>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump announces tariffs 3/1/18
>Press Trump @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>FLotUS Melania @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>VP Pence @DHS 15th Anniversary 3/1/18
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan @WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>WH Opioids Summit 3/1/18
>TransSec Chao @Senate 3/1/18
>KAC on F&F 3/1/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 3/1/18
>DefDep Press Brief (Dana) 3/1/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 3/1/18
>Pres Trump w/Congress members on School Safety 2/28/18
>Pres Trump @Billy Graham Memorial 2/28/18
>SurgGen Adams/OMB Dir Mulvaney @Natl Assoc of AGs 2/28/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec DeVos on HBCUs 2/27/18
>VP Pence/HUDSec Sleep Carson @Natl Religious Broadcasters Conv 2/27/18
>VP Pence @Life Issues Institute 2/27/18
>AG Sessions on new Opioid Policy 2/27/18
>AG Sessions @Natl AG meeting 2/27/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Based McCain edition
How many terms?
The BRAIN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his tumor. His swelling is large. Its domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out.
He is bipartisan, as a result of his high levels of patriotism. This gives him the appearance of health and strength.
The BRAIN man's demeanor is one of a true maverick. He is principled, assertive, and can be explosively conservative. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly members of the GOP
From the Desk of Donald Trump Playlist:
Someone else needs to bake now
Also there will be little to no mccain posting for a while due to the release of the path of exile expansion tomorrow.
Take care of yourselves
>House is lost
>Senate stays red
>Obama era gridlock for 2019+
Too bad the Republican Party is such shit. They're literally going to do nothing except the tax bill. Nothing on immigration.
Reminder guns don't become illegal they become undocumented
> I don't know why we're commanding the oil fields of a sovereign nation, even if they are sandniggers, when we weren't even invited by Assad
Because that's the way the world works. America is an empire, Russia is aspiring to become one, Iran is aspiring to return to becoming one.
Don't take the fact I can explain with support for it. I consider the brief period when America was expanding their empire between the coasts by purchasing land from France and Russia and genociding natives and spics the high point of America empire. Even the period taking Central America, Pacific Islands and the Philippines was alright.
But the easy expansion period is over and given that Israel, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Sunni ragheads are less inclined to resist all it remained to take was Hormuz and the Suez. That's a fact of life, deal with it. America First doesn't mean America Home, it means "Fuck others" as well.
thanks op
Thanks for baking, take care, Kiwi McCain.
How long has he got left?
The gun nuts are annoying as fuck. So you need an extra permit and background check to get an assault rifle. Big fucking deal.
Yeah, succession over a toy...jesus christ.
>trucks dont hurt people drivers do
>guns dont hurt people shooters do
t. drumpf
Trump did pretty insane damage to himself with that. I knew it the second I heard it that it would not go away.
>over a toy...jesus christ.
When Brits came for your guns they were shot in the fucking face.
A "toy"? Yeah, a "toy" which has the potential to shape history and kill tyrants, user. Your treatment of such a powerful object is frightening.
>America First doesn't mean America Home, it means "Fuck others" as well.
I take it you didn't pay attention during the primaries. That's neocohen bullshit if I've ever seen it.
Tucc no!
Watch out little wolfgirls...
>a toy
The liberal mind is incapable of understanding the world we live in. Go back to playing some Nintendo Switch and let the big boys talk amongst themselves.
Better in that knife before that becomes illegal too bud
> I know there are people who aren't like this but there are lots who are, justifying my post.
If you didn't make it as if the whole thread was like that you could have a point. But, being an one trick basic bitch, you resort to cheap stunts, weak bait and tars the whole thread with a broad brush (like ). After a while it becomes harder to hide behind "lololol, I troll u" and "I was just pretending to be a retard". Face it, you are indeed just a retard.
One aside: I'm always amazed by your intimate knowledge of the day to day occurrences of Reddit. It's like if you were accusing people of what you really are. Are you Jewish by any chance?
Trump: Arabs and Russians are harming Israel!
>sends in 18-20yr old soldiers to their deaths for Bibi
>trusted to handle fully automatic rifles over seas
>cant even use semi automatic at home
>"they are just children"
21 AND UP ONLY!!!!
So what. No guns are BANNED in the U.S., not even full auto machine guns.You just need an extensive permit/background-check progress called Class III. Anyone who wouldn't go through that trouble isn't leading the revolution or some shit. Pic related is an invasion guns haven't done shit to stop.
With the clearly unethical and most likely criminal behavior of the upper management levels of DOJ, FBI exposed by chair Nunes of the HIC, there are two complementary areas that have been conveniently swept under the rug. The first deals with the murder of the DNC staffer Seth Rich, and the second deals with the alleged hacking of the DNC server by Russia. Both should be of prime interest to SC Mueller, but do not hold your breath.
The facts that we know of in the murder of the DNC staffer, Seth Rich, was that he was gunned down blocks from his home on July 10, 2016.
>Washington Metro police detectives claim that Mr. Rich was a robbery victim.
>after being shot twice in the back, he was still wearing a $2,000 gold necklace and watch
>He still had his wallet, key & phone
>Thus he was not a victim of robbery.
This has all the earmarks of a targeted hit job
>No one has been charged with this horrific crime, and what is more intriguing is that no law enforcement agency is even investigating this murder.
>According to other open sources, Metro police were told by their “higher ups” that if they spoke about the case, they will be immediately terminated
>It has been claimed that this order came down from very high up the “food chain,” well beyond the D.C. mayor’s office
>One more unexplained twist is that on July 10, 2016, the same day Seth Rich was murdered, an FBI agent’s car was burglarized in the same vicinity
>Included in the FBI equipment stolen was a 40 caliber Glock 22.
>D.C. Metro police issued a press release, declaring that the theft of the FBI agent’s car occurred between 5AM - 7AM
>2 weeks later, the FBI changed the time of the theft to between 12AM-2AM.
Was the FBI gun used to shoot Seth Rich? Neither the FBI nor the Metro police will discuss.
Although they speak the same language and geopolitically are aligned, one can often find subtle but not completely insignificant differences between British and American culture.
For example, in the English bat-and-ball sport cricket, the ball is projected towards the batsman using straight arm "bowl", in sets of consecutive bowls called an "over". By contrast, in the United States, a bullet is projected towards an innocent child in a series of bullets called a "clip".
Every sentence correct. I voted for Trump, I'm dissapointed. "Due process later" are words that should never escape our president's mouth.
Anyone who wants to be able to buy it on a whim sees a gun as a toy, yes. If you want a tool, some extra paperwork won't stop you.
Another aspect that needs to be uncovered is the FBI’s “denial” that its cyber experts who share space with the D.C. Metro police department at Cleveland Avenue in the District, assisted in accessing data on Mr. Rich’s laptop.
>Data on the laptop revealed that Mr. Rich downloaded thousands of DNC emails and was in touch with Wikileaks
>The file with evidence of what was on Mr. Rich’s laptop sits with the FBI in a co-shared space with the D.C. police department
>According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks.
Since then, the DNC hired a spokesperson Brad Burman, a known hatchet man to basically cut off any further communications with Mr. Rich’s parents. Interestingly, it is well known in the intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded the DNC emails and was paid by Wikileaks for that information.
While Wikileaks doesn’t expose sources, Julian Assange gave a clear clue during an Aug. 9, 2016 interview on Dutch television when he implied that Mr. Rich was killed because he was the Wikileaks source of the DNC emails. Mr. Assange offered a $20,000 reward leading to the arrest of Mr. Rich’s killers. Also, why hasn’t Aaron Rich been interviewed, and where is he?
An empire masquerading as a republic. Not a virtuous empire either, nor even a conscience one.
I live in a rural area and guns have proven useful in many situation, but never in my life have I need an assault rifle. It's literally a toy for larpers.
Every word is 100% correct
Why Trump says stupid shit like this is beyond me
> I take it you didn't pay attention during the primaries
user, please. Trump said
> we won't let Iran become an hegemonic power at the region
> I was against going into Iraq but the way the withdrawal was conducted was a mistake, there shouldn't have a withdrawal specially with the date set
> bomb their families, keep the oil
> being back waterboarding and a whole worse than waterboarding
> keep Gitmo open
Trump dissent with the neocons only on "nation building", he's more for "resource extraction to pay for protection services rendered" but he's not an isolationists or a pacifist by any means.
With regard to the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC server, Mr. Assange also offered information to the Trump administration to prove Russia didn’t hack the DNC server, as the DNC claimed
>Mr. Assange also met with Orange Country Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican & gave him information to present to the Trump administration to prove no one hacked the DNC server
>None from the Trump administration have met with the congressman or Mr. Assange
The FBI opened an investigation into the theft of the DNC emails in July 2016
>However, the FBI has not inspected the DNC server because the DNC won’t give permission
Is the FBI an extension of the DNC? T
hat’s why we have subpoenas
>Instead, the FBI relied on an assessment by a cyber security firm, Crowd Strike, hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC’s law firm Perkins Coie as proof that Russia was the hacker. Incompetence is an understatement
Corruption at the highest levels of the DOJ/FBI is clear.
The Trump administration must take charge and get a competent attorney general to pursue these crimes.
The article that flipped PERSUASION MAN.
When war with China/Russia/Iran breaks out will Trump promise not to draft anyone under 21?
>I wan't to stay out of world conflicts and build our defences
Hows that been going?
We're still involved in Noko and Syria.
Now we are training in poland and japan for Russia...
damn never thought of it that way.
>I knew it the second I heard it that it would not go away.
Yeah, you've been very hard at work making sure of that.
Roma was an empire and (briefly) a republic as well. That's not unprecedented
Dilbertman disagrees
I know. These Trump nuthuggers are fine with criticizing the gun control comments, but are fine with a moving window on wasted overseas bullshit.
It is a tool regardless of how it is obtained and for what purpose the user intends for it. A car bought for leisure is still a car, its utility and ultimate purpose has not been changed, the same goes for a firearm.
>Nothing on immigration.
If this happens, America is lost forever.
Even my country still has the demographics left to be salvageable, but America is at a tipping point. Secession will be absolutely necessary or you will soon live in a slightly better version of Mexico, except without a homogenous population.
Somebody take that MP5 from that bitch, please. Something about the way she's holding it has me rather salty.
Yeah me linking 3 screenshots of news articles made Tucker write his tweet and NRA hold emergency (non-scheduled) meeting with Trump.
There is no such thing as an assault rifle and it's about the principle, we all know they are coming for your handguns next, there have been tons of democrats admitting this on camera.
Would a title of "neo-isolationist" fit him? Or maybe perhaps a "post-isolationist"?
Well, America's immediate neighbors are much more tolerable than Europe's. Even if the U.S. literally merged with Mexico, it's a better long term prospect than being the lowest fertility region on Earth surrounded by the most fertile (and poor_
...poor places in the world. Arabs and Africans
>When things change they become the norm.
No shit Scott.
> Why Trump says stupid shit like this is beyond me
Because he "tells it like it is", for him at least. Then he get educated about it and corrects himself. That's a big reason for why he got elected but makes him very prone to gaffes like this.
Luckily for his base he doesn't always agree (as a president) with the things he believes (as a private citizen). I truly can see Trump saying something on twitter @realdonaldtrump and then replying with a harsh disavowing via @potus
>you will never be smart enough to make thousands off of Trump hatred
Rome was a Republic before it became an Empire (the catalyst being Gaius Julius Caesar). The Republic had to fall and become decadent before a new era could arise.
>America's immediate neighbors are much more tolerable than Europe's.
As bad as Russia is it does not compare in anyway to Mexico.
>eating chips in the dinner table
>dipping in avocado
>dad goes on yet another autistic fit about trump
>tell him most avocados come from california
>(briefly) a republic
482 years isn't exactly 'briefly'
But they'll never be banned. Nothing is banned. Not even grenade launchers. All that changes is the level of access. Anyone willing to go through the steps can still get a silencer and machine gun. Regulation would stop first-pass crazies.
Tell your dad to calm his autism. I'm assuming he walks about the house in a snuggie while your grandmother makes him tendies?
I'd rather hang out with Russians than be surrounded by Goblins... Life in Texas is Hell, sometimes.
>All that changes is the level of acces
Communist tier reasoning.
You're full of shit.
i think you’re overthinking it
Tell your dad to grow the fuck up.
I think he was talking about sandniggers
>Well, America's immediate neighbors are much more tolerable than Europe's. Even if the U.S. literally merged with Mexico
?? How naive are you?
Mexico is worse than say Russia, worse than Turkey, worse than all of Middle East even. Look up some of the shit the cartels do.
I'd rather have neither here, but at least sandniggers are in theory capable of building a civilization. Mexicans, not so much, or 1000s of years ago with different genetics, and still violent as fuck even then.
Mexico was tolerable before 2006. Not sure if that drug war will ever cease without U.S. military intervention. Another reason this type of overseas adventuring not even in our hemisphere is skewed.
>I truly can see Trump saying something on twitter @realdonaldtrump and then replying with a harsh disavowing via @potus
Now'd be the time. What's he waiting for?
nah he works a lot and is a chef. the media just did a number on him.
I don't think so.
>anyone willing to go through the steps can still get bread, trust me
Communist and revolutionary retards suffer from an urge to label things.
They already use "Fascist" as a form of insult, even though nothing related to Fascism is present on what they're calling such.
Mexico has fertility at about 2.4 per woman while North Africa, the Sahel, and the Muslim world average 4+ children, sometimes 7+ (Niger). That like I said combines catastrophically with Europes 0.9 children per woman and no will to stop migration.
You're calling me a communist? I'm not the same user as
>Mexican cartels that have connections with Italian and Russian mob, plus terrorist organizations on South America will start selling heroin, cocaine, marijuana as legitimate business
And you wonder why nobody takes lolbertarians or infowarriors seriously?
but is it made from real russian hooker piss?
Funny how the commies are supposedly "educated" when they spout their hypocritical bullshit. Makes me glad I never went to college, gonna save up for a Trade School instead. Would go for an apprenticeship, but there's no one in my area that is offering or even hinting at the need for one.
>Based Mccain
Last 2 digits how many more months John's got left.
>Almost 3 years
>sometimes 7+ (Niger)
It's POC, shitlord
POCatopia, then.
What did mctumor do?
Sub Saharan Africa is not Europe's neighbor. Or is as much as it is America's neighbor. We are actively bringing niggers here from there thx to EU. If at some point we decided to stop, we could.
Sandniggers have about the same birthrate these days as Mexico. And I'd rather have them over Mexicans.
y not just call him a nationalist (MAGA) and a capitalist (money matters). not everyone is going to follow a certain label to a T unless the label is named after them
>there's no one in my area that is offering or even hinting at the need for one
You should definitely take the initiative and find them instead.
>We won't let Iran become an hegemonic power at the region
Why? Because Israel might have to stop using us as their enforcers and meat shields? Go ahead I say. Wall the whole region off and let them duke it out and leave us the hell out of it. We give them billions in aid, time to see what that money has bought them.
> I was against going into Iraq but the way the withdrawal was conducted was a mistake, there shouldn't have a withdrawal specially with the date set
The withdraw was a mistake, agreed. Especially one done as it was where you tell everyone we're out of there at set date.
>Bomb their families, keep the oil
No issue if we were there already under the pretenses we were.
>Waterboarding, Gitmo
Never saw anything wrong with that. I'd go further with being gloves off with those types.
What I'm not about is entanglement for no good reason other than Israel says jump and we're supposed to say how high. Don't act like AIPAC doesn't run out foreign policy. A foreign element shouldn't be dictating us into conflict when they don't shed their own blood or funds. We do.
That's no ally. That's a racket. I'm no pacifist as you've love to believe; I'm just not a fucking moron.