite your memeflag I think your core point is pretty based. Would gladly swap all blacks in Europe for the few whites still in Africa.

>Blacks are moving to Europe
>Whites are moving away from Africa bc they are getting killd.
Waaahahhaa FUCKing white racists!!!

>bushmen with whom whites got along.
'Getting along' as in considering them fauna and shooting them when they're in the way.

this is great news for us Sup Forums-- niggers will starve AND violate human rights in one go!

plus we get to have a perfect real world example of white genocide/racism/disenfranchisement and how that impacts a country and how whites are hard workers that provide for their countries way more than they absorb.

Black people are never going to develop as long as White people are used as a crutch. Say what you want about an inherent inferiority, make whatever quips you will, it shouldn't even matter if you're honest about the land belonging to those who were placed there by nature. Or at least admit to being a massive hypocrite if you think Whites alone deserve to infest every region of the world at the expense of native populations but the same happening to you in your own moment of weakness, what's happening right at this very moment, is somehow unjustified.

>be a farmer
>get called a criminal
ahh communism at its finest.

I would be fine with that too, thank you.

Nice strawman, I don't think like this at all. White people wanting to leave Africa is perfectly natural. White people not wanting non-Whites in Europe is perfectly natural. The thing is, I only take this to its natural conclusion: Black people not wanting Whites in Africa is perfectly natural. To the Black hypocrites who cried for the White man to come save them in Zimbabwe, I view them with the same sort of disdain you view your White Leftist brethren. They are traitors.

>black people
>developed people
pick one nigger

Better they just die. Screaming from AIDS preferably.

Based Leaf.

You're actually wrong, well as regards most whites you are largely wrong. I used to get along with people outside my own race better, because they were generally less bourgeois and more interesting; it is only after noticing the seething resentment minority groups harbour towards whites, and the growth of anti-white identity politics, that i started to have the kind of racial views common on this board.

Maybe now i'd have the kind of response you state, but in a purely reactive sense; whites bent over backwards to accommodate blacks, they betrayed their own people due to their sympathy for blacks; the fact so many blacks take such glee in regard to "kill whitey" is the only reason why i would take any satisfaction at all from "the opposite scenario"

Well if you thought about this... And how bad the dems hate you... And how bad the dems want your guns... You just might start thinking...

It's on Newsweek, but look at the comments there, sheesh. The same people who are like "these people aren't refugees and don't deserve to be taken in" are the same one's going "haha, whitey gonna get it"

Becuase there's a fucking war going on and it's whites vs the world for their right to survive.

The thing that it doesn't matters where The blacks are they will always cry about racism.
Somehow its whites who restricted Africas developement in Africa.
Somehow its still whites keeping blacks down in west.
It will always gonna be The EVIL whites keeping blacks down in the mind of black people.

actually i think this is a good idea. we should do the same in europe with jew, nigger, and muslim property / property of all non europeans.

Thread theme


What you're describing is what has happened all throughout history and Whites themselves took part in it extensively: other races spot a race a moment of weakness (the White Western World is currently in societal distress and ripe for the picking) so they want to move in, rape and plunder to generally take advantage of it. Pakistani people are very open about how they're essentially colonizing the UK, for example. Now, I don't think this is justified, I think I've made that clear enough in this thread, but the whole "revenge/kill whitey" angle is really just a bit of propaganda when it comes down to it. It could be anything really, for Whites it was "Manifest Destiny" and other such concepts. At the end of the day it's basically just selfishness, greed, more than actual, legitimate hatred of your race.

The only way to help these guys is to get weapons to them...

Africa is a continent, SA is a country.

Stupid fucking niggers, this is why you are only capable of destruction. Literally the only thing you fucking care about is whatever's going on at this exact moment.

You're too stupid to think 15 seconds into the future, anything more complex than a stick confuses you and you'll rule of a kingdom of ash if you ever manage to drag everyone else under the waves of social justice long enough to drown them.

Surely you realise that without aid from white countries Africa will suffer a mass starvation event? Sure, this has been caused by western aid in the first place, but you're ok with this for an independent Africa?


The Blacks who do this do it because it works, quite effectively, not necessarily because they actually believe it. If your White leftists didn't bend over backwards to hand these people free shit, they wouldn't bother. White people need to stop buying into that narrative and being exploited, and of course the cries of racism will go away because there would be no reward. Your women crying "sexism!" didn't work until you started taking feminism seriously.

>The means of production of being seized
He was right...he was right about everything

Exactly, I can't wait till all the dumbass Bantu niggers realise they got rid of their food supply along with Europeans.

>amerimutt education

What the fuck are you even blabbering about you idiot. Where did I claim Africa was a country? I'm having far more relevant conversations from people in countries where English is not even their native tongue.

>people try to take their country back from foreigners and create a racial ethnostate

Exactly how fucking stupid are you?

Yes, I am okay with this. The fact is that Africa has been living a parasitical existence off the backs of primarily Western nations for some time now. Maybe Africa can never advance past where it is today, but it sure as fuck won't under these current circumstances of being spoon-fed everything without working for it. Maybe cutting it all off for good would be a needed wake-up call that turns things around, maybe not, but things aren't working out for anybody in the current environment and it's senseless to keep the charade going. There are those on Sup Forums who would never admit it, but even if they make up a tiny minority there really are honest, hard-working Black people out there and if these are all that is left in Africa after a mass die-off of useless leeches, then the continent will be better off for it in terms of potentially advancing moving forward in the end.

Once there were no muslims in the middle east. Should south african whites kill all niggers to return to status quo?

I was clearly responding to the content of the OP article in which this is occurring in South Africa which very much is a country. Fuck off mutt, go be retarded somewhere else.