will islam take over europe?
Will islam take over europe?
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Not but Finns will
I honestly think that white nationalism will take over completely in the next 5 years or so. People aren't that stupid. Even women.
>people aren't that stupid
>will islam take over europe?
No. We will start conflicts across Europe before that happens. These cucks who have imported millions of Muslims seem to have missed the point of how easy it is to start war with Muslims and 3rd worlders in general.
Seriously, Merkel just admitted there are no-go zones in Germany. We are one or two "Fuck Allah" campaigns away from these Muslims exploding into pieces. The EU will find importing these Muslims to be the biggest mistake they have ever made.
"MERKEL'S ADMISSION Angela Merkel admits there ARE ‘no-go areas’ in Germany"
"Angela Merkel admits German NO-GO zones are 'a REALITY' "
I think more and more euros are understanding the existential threat that Islam and mass immigration is.
They'll get he numbers sooner or later. But numbers aren't everything, they will always lack the smarts and the cohesion to really take over.
Muslims literally think they are superior to everyone on the planet.
Good, kimi.
Also, like all religeons, it is as powerful as it's believers, stop worshipping this false shit and just be human. We have the weapons.
Yes you fucking idiots. Stop asking the same Damn question every fucking day.
Calm down Jamal.
Yes. Intolerable will always rule over tolerable.
England is Europe now?
I hope so. I also want it to take over NZ. I want to see libtard women crying while their alpha muslim husbands beat them.
I don't think so, but I don't like Islam in my country the way it is.
Most Muslim kids in the West are a lot more moderate/degenerate. In a generation or two they will primarily just be nominal Muslims, I think.
Also immigration across Europe seems to be decreasing and Muslim birth rates are decreasing.
Fucking kill yourself
>That OP pic is quintessentially British
It has already taken over... It's irreversible at this point thanks to the left.
I'm completing my conversion tomorrow with my local imam. Also, honestly, Islam is nowhere near as bad as people make out. user, read the Quran and learn for yourself. It's a beautiful religion.
yea nah. I wouldn't get to see the caliphate then. I'll be jerkin off in the corner to the liberal tears.
Attacks like this are carried out by a fringe. It's like saying Dylan Roof is what all white people act like. You don't live here, trust me, most young Muslims here are shit Muslims who have bought into degenerate culture.
Not likely
they will starve and freeze
Islam won't take over, that is ziocon agitprop.
They are the fucking underclass here, the lowest of the low. When has it ever happened these people 'take over'?
At worst, Europe will become a caste society with muslims as the dalith.
you are a fucking nut case mate
it already did
Welcome to Sup Forums, mate.
One city.
Unless white western society (especially here in the UK) can return to traditionalism, conservationism, and nationalism (ideally, also monarchism), then no. It's true, we are implicitly all sick of post-modernism, our very souls have been rent by the degradation, stagnation and degeneration that modern society throws at our feet, day in and day out.
But you have to keep in mind, Islam is fiercely propagated by its followers for good reason, and unfortunately tolerated and enabled by non-muslims for a sad but truer reason, and it's this--it is traditionalist. It is conservative, it is nationalist, and it does one better than Monarchism--theocracy. It is brutal, but it is ordered, it is structured.
There currently is no finer bulwark against all forms of political correctness, homosexual depravity and cultural Marxist ideology than Islam. Yes, its core tenants are bullshit, Yes, their civilizations are not advanced not has Islam provided any sort of comfortable society for its adherents, but right now, as it stands.. it is the only dog in the fight that actually bites after it barks.
Christianity doesn't do shit. LARPing neo-Pagans don't do shit. Neo-nazis and white supremacists don't. do. shit. Where as muslims, they breed. They breed and they breed, and they beat into their children unbridled obedience and disdain for all that is wretched and unholy. They are vicious and they are driven. They are everything that we Anglo-Saxons NEED to be, and fast.
How can we hope to defeat Islam if we cannot even purge our own fucked up ideological battle-field that we call 'western civilization'?
TL;DR. It may take over Europe. But know that it will also destroy faggotry in the process.
As I stated here The problem is you have not started to experience the issues of having a minority from the 3rd world isolated in your "white 1st world country". You cucks do not realize how easy it is to cause chaos in the communities. Whether they live next door and go to your school or live isolated in a Muslim only community. Causing conflict happens naturally but imagine if it were to happen as a concerted external effort.
Your dismissal of Muslim terror attacks as fringe and the young Muslims are some home westernized will quickly fall apart as you realize riots are a single social media campaign away.
Seriously, these Muslims you have imported in the name of "diversity" will become the weapon of your enemy. Imagine if a cartoon was enough to caused these Islamist to shoot up and firebomb Charlie Hebdo. What do you think a "Fuck Allah" social media campaign will do.
Do not say we did not try to warn you. Those Muslims you cucks love so much will become your murders.
Just the western half
Islam isn't much worse than Christianity, though.
What's the story on her? Looks like she didn't have long to go.
If there is no civil war, we are lost. It's far too late to deport them.
Just look up the 2017 London Bridge attack.
>If there is no civil war, we are lost.
Calm down. These Muslim no go zones are so volatile it will take little of nothing to set them off. Even Merkel can not ignore it anymore. These Muslims have turned Europe into a bomb and all it will take is a single spark to make it go BOOM!!!!!!!!! We tried to warn the cucks.
"Angela Merkel admits there ARE 'no-go' areas in Germany that 'nobody dares' to enter"
UK and Sweden are done. Most cuckold nation I've never seen.
Praise for the rest. Hope Poland can save EU again. Your only last hope
When in Vietnam we killed millions muslim over 300 years ago and living peace
Meanwhile in Europe you guys bring over millions savage muslim, wew I'm speechless...