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light skin bitch knows her place
So she quit, who cares?
Psychotic Jew genetics
quadroons > chinks, if we're talking honorary aryan.
>inb4 nigger kike faggot
carry on
We should encourage this to be honest.
Shes obviously biracial but the U.S (specially blacks and it's convenient for them) unironically labels light skins and biracials as "Black".
What happened here in this case was truth slapped in her face. Shes not actually "Black" shes a Biracial.
she's a qt
a black jew is my worst fucking nightmare. imagine the never ending MUH HOLOCAUST MUH SLAVERY cracker goy
Christ. Let's hope Drake doesn't start studying leftist b.s. That obnoxious nigger will never shut up if he starts in with the holocaust..
I mean, she is pretty light for an African nation that has been in complete isolation.
providing the text so you don't have to visit that website
She just thought the film would be shit but had an opportunity to pander to retards at the same time.
I can hear the retards all over the media screaming about how 'woke' and 'revolutionary' Drake would be if he did do that, but I think he is well aware of the fact that SJW shit is pretty autistic virgin-level shit
she knows since she's jewish there will always be plenty of opportunities for her in Hollywood
When is her movie about getting bleached by a Nazi coming out? Afrocentric hoes always love BWC.
This is 100% correct. It wouldn’t make sense for her to be in Wakanda.
She did the right the thing. At least someone cared about accuracy when making this movie.
She wants white roles. She wants to be a mainstream female lead in dramas, romcoms etc. What she doesn't want is to be type cast as a jungle African for a minor role in a super hero movie where she wasn't even going to get paid. She dropped out when she was close and found out her pay would be shit.
She is a jew, so she is probably lying about still being in consideration. It was made clear to her she probably wouldn't get the part. After that she "dropped out" and immediately started virtue signaling. Jew genes are strong.
this, there's always the hidden subterfuge you have to consider with them
Why can't black people who play white superheroes be like this?
>When niggers have more understanding of accuracy in movies than the BBC
the only ones talking about honorary aryans are shitskins, poofta
She makes it sound like she did the right thing, but if you were to ask her;
>Do you think it's okay for Idris Elba to play Heimdall, the norse god known for being the "palest, purest and whitest" of all the gods?
>Do you think he should, as you put it, "spaces he should not take up"
In the end, this is just more kike bullshit charading as "Blacks need more roles in American Cinema, despite being a minority in America". However, if you were to bring up the double standard, they'd call you racist.
Half colonizers are not black
Havent you niggas heard about colorism?