Why are people so evil toward white people, and open about it? And this person is white white people are such traitors
Is it because they know there are no repercussions?
Why are people so evil toward white people, and open about it? And this person is white white people are such traitors
Is it because they know there are no repercussions?
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kill all black pipo
>Someone wants you dead
Either fight, or run. Only an idiot hangs around and does nothing. Be glad they're so forthright about their intentions
They aren't smart enough to think that way. Cut the head off of the snake.
>healthcare is a human right
They are evil so they assume all whites are evil. white leftists projecting their own character onto the rest of whites is classic. Just remember shit like this if you're ever feeling sympathetic to a commie. Only good leftist is a dead leftist.
No repercussions is part of it, people online are free to say their sickest thoughts. Even most blacks won't talk all the shit they do about whites online to their face.
Link to this please?
UR A RUSSIAN Internet Research Agency BOT... check out the news... u have been found out.
Just tell the white South Africans about Zambia. Zambia is based af, they are welcoming to whites, pro-business, trying to do the opposite of Zimbabwe. The whites are thriving there and have turned Zambia into the local breadbasket. They even had a white president a few years ago who was very popular.
Elites want white people to die and whites don’t make a good Slave. Shitskins has been brainwashed about how whitey is evil.
Why is Zambia different?
>white people produce 70% of the food
>kill all the white people
>healthcare is a human right
>kill all white people
This is what happens when the media is allowed to dehumanize a specific demographic, that 'person' isn't even expressing his own opinion, he's a brainwashed NPC selecting a programmed response from his limited dialogue wheel
The optimist in me wants to say he's not an evil person and doesn't actually realize what he's doing, but the realist in me says that's the problem and he needs to be thrown in a gas stove
Zambia is historically a jewish colony
because a lot of these people who hate whites were still alive during apartheid times, thus have memories of white people being horrible towards them.
they respect property rights. they spy an opportunity to not be Zambia
No reprucussions!? How about all the endless finger wagging we give them while we tell them a thing or two about a thing or two? It’s dangerous to question the white race in the face of rude comments and distorted frogs.
i don't think black people count as shitskins, if you mean arabs or indians then your mistaken. most arabs i have met agree that the middle east would be better if they were still ruled by whites
>whites migrate to Zambia
>every shitty African follows the wave and Zambia turns to shit after 25 years
>Why are people so evil toward white people
WHEN people are evil toward white people, perhaps it has something to do with people like you -- lying bimbos who like to pretend there's no reason for it, no antecedent that came before, whereby white people started things and then sneaky, lying bimbos like you conveniently "forget" to mention that fact and instead pretend like things only started when the victims fight back.
Funny how "evil" never happens until victims fight back, eh?
I don't really know, other than historically it remained a British protectorate after Rhodesia became independent. Today Zambia is considered "too liberal" by its neighbors, aka too capitalist, which sounds great to me. They probably learned lessons from the surrounding countries.
I've never done anything evil to anyone, what are you proposing user, I pay for another's crime?
You'll find yourself at a loss if you pursue that route.
>complementary chips on a platter
>Why are people so evil toward white people, and open about it?
It's muh colonialism and shite
>You'll find yourself at a loss if you pursue that route.
m8 the entire western world is killing itself to pursue that road
is eggman gonna be ok?
>Why are people so evil towards white people.
They aren’t people though, they are baboons and they are wild and violent like such.
This is the same reason they want to remove weapons from Americans. They understand that it’s white America that owns the largest amount of weapons by far. When they remove the weapons they can begin their violent assault on white people.
Every legal and mentally stable white person needs to go out and buy either an AR15, AK47, SCAR, or FAL variant weapon now before it’s too late and we end up like the boers.
>be born white
>provide food
>get slaughtered
'Tis an ork's world
> the reply is also from a white person
Liberalism really is a mental disorder goddamn.
There seems to be a sliver of hope we might avoid it before the outright bloodbath. I hold out optimism.
Eat a bullet, nigger
If I had the money I would go down there and kill me a few niggers. Instead, I have to wait for a racewar witch probably will never happen.
Its African leader saw what had happened to other African Nations that went hard on the paint with Black Supremacy and nope the fuck out of that Ideology.
Don't you have enough money for a plane ticket to South Africa, and a weapon when you're down there?
Actually learned from the others.
They had enough time to learn what their actions cause.
The optimism regarding them died long ago.
Zambia produced a pretty large Intellectual class that went to Western schools. They have taken the very odd position that giving the slightest crap about one's nation before personal wealth might be a positive thing.
>healthcare is a human right
Kek, I can't wait til this whole system collapses.
There are no rights, only privileges.
Who the fuck has ever said that health care is a human right. It's a privilege granted to the working population?
>Who the fuck has ever said that health care is a human right.
I'm pretty sure that old communist "american" jew said this to earn votes from nigs and socialists.
Trudeau truely is a magical man
Which one of them?
It is real. What's wrong with her?
love that pic user
fucking laughed hard
cheers for that mate
Some on the Left can barely hide their delight with what is happening in South Africa.
this is such a poorly formed argument, it simply has to be a dindu that attends political science lessons
The person who Tweeted that is Mickey Finch, son of Rick and Kris Finch of Pullman, Washington. His grandma Lola died this past November. He’s an evil faggot.
this is why you need guns and assault rifles.
Zambians kill non Zambians.
I was there in the early 2000's with MSF. A couple of Zimbabweans snuck in over the border and got caught by the locals. They were tortured and executed. Some were buried alive. I was told not to interfere. The Zambians do not want the zimbabwe niggers spreading their shit in Zambia.
damn right
You again. Stop posting that thing all over the place. It's annoying.
Evacuation of all whites in Africa, leave kikes and niggers. Us and Russians test all old nukes on the entire fucking place.
Wait five years, send in the niggers from all over the world to build their own society !
Profit ?
>Is it because they know there are no repercussions?
Yes, it is human nature. A large percentage of people, perhaps most, will hate, abuse, and kill whomever they believe their society approves of them hating, abusing, and killing. I'm speaking of whites, by the way. It goes without saying that non-whites are even more extreme.
Now this is a good one
People hate people who are better than them.
It's why people hate God.
>German state propaganda produces a movie showing German refugees fleeing from the right wing populists to South Africa
>South Africa goes full racism 14 days later
People hate God only because they are allowed to. Within generations Europe will love Allah, guarateed.
>those Twitter comments
What ever happened to two wrongs don't make a right? How does this relate to colonialism from so long ago? Generations of people who had nothing to do with their past getting attacked for something not in their control?
Do they understand that believing this will only cause civilization downfall? What about Europe then and how this mirrors immigration? How is that not an invasion or destruction of culture, people and land?
>that one comment that says no one cares about Europe
It is so easy to hate people nowadays.
Fuck off, the AR is the Chad gun, goes where it's aimed, no spray and pray bullshit ! Commie guns are shit ! I've owned 5, all the same. Bury them in mud they still fire, but at the wrong target !
>And this person is white white people are such traitors
Jews pretending to be white?!?
Yeah but what if Wakanda?
Whites have actually been the best slaves. Look at how whites in this country LOVE Jews and Israel despite having no reason to whatsoever. Average IQ around 100 and high passivity is ideal for obedience. So Europeans and East Asians are exactly what you want in easily controlled humans. There's a reason Jews/elites reside among whites and not blacks in Africa or mongrels in South America.
White people are the victims!
Exactly, give then assistance, let them live the dream !
Christcucks are too beta. Convert to islam and become alpha. Blacks are slaves and their men should be castrated that's what we did before jew king ended slavery.
Damn. Look how that kid folded up
zambia is actually a pretty nice and educated country
I'm in my 50's, I've seen a lot. I think we should kill the savages and let American niggers build there own society. Let's see how the do without white man's help !
It'll be fun to watch !!!!¡
DOA ! it's a start !
Niggers, clever enough to follow jew propaganda, but too stupid for independent thought! Sad!
not all white people are good
not all white people are bad
Communist ideologues (like all ideologues) are capable of great, great evil because they believe in their goal so much that a by any means necessary approach isn't even questioned. They would do far far worse than this to achieve their goals and enjoy it too, all because someone over 100 years ago started a Utopian ideology that they have been taught since they were a child.
Now, now. Thirty years before the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks were professional letter writers and argument starters. Their time came, and they quickly became one of the most bloodsoaked groups in history.
We’re actually doing pretty good. Things will escalate, sure enough.
Throw it in the mud for 5 minutes.
Ya-all the next generation !
Saying that we must take a hard line against the likes and niggers.
Give them there own country, and run em out at gun point.
It's the only to save America.
Then we start with the libs, NO MORE MR NICE GUY !
You're not a victim. You're not a minority. You live in one of the greatest nations ever and you've never had anything but luxury. You know fuck all about history, you believe everything the race baiters tell you. You as an individual are worthless to Western Civilization, that's why you hide behind the Leftist narrative and celebrate the death of people whose ancestors actually created something, when all high standards have been torn down, maybe you can be a king in the gutter?
That's the thing, we have enough problems with our own, why bring in more ? Put an end to it till we kill off or deport sub humans !
Its South Africa, They'll starve by the end of the month.
Don't just do something, stand there!
>It'll be fun to watch !!!!¡
carlos detected
My friend, what do you think we’re about, when our time comes?
(I say “when”, as there’s no chance the powers will back off their ambitions, which are spurring our rise and eventual replacement of them)
>how the do without white man's help !
That's just it though. White people collectively don't have the heart to let little nigglets starve. They'll always get aid from white people. Once white people are gone and the chinks are in charge, that's when blacks will truly miss they're benevolent white caretakers.
Because people have been programmed from childhood to hate whites, family and western civilization. Most of these people are beyond saving and the only way to reverse the course is to redpill future generations.
My gun doesn't hut the mud, it has me behind it to make sure of it !
Here's backup.