***you hear a knock on the door***

>***you hear a knock on the door***
>you open the door and are greeted by this man
>"As-salamu alaykum kaffir. Your household must pay the jizya tax immediately or you will be dragged to Sharia Court"

Do you be like the eurocucks and pay up? Or do you handle him like a true American?

What Do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you post this thread near daily?
That’s a Sikh, not a Muslim

I laugh at the funny joke of my Sikh friend pretending to be muslim

Pay the taxman, this basically happened when this was a Jewish country anyway.

Join him in the struggle for Jihad

Almayawat il'Amerikana Allahu akbar

Nothing will stop the Khilafah

Wrong house, bub
*double-barrel shoots both shells in full-auto*
Heh, should've known better than to speak that durka durka speak to an American on his front porch.

Pretty much this. Now put away the toy sword.

I pay the tax man.
What's the exchange rate on 12 gauge slugs?

Shut the door.

Me: Prajana....dude, you gotta stop pretending to be a Muslim. I almost fucking blew your head off with this 12 gauge.

Prajana: Hahaha, okay man.

Me: Cmon in, we're fucking watching Trump videos. Put your stupid fucking sword down

They’d never find his body.


Sikhs actually spoke out against grooming gangs in the UK months before it went viral. They're a worthy redpilled ally, like the Buddhists.

Do nothing, and instead force him to go after the Jews.

I'd say "Good one Pajeet, I know your a Sikh...you crazy prankster..OP's sure one dumb fuck though isn't he? A REAL DUMB FUCK"


I'm sikh of your shit Mr Singh!!

Stop larping as a Muslim, you twat. You hate them too, remember?

Redneck dumbass
Kraut dumbass who should know the difference as he's country is more Muslim than mine.

Guys, stop falling for the "look at this Muslim " meme.

Dumbass americunts

Go to school Muhammad Jr.
Get off your phone in class

tell him to fuck off then shoot him with my 12 gau next to the door.

These posts piss me off.

Learn the difference you ignorant cunts independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/man-gives-perfect-response-to-those-who-cant-tell-the-difference-between-sikhs-and-muslims-a6777041.html

Sikhs are peaceful. Muslims are not.

The Sikhs even fought in WWI and WWII for Britain - even had their own Sikh Regiment in the British Army.

They hate Muslims and Muslims hare them. Read the link above. Stop confusing them!

There's even physical differences in their appearance FFS!! LOOK AT PIC RELATED YOU UNEDUCATED CUNTS.

HONESTLY... this is why I'm starting to hate Sup Forums, misguided rightwingers aiming hate at the wrong people and getting basic facts completely fucking wrong. Pick up a fucking book once in a while and educate yourselves ffs.

It’s a meme to bait people like you newfag

Sikh joke my friend

Santiago y cierro la puerta

Fuck off you prick, with your dead ass "he got UK flag, he must be mooslimb huhehhhheehehe" meme.

My city is actually still 53% White British, you fucking prick! And the over 45% isn't necessarily Muslim, there's slavs too.

Quintessentially stereotypical American.

Would be a complete misuse of your weapon as OP pic is a FUCKING SIKH NOT MUSLIM

I know it is a meme, you retard. I'm trying to tell these people.

Also, I'm not a newfag. Ive been on Sup Forums since 2008.

>butthurt mudshit mohammad

As I said here , your UK Flag=Muslim meme is dead.

White people are still a majority in cities like Birmingham, so fuck off.

That's like saying stop confusing Hindus and Buddhists
They're both irrelevant brown people who make up

>my city is actually still 53% White British

You say that like it's a good thing. You're almost in the minority.

Mate, I live in Czech Republic, we are litterary one of most islam hating people im Europe... i would probably shoot him or use axe to make him nicier

paying taxes? that's our duty!

>the meta is now intentionally posting Sikhs and pretending you think they're Muslim as bait

This is the epitome of ignorance.

I don't mind people criticising Islam and educating peoole on its 16th century barbaric doctrine. But Wtf have Hindus and Buddhists done wrong?? They've probably contributed more to your country than your whole family as a collective.

Sidenote: Buddhism is one of the most beautiful religions in the world. And unlike Islam, they're God doesn't want you dead for being a non believer.

Stop being such a KKK fag with your "hurr all brown people are bad mkay" BS

why are muslim bears do shit, while sikh beards fucking stylish?

>itt: pajeets and brown knob slurpers pissed off by obvious troll.

LMAO, pajeets are so fucking subhuman and dumb

You almost got me there, nice try

But we still have white slavs and European, Chinese, Russian etc so it's not to say that the other 46% is all middle eastern.

My city has benefited well from our diverse demographic.

Darkie detected

>low IQ thinks that's an argument
one was right and one was wrong
there your stupid argument pic is defeated
you literally can't have our type of civilized society without taxes
otherwise the government could never pay for anything you simpleton

dont know dont care, come to my house demanding shit like that your dead meat. our patience is DONE.

Once again "hurr uk flag.. Must be brown huehehehe"

Mate, its getting old.

Sikhskin detected

>he took the bait


But a Sikh wouldn't demand anything like that.... You dumbfuck.

You see, cunts like you fuck up the Right. Your White Nationalism and "muhh guns, muhh 2nd emendimental! Build a wall reeee" shit is making us all look shit. The Right can't make valid points and get anywhere cos of dumb picks like you.

12 gauge to the face and then impale his body and put it as a warning in my front yard....oh wait we have gypos not kebabs.

Stop posting these shit threads you faggots

Fuck off, I knew OP was bait but I was annoyed at how many fucking idiots fell for it.

"Hang on, my wife does our finances, oh honey!"
This gentleman says we owe--oh, ok, you go right

>this dumb
>this ignorant

just ignore stormkikes man
they're literally too stupid to be reasoned with
just call them stupid tell them to kill themselves then leave
wasting your time
they resist logic like a duck shakes off water

>being this mad

>implying anyone on Sup Forums is an unironic stormnigger
Look at the flags, it's all pedros and east coast chinks up at 2 AM trying to trigger bongs and poos, along with Eastern european slav trash.

Sikhs in Canada, US, UK love muslims. don't get fooled by remove kebab memes.

>What Do?
Watch the shitskin throw acid into his daughters face.

I know man. Maybe I shouldn't have even responded to their shit.

Its annoying though, dude. I enjoy visiting Sup Forums and having Frank political discussions- but then people like them come and fuck everything up. I mean, I've been coming to Sup Forums since '08 but honestly, these last 2 years it's gone to shit. I just wished we had a bit more quality and class on this board and post actual informed thread and have actual informed discussions.

It's refreshing to see comments like yours, it gives me hope that this board still has some intellectuals like me on here. Thanks for the (You), bro.

Take care.


>another meme flag
>Do you be like the eurocucks and pay up? Or do you handle him like a true American?

True american would suck this sand niggers dick with a burger on the side

that's a sikh. they peaceful.

obviously I cower before this towering multiculturally diverse man and immediately pay. After payment I also immediately drop my drawers and present my pre lubricated anus to him so he can do as he pleases. Since Im such a sniveling coward, and Ill do whatever anyone who knocks on my door asks of me.

but you're Sikh...

>me resisting bait

I don't have much to pay you Abul.. B-But *skirt drops exposing my feminine penis* O-Oh ;3


OP knows that but some people here are taking the bait HARD and confusing Sikhs with Muslims!

>you simpleton

ironic how it's always the idiots saying such things. I bet you're also poor.

>there's no stormniggers on Sup Forums
you must be really new
and in case you didn't know stormcunt.com was taken down so this is where most of them go now

What did he mean by this?

ffs, even a fellow Brit falling for OP's bait.

You should fucking know better, you dumbfuck! It just makes your 'feminine penis' gag even more pathetic. How can you not tell sikh from Muslim when you're a fucking Brit??

Would you rather be an Amerimutt or Slavic Untermensch?

Are you taking this sliding bait?

Maybe because he's white, unlike you

Unironic stormniggers on Sup Forums are just LARPing amerimutts, moron. Hell, I don't even think Sup Forums is white.

- Mutt

That man's a Sikh not a Muslim. The joke is that they look similar.
Learn the difference, it could save your life

Dominate me daddy x3

Rather be a Paki than an Amerimutt, at least Pakis are pure breeds of their race

I honestly wouldn't even get up to answer my door. Isn't that a fucking Sikh anyway?

there's lots of smart people
but unfortunately there's even more stupid people
I actually got teamed up on by two retards telling me that I'm an idiot for saying that vaccines and drugs are two different things
even after explaining to them what vaccines were they just agreed that I was wrong and laughed at me
and there are ppl here that unironically think the earth is flat and that distant planets are just an illusion

theres so much false information on the internet these days that no matter what you say you can't convince them
but yeah there are some smart ppl here...
you just gotta keep your eyes open and don't get bogged down by the shills and low IQ racists

Sim Sam Salabim!
Also, that's a Sikh, not a Muzzie.

>notice how the neanderthal doesn't even attempt to come up with an argument
kill yourself you aspie faggot

okay sure buddy
believe what you want
all the stormfags and /sg/tards are all larping
so are all the white people
literally nothing but Mexicans and jews and blacks here

>white people
>Sup Forums


I give up. This board is fucking shit and these threads are cancerous. It's full of dumbfuck cunts and dead fucking memes. I can't even be arsed to argue with some of these dumb ass comments anymore. I've literally gone round in circles time and time again on this thread informing the FUCKING BAIT MUNCHERS that OP pic is a Sikh. Despite this, there's STILL new comments from people who can't be fucking bothered to read through the thread first and realise they're being baited. How fucking stupid do you have to be??? Don't get me wrong, I chuckle at some bait threads but THIS... This is just fucking frustrating how gullible some of you cunts are. It's depressing. Stop taking these threads so literal and stop being fucking naive!! I'm fucking done.

I'm done.

Fuck you all.

Fuck Sup Forums.

Bunch of dumb fucking cunts.


Don't go daddy!

>Sup Forums

Fuck off HIVfaggit

>"As-salamu alaykum kaffir. Your household must pay the jizya tax immediately or you will be dragged to Sharia Court"

Obviously you say this line and the sikh chops your stupid radical head off

and Sup Forums just got that much stupider...

I'd shoot him

Fuck you

I thought you said you were going why the fuck are you still here?

Fuck you Ahmed, and your goat too. I'd murder that fucking muzzie sand nigger by skullfucking him with a pork chop.

I feel like you need to reread what i said...

>1 post by this ID

Why the fuck is that Sikh asking for Muslim bullshit?


On second thought, bring your gurka and together lets slice open some muslims

Trying to associate the image of anti Muslims with muslims. That way we attack our allies in the belief they are our enemy.

*teleport behind him*
"Heh, nothin' personal kid."

Thats a sikh you moron!