You may not like it, but this is what an alpha russian male looks like.
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Is that Michael Phelps?
Damn the new sminem shitposting is the best
Sage goes in all fields
Leave him alone
>The savior of mankind
Really makes me think
quick rundown on sminem?
you’re goddamn right
insecure commie diaspora found
Some Russian kid ho gets bullied for his looks.
He, however, does not seem impacted by any rude comments
Truly Alpha
Nah, he's not right in the head is all.
Better than a nigga
Quit picking on that poor slav
What a chad.
legitimate chad
Fug.... To close to home.
Honestly, at least he's not 300lbs overweight.
He's probably an athletically capable boy and that's something 90% of the amerimutts on this site will never be.
It's safe bet to say that OP suck tons of dicks.
This is what an alpha Russian male looks like. Conquerer of JEWlluminati-created Nazi Germany, right hand of the most successful Nationalist-Racialist and anti-Semite in History - Joseph Stalin.
Those are peasant genes wrecked by decades of communism.
These are proper russian, tsarist genes.
>Cлaвa Pocии
This is what an alpha russian male looks like
soccer fags are the biggest cucks lol
the meme that saved /biz/
what's his story?
This is what peak trading looks like.
that thumb on his shirt is appropriately placed
Fuck the niggers, fuck them all
We are gonna start a great war
To be honest he looks like someone you could have a nice drink with and laugh
>white child not relaxing around the blacks-king
>survival expert
His Kazakh dad tripped in the stable.
Russia saw how popular the mutt meme was getting so they decided to join the race with a Soviet mutt.
LMFAO @ all these Russian trolls with their American flags getting butt hurt, while being too stupid to understand that they just got baited.
Never relax in wilderness, brainlet
and laugh at him yes
fat bald guy
before it was the space race now we have the mutt race nice lol
That kid is do ugly that it's adorable. Weird
01010011 01001101 01001001 01001110 01000101 01001101 00100000 01000011 01001111 01001110 01010100 01010010 01001111 01001100 01010011 00100000 01010010 01000101 01000001 01001100 01001001 01010100 01011001 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111
What happened?
I feel so bad for this kid.
I genuinely feel sad for that kid. Judging by the smile and the odds of it being his parents putting all these pictures up, he's probably a nice kid but will eternally be judged for being born like that :/
Seeing kids like him make me question my priorities... I get all fuzzy inside when I say someone slit their wrists but empathetic when I see kids like these who don't deserve it :(
Fugg you are a fagg
pls dont hate I am a sad dog now :(
I see him and thank God I am not a slav.
he shot up a school pretending to be white
You still have a heart user. That's a good thing.
The boy that saved crypto
He's just Russian
darkey shitposting is fucking cool
gee what great footage of a pair of girly legs running around some clean place in a pair of gay shorts.
fucken faggot
Kek'd at the gold chain
slavs are a pure white breed! Hitler was a anti-whi
heil hitler!
most people live and die without a whisper of mention. Meanwhile, Sminem is immortalised and has taught countless people to cherish life
Incoming ban nigger
>I see him and thank God I am not a slav.
What country does this slav live in? Slavs are white. He seems so happy
Don’t he’s famous now
Speedo and gold chain in the pool is pretty alpha
>t. butthurt vatnik
kek I have the same speakers
russians havent been slav for years, they are slav(es)
>gold chain with bulge on display
>totally in control of the situation, asserts dominance through a strong hand grab with lower male
>women mirin
Geniune chad.
Plz user go shit talk Emeljanenko to his face please.
Be a happy doggo annon!
Guys, is Oblivion leaking into the real world?
he already got mutted no point in me blacking him aswell
Russians are slavmutts
Quintessentially Slav
He should be positioned more rightward tograb by the p**sy
Are Russians the niggers of Russia?
Russian men are generally the most ugly people on the world yes
Straya always bringing the truth.
his hand is big, his duck must be hug
Fedors prime was when no one was testing on steroids, that guy was pumped on the best stuff the Russians had to offer that time
блм нa фopчaнe pycня?
fedor got tooled by fabio fucking maldonado (and then his friends gave him the "victory")
дa eщe кoтopaя пpитвopяeтcя бyдтo пo-pyccки нe пoнимaeт...