>Denmark has gotten tired of diversity.
>The "Ghetto"budget proposal introduces new radical laws that only affect diversity infested areas.
>The proposed budget includes 22 new laws and regulations which have been discussed before.

>Harder punishments for crime committed in ghettos.
>Schools are not allowed to enroll more than 30% children from blacklisted areas, ("Ghettos").
>4 years in prison for parents that send their children away to "relearning" camps in foreign countries.
>Billions will be invested in tearing down ghettos and building up cities to prevent diversity clusters from emerging.

>"No more ghettos by 2030" said Lars Lokke Rasmussen.
>"It's not about skin color or religion but about people that neglect or refuse to contribute to society."

What do we do Sup Forums? Literally shaking right now

Other urls found in this thread:


Shake more, Swedecuck.
Denmark is awakrning.

no genocide no solution. denmark needs to be exterminated.

>Not about skincolor

It’s not exactly swedes living in DK that causes problem kek

>people that neglect or refuse to contribute to society
sounds pretty collectivist. but then again - nordics are all commies

link or fuck off

This will only spread the shitskins out to white areas, its a fucking awful idea.

No more ghettos sounds good, but it just means everywhere gets shit instead of having the shit concentrated in a ghetto

source or fuck off

hell yes denmark
I'm rooting for you.


actual parasites should be punished; even in your memeball society

Denmark is just trying to spread the ghettos more thin so there isn't that many concentrations of mudslime gibs collectors.


that's what the
>Billions will be invested in tearing down ghettos and building up cities to prevent diversity clusters from emerging.
part sounds like. The rest is good, but this sounds like a dumb idea. It destroys natural segregation and spreads it around to make it less noticeable and placate the masses

The Danish government. The plan it quite more extensive than what the Swede wrote but you get the idea of it.
A part is also internment camps in Northern Africa for asylum seekers and refugees. So they do not stay on Danish soil.
Here is a direct source (its in Danish ofc so just use google translate):

t. Turk

>Harder punishments for crime committed in ghettos.
Useless. Immigrants will never give one of their own.

>Schools are not allowed to enroll more than 30% children from blacklisted areas, ("Ghettos").
That means trash in more schools instead of segregating them in their own zoo/schools.

>4 years in prison for parents that send their children away to "relearning" camps in foreign countries.
What the fuck is that...

>Billions will be invested in tearing down ghettos and building up cities to prevent diversity clusters from emerging.
Brand new housing for every nigger and sandnigger, yeah

>>"No more ghettos by 2030" said Lars Lokke Rasmussen.
There won't be if the whole country is ghetto-tier, it will just be the norm.

>"It's not about skin color or religion but about people that neglect or refuse to contribute to society."
Pic related.

You're just wasting money, and I can tell you the bill won't be paid by immigrants.

>isn't that many concentrations of mudslime
the ideal distance between 2 niggers >= 150 miles.

What a nice encouraging bit of news for a cold Friday tea break
>thumbs up

i mean you're delusional if you think this'll change anything, these people will still be a rotting cancer sucking off the welfare state.

I wish you the best of luck my northern friends.

May you be able to tame the islamic beast.

Not only this, but they'll reproduce at an insane rate. Denmark is what ? 5 millions people ? I bet by 2030 most baby born will be non white.

Denmark has always and will always be the greatest European nation.

I could solve this problem by 2019, without investing billions, 10 bucks per dead colored immigrant.

I don't see what's encouraging at all. Can you explain ? Seems like they just surrendered to their muslim future.

Don't believe it until I see it.

years in prison for parents that send their children away to "relearning" camps in foreign countries.
Denmark is my new (and kind of old too)favourite. Their immigration policies are great to use as a reference to our pussy politicians.

Fatherland continues to keep me proud.

This. The worst part about this is the 30% cap on schools. Want to know how well interdistrict bussing has worked in the American south?

>Useless Immigrants will never give one of their own
What has the immigrants to do with this? This allows the police that catch the vermin in minor stuff to give them twice the punishment.
>that means trash in more schools instead of segregating them in their own zoo/schools.
100% correct. This is one of my main grips with the whole thing. The government claim it wont be such a big issues as we have closed our borders and stopped taking in refugees and asylum seekers so its only about the 500k browns that we have no. So the argument is that the number is still so low that they will be assimilated and DANED. I am not so sure of this.
>What the fuck is that...
if parents send their children on long stays in Egypt, Somalia, Syria, France or London for instance. Then they can be punished with prison up to 4 years.
And yes London and "France" is on our watch list for place mudslimes get indoctrinated.
>Brand new housing for every nigger and sandnigger, yeah
hehe not quite.
>There won't be if the whole country is ghetto-tier, it will just be the norm.
compared to France mate even our ghettos are posh. But I fear the same.
>You're just wasting money, and I can tell you the bill won't be paid by immigrants.
50% of our immigrants are from western countries and even though they do not contribute as much as the average Dane they are still a positive economically. The third worlders wont pay anything ofc as they are and have always been a drain.

Lol i bet by 2050 they are a conplete an utter shithole if they keep taking people and letting people leech the system.

The only reason these fuckers are here is because of the welfare state.

There has to be a lot of deportations.

niggers are not really an issue in Denmark. Our negro % is still close to 0.2%. So splitting them up wont be a major problem.
its the Turks and other mudslime scum there are the problem. They make up about 5% right now.

Divide and conquer

This is so fucking stupid. I live in the same area where there is a big ghetto, Gellerup, so now I will be punished harder, because of where I live? Fuck this government man. I fucking hate them.

Stem rodt idioter.

d-do we need to be exterminated as well?

>if i break a crime i'll be punished harder?????!?!?!?!?!?

Why would you be punished? Have you commited a crime lately? Are you afraid?

>What has the immigrants to do with this?
Police will have to go in the ghetto. The harsher the punishment, the more stones they'll receive when trying to police these zones.

>if parents send their children on long stays in Egypt, Somalia, Syria, France or London for instance. Then they can be punished with prison up to 4 years.
They'll just make these camps in Denmark then. Congratulation, you can write yourself on your watch list.

>hehe not quite.
If you want to dissolve "ghettos", it means :
1. shitskins will need another housing
2. shitskins won't be segregated and will be a nuisance in more places.

>compared to France mate even our ghettos are posh. But I fear the same.
You're right, I'm talking about experience. But don't forget we have 65 million people, and France is way bigger than Denmark. Be very careful, they breed like rabbits.

>50% of our immigrants are from western countries and even though they do not contribute as much as the average Dane they are still a positive economically. The third worlders wont pay anything ofc as they are and have always been a drain.
I wasn't talking about European immigrants, duh...

>I'm an absolute fucking retard: the post

If you stretch cancer thin enough it will be destroyed by the immune system

5 millions people, it just takes a "good summer" and forced quotas by EU, I bet in 10 years denmark is worse than France. Hell, all the shitskins that are already in Europe and got papers could just move there.

Well according to our government the birth rate for none western immigrants are 1.95 children by women. Its 1,75 for ethnic Danes. The birth rate for immigrants used to be 3+ children per woman 20 years ago.
Many believe the reason for this is the much fewer gibs they have access to so they cant spawn such large litters anymore.
>I bet by 2030 most baby born will be non white
if the borders have not been closed then yes you would be correct. There are still plenty of work ahead of us but this is a step in the right direction dont you agree?

Why do you care about my personal life?

Why should I be punished harder, because I live in 8220?

It is probably not even allowed by our constitution.

So you're saying the Swedish taxpayer is just paying for more migrant programs

If you have something to say, say it, but I don't really give a fuck about your insult. I went to Amsterdam once and it was even worse than Paris.

do not compare it to France, Pierre. Danes are much more disciplined. It'll work for sure.

Can I bring my diversity to denmark?

I am dark blone green eyed
My wife is brown haired blue eyed
My daughter is blonde blue eyed

Can i come?

>The only reason these fuckers are here is because of the welfare state.
>i bet by 2050 they are a conplete an utter shithole if they keep taking people and letting people leech the system.
that is the main reason why we are closing the borders for none western immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. We dont even accept UN refugees anymore like the UK does.

Well if you haven't commited any crime or plan to do so, why does this bother you?

>tfw Europe might actually be cleansed in your lifetime.

This sounds like they want to give free houses in middle class areas to useless nigger.
They're dressing it up in 'getting tough' language to make it palatable to the native Danes.
Schools which are doing good will be forced into taking a quota of disruptive, illiterate niglets.
All the other points will not be enforced. It's grade A commie nigger codling.

Because if I do I will be punished harder than you, because of where I live.

You never committed a crime?

>Danes are trying to get rid of ghettos
>Icelanders are banninng circumcision
>the eternal Dane is our greatest ally

I don't know how to feel about this

This is the biggest thing that Sweden will never learn; it doesn't matter how much taxpayer money you spend on your amazing welfare state. You're trying to rehabilitate and socialise hardcore African niggers--- most of them are of the Islamic faith.
Look at the United States; they can't even control Christian Africans who are the descendants of Slaves generations ago. These in Sweden are GUEST GENERATION ANIMALS. All this is going to do is tax the white male working class swede.

well its up to the local police if they want to use this new law. So if you are a normal Dane you wont be getting 2x the punishment.
besides stop doing crime nigger.
>Stem rodt idioter
S supports this you idiot.
>It is probably not even allowed by our constitution
firstly, Grundloven is not a constitution as such. And secondly, yes its very much allowed. The EU might not view it that way but there are no local laws in the way of this.
t. law faggot

Reminder that behind every 2nd Danish flag there is a muslim. For German flags the probability is like 80 percent...


Step 2 is camps to help create a new lampshade industry

Exactly, why do you think soros is dragging shitskins into Europe each and everyday by boats, they will become citizens and then have freedom of movement eventually, which is why we wanted to leave in the first place.

These small white populated countries are gonna get absolutely fucking ass rammed, the invasion hasn't even fucking started yet, this is like the "introductory" period of the fucking plague hahah, a small minor "refugee crisis" , wait till the even lower dregs of their societies catch on, it's gonna be a complete clusterfuck.

Stay safe mates and try stay armed too.

They must be deported.
The longer they are in welfare states the more it costs in suffering & money.


The police does not decide the punishment idiot.

How is 'grundloven' not a constitution?

>Police will have to go in the ghetto.
? they already do. This is not some Paris shithole ghetto.
>the harsher the punishment, the more stones they'll receive when trying to police these zones
yeah we are not at that level of cesspit mate.
>They'll just make these camps in Denmark then
they used to. However Denmark made laws that limit our personal freedoms to combat it. So lets see.
>Congratulation, you can write yourself on your watch list
sure I wont mind as long as the shitskins gets beaten.
>1. shitskins will need another housing
yes and we have empty social housing else where. This is simply done to spread the immigrants thin so they cant form ghettos like in France where the police only go en masse.
>shitskins won't be segregated and will be a nuisance in more places.
fair point and I agree.
>But don't forget we have 65 million people, and France is way bigger than Denmark.
oh I am aware. That is why something has to be done now since we are "weaker" than France.
>Be very careful, they breed like rabbits.
unless you punish them for this then yes there natural inclination is to spawn more shitskins.
>I wasn't talking about European immigrants, duh...
I know. I just wanted to make the point that if you hear that Denmark is 9% immigrants ½ of those are westerners.

>You never committed a crime?
No? What crimes do you commit? And why?

t. D*ne

That just subjects them to selective pressures
They either compete in white areas with the white cost of living or they fail and become bums

>welfare state
Oh, sorry.

>5 millions people, it just takes a "good summer" and forced quotas by EU
we are the only country in the EU that have an opt out of this. Denmark was never part of the EU quota stuff.

>Hell, all the shitskins that are already in Europe and got papers could just move there
yes that is a major concern.

No you're children would commence the 5th reich

>Billions will be invested in tearing down ghettos and building up cities to prevent diversity clusters from emerging.

Was all for it until I got to this part.

What a fucking waste of money. Deportation or bust.

Sounds like theyre going to implement forced integration into nicer, white areas.
Obama already tried this shit here in the US and all it did was turn nice, white areas into nigger shitholes.

if you got a job offering over a certain income level then you could just come as part of the EU.
but how about fixing the fatherland then jumping ship?

Ummm in the grand scheme of things this is not a good thing. The Nationalist cause needs White people to get "slapped in face"

>You never committed a crime?
Nej. Why the fuck you would commit a crime? Er du en perker?

>no more this
>no more that
>literally forcing resettlement policies
Window dressings. Ghetto laws only force the problem to spread out. First few years it might work but after a while you'll get the same problem re-emerging even worse. Now instead of it being concentrated in one area, the cancer is spread everywhere and allowed to fester. So long as these people resist assimilation you're planting seeds of discord.

Jeg er et-hundrede procent dansk!

Jeg har solgt weed, lsd, svampe og andre stoffer i en periode, men ikke lige for tiden. Hvorfor skal jeg straffes hårdere end en der begår den præcis samme forbrydelse?


Sharia AKA kid fucker patrols in every part of the country , sounds pretty enriching to me tbqh senpai

>The police does not decide the punishment idiot.
no they decide if its should be applied. Just like the stupid knife law and the mask law. The boots on the ground decides if it should be enforced on a case to case basis. This is common practice.
>How is 'grundloven' not a constitution?
its not written as such. Its a base outline for how the Realm of Denmark should be govern. Stuff like "The monarch must be protestant christian". Grundloven does not even protect your freedom of expression as according to it its fully legal to throw you in jail if you say something the government do not like.
This is the reason why Denmark adopted the Charter of human rights from the EU. Its so Danes get the same rights as what a normal modern constitution grants.

>Jeg har solgt weed, lsd, svampe og andre stoffer i en periode
forhelvede der var du dum

It's not that I disagree with you, but aren't you already assrammed by shitskins? I mean, one just has to look at muslim-%:s in your large cities.

>Obama already tried this shit here in the US and all it did was turn nice, white areas into nigger shitholes.
I fear this as well. However you have to take into account that you have WAY more niggers than we do. Forced integration of 0.2% blacks might be possible. The 4% Mudslimes is the real problem.

>Hvorfor skal jeg straffes hårdere end en der begår den præcis samme forbrydelse?
fordi du goer det i et omraede der er lort. Tror du det her er noget vi har lyst til at goere? Vi bliver noed til at tage om naeldens rod. Saa flyt eller stop med at bryde loven.


I don't think this is so smart.

>>Harder punishments for crime committed in ghettos.
Unless you start chopping off their hands for theft, and their genitals for rape, it's not going to be hard enough.

>>Schools are not allowed to enroll more than 30% children from blacklisted areas, ("Ghettos").
It would be preferable to keep segregated from the mudslimes. Now Danish children will receive greater rape and exposure to mudslims

years in prison for parents that send their children away to "relearning" camps in foreign countries.
How about simply sending the parents away too?

>>Billions will be invested in tearing down ghettos and building up cities to prevent diversity clusters from emerging.
Billions wasted. It'd be better for the genes of the Danes to keep themselves separated from the diversity.

>>"It's not about skin color or religion but about people that neglect or refuse to contribute to society."
Why not make it about skin color or genes or religion? Why are some people not allowed to protect their genetic heritage or religion?

They're already sucking off welfare. The tax in the country is so fucking high, so of course we can spare some "change" for these shitskinned cockheads, who literally stabbed and shot someone to death not too long ago. I can't in any way see how this can ever go wrong :^)

No more ghettos basically just means they'll spread the cancer over a larger area.

You people don't know shit.

Imagine stepping in a turd, and then wiping the turd off on your living room carpet. The turd is still there, but now it's spread all over your apartment.

This won't change shit (no pun intended). And by that time Danes will be a minority anyway.


>Sharia AKA kid fucker patrols in every part of the country , sounds pretty enriching to me tbqh senpai
hehe but not really. There are too few shitskins to make that happen and our police are not such cucks as in many other western countries. Sharia partols are not accepted.
here is a little article about how the danish police enforce ethnic separation between groups. Mostly done with beatings.

Agreed with this, you know your shit, pun absolutely intended.

Flytte hvorhen?

Hvorfor skal jeg flytte, fordi Venstre finder på, at folk der bor i Brabrand skal have hårdere straffe?

Fuck vores regering. De er nogle usle sataner. De lyver hele tiden og sælger Danmark til Goldman-Sachs.


No they dont, there is close to 1 million non danes in Denmark if you count children of immigrants. If you ever step outside of your door you will see that it is far FAR beyond 5%

this, no more ghettoes does sound good, but in a few years, this policy will be declared succesful and they will proceed to open up the borders again.

>Unless you start chopping off their hands for theft, and their genitals for rape, it's not going to be hard enough.
true but its a step in the right direction. You dont go form a slap on the wrist to summary executions in a day. Lets be realistic.
>Now Danish children will receive greater rape and exposure to mudslims
my biggest concern as well.
>How about simply sending the parents away too?
cant if they are 2nd and 3rd generation and only have a danish citizenship / permanent residency. The laws have been change to combat this in the future but hte ones we already have are quite hard to deport.
1st generation immigrants are deported for crimes already.
>Why not make it about skin color or genes or religion?
its is. However our prime minister cannot say that since hte EU and the German cucks would be all over us. Why do you think he even says it in the first place? When we banned the Burka it was not called "a burka ban" but a "masking ban".

>yeah we are not at that level of cesspit mate.
Don't worry, it's just a matter of years. Look very carefully at France, it's the future you're chosing with this compromise.

Well that's some uplifting news , i don't think any police force could be anywhere near as cucked as the UK's , it's pretty fucking rage inducing, these traitors are gonna pay for what they have done to my country and people.

Jeg håber virkelig i læser Dagens Blæser, bros.