Wait, you're not a person! You can't buy guns!

"You're not a person, until you're 21."-President Donald Trump. 2018

Where in the 2nd amendment does it say we the people have the right to bear arms, if we're 21+

Trump is off his rocker. Taking too many meds that ol' boy.

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It says the militia and the people have a right to arms. A militia member is listed as 18-45, so I would imagine it is unconstitutional.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! You can't buy a pistol until you're 21 now. Screen capped for future replys

You're right. 21 is too low and it should be 25 before you have the right to anything. 25 years of age and mandatory two years in the military.

Is it really okay for them to defile the Constitution like this?

So at 25, you have no personal responsibilities and can get away with crimes like kids do all the time? Just a slap on the wrist for being juvenile.

A 25 year old juvenile. Really

If you can't own a gun, you're not a person. Otherwise that law is in direct violation of the Constitution.

>You're right. 21 is too low and it should be 25 before you have the right to anything. 25 years of age and mandatory two years in the military.
Oh great...so people have to fight and die for Israel and don't even get a say in the matter?

>It says the militia and the people have a right to arms.
Does the 2nd amendment say the right of the militia's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed or the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

The Trumpcucks will say Trump was just talking out of his ass or lying to them.

At 24, Satan. The rights come at 25 as well as the responsibilities.

>implying they do in the first place
Just wait until the drafts, user.

>>implying they do in the first place
Yes, they do.

The only reason the US is in the middle east is to destabilize it for the sake of Israel.

Why the fuck do you want White people being killed and maimed for Israel?

>Just wait until the drafts, user.
Joke's on you. I'm too old to be drafted.

Are we raising the age of consent to 21 too?
Voting age to 21?
Can you no longer enter legal contracts without parental permission until the age of 21?

Aren't those things a greater sign of maturity than being able to defend yourself?

>Just wait until the drafts, user.
The drafts don't exist yet, so clearly they do have a say in the matter.

I want people who are going to vote to understand the ramifications and weight of their voice. Being we are a militaristic country that other countries plead to for help, military service should be mandatory. Especially for holding office.
>inb4 most people in office didn't military
I know. They need replacing.

Given your use of the word 'yet' you know deep down I am right.

don't worry shill
gun bill is killed a few hours ago.
Mitch shelved it.
nogunners btfo

>I want people who are going to vote to understand the ramifications and weight of their voice.
If voting actually made a difference, the politicians would've made it illegal.

>Being we are a militaristic country that other countries plead to for help,
So we're the tyrannical policemen of the world?

>military service should be mandatory.
So again...Whites can die for whatever their masters tell them to die for.

Why the fuck should a single White person fight and die for a single Jew?

>Especially for holding office.
Every single politician of note is controlled by the Jews.

>I know. They need replacing.
With what? More Zionists who'll sacrifice White lives for Israel?

>don't worry shill
Which is funny because you're siding with the man who'd gladly send Whites to die for the sake of Israel.

Yeah...pointing out Trump's stances on gun control makes ME the shill?

>gun bill is killed a few hours ago.
>Mitch shelved it.
So Trump didn't shelve it?

17-45, get it right, age for ownership should ostensibly be something like 15, so they can be proficient in use by the time they hit serviceable age

Why do you need guns?


>Why do you need guns?
We don't justify our rights.

>So Trump didn't shelve it?
that's not how bills work. its doa

He became typical, populist politician. Murica needs someone with balls to piss off people, with doing nothing

Look, all joking aside, by now it's pretty clear to everybody what a moron Trump is.

This guy thinks making policy is getting everybody around the table, letting them make suggestions, then putting all those suggestions in a bill.

And now that he got the briefing on how his party isn't in favour of any of those suggestions, he's doing his usual 180. That has nothing to do with 4D chess, and everything with him being a total idiot who is completely ignorant of the policy and politics of guns.

You carry a fire extinguisher in your pocket?

These rights are God-given so you have these rights AT BIRTH.

Also, I am not a "person." That is a kike lawyer legal term.


>that's not how bills work. its doa
No thanks to Trump.

he got democrats to agree with it and want it in the bill. result. bill is dead. Mitch shelved it.

>No thanks to Trump.
are you sure? he said something outrageous, democrats all clapped, and now the bill is dead.

>Just wait until the drafts
u seen this fucking fagget generation? like 1% would actually go

nice source, faggot

Go suck kike dick elsewhere faggot.

>are you sure?

>he said something outrageous,
Yes, so outrageous no one (not even his supporters) should've supported.


>and now the bill is dead.
Because of other, Republicans who didn't take Trump's advice.

suck my fucking dick nigger fuck you fuck your face and fuck israel get fucking raped

Lol you impotent kike pawn.

It's all over the news. Unless you live under a rock what source is needed?


its dead because he trolled democrats into adding things that had zero chance of every getting a vote.
can you really deny that?

>its dead because he trolled democrats into adding things that had zero chance of every getting a vote.
It's dead because unlike Trump, the Republicans in the House and the Senate know their constituents would never re-elect them if they ever passed a gun control bill.

Republicans aren't going to vote on any gun control, regardless of what it is.

>can you really deny that?
Yes, I really can. There is literally no evidence that Trump was playing retarded with the Democrats.

>There is literally no evidence that Trump was playing retarded with the Democrats.
what did he tweet after Mitch killed the bill? was he sad about it? was he trying to revive it?

>what did he tweet after Mitch killed the bill?
Let's see...

Bunch of stuff on economics and talking about a meeting with the NRA.

>was he sad about it?
>was he trying to revive it?
Why would he try to revive it? It was, as you said, dead.

That hardly refutes his desire for gun control, revoking due process and signing an executive order banning bump stocks.

They have a say, but that just makes it easier for jews to start wars. People are less likely to seriously protest a war if soldiers join voluntarily.

I think we should keep the military age at 18, raise the voting age to 21, and make 3 years of military service mandatory to vote. Public schools should have at least one mandatory firearm safety and self defense course. People should be able to buy firearms at 21 regardless of military service.

Can we do the same for all social media? Pretty sure that kills more people compared to guns

Why do people always have to do stuff? A bunch of people got shot 2,000 miles away from me and all of a sudden everyone's making a big shit about it. I think the laws are fine the way they are.