>very large majority of men are pedophiles
Why is US law so strict on pedophilia when it's proven to be entirely natural human behavior?
>very large majority of men are pedophiles
Why is US law so strict on pedophilia when it's proven to be entirely natural human behavior?
A convincing argument young lad.
>smooth & supple
Well you know how it is in the US only the really wealthy elite can have pedophilia as a hobby.. Why cause there isn't anyone else that can do about it.
Because the criminal elites of the economic hegemony participate in this to enslave and kill children, those people must be strung up from lamp posts and dealt with
>"All color codings based on common sense"
kill yourself, NAMBLA faggot
This isn't a debate. Nothing about pedophilia is debatable. Kill yourself or turn yourself in to a nut house or whatever to remove yourself from society. You're sick and there is no cure. Get off our rock.
Pedophilia is for a good reason illegal.
The youngest i would look at is 14, but not touch.
I can say for sure, that pedophilia is nothing natural.
Now i have a daughter and I would kill everyone who touch her.
Thats fathers love, its amazing and a thing i dont want to miss
But I have evidence that pedophilia is natural. What do you guys have other than pure outrage?
The desire to kill is natural too.
If we let everyone follow through with every natural instinct then this would be a terrible society to live in.
Weird, every girl child nappy which I have changed was sexually aroused.
Not that I touched her in a sexual fashion etc just saying this graph is wrong.
Yes, it is. I'm not suggesting we should let them either. I specifically asked why the punishment is so strict for something that's natural.
Wrong how?
Libido and sexual curiously states low. However if every girls nappy I have changed ad it has been a few has been sexual roused then it should not be low.
(((Male students)))
and it has been a few*, has been sexually aroused* Wow bad English there on my behalf
(Natural) are you fucking kidding me! Pedos will burn
So, degenerate left wing college students are paedophiles too, who would have ever imagined such a situation?
Rape is natural. Murder is natural. War is natural.
The difference being we don't go around doing it because we are more intelligent than animals to be able to see the repercussions.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time following your logic. You don't get aroused when changing diapers? The chart says most aren't aroused by infants.
The chart doesn't say anything about their political affiliation... unless you're suggesting that left wingers are more likely to get an education, in which case I may agree.
Rape, yes. War? I'm not sure. Sun Tzu may have thought so. And the fact we're intelligent (at least some of us) means we can recognize when someone is basic their actions on instincts in which they cannot control and never asked for.
Yeah, most people would also like to get everything for free, it doesn't mean we should let them go around and steal without consequences.
kys, faggot
Just because mankind has sunken into a state where they deny their spirituality and connect more to the physical doesn't mean it is natural to subjugate the will of another. It is actually completely unnatural as pedophilia causes great damage to a person spiritually. Extensive damage as their own free will be equally as subjugated in turn. So, if you're goal is to lock your soul in darkness forever, then sure it is natural. However, I think many would say what your suggesting is the antithesis of natural as it causes severe self harm in addition to the harm of others. Don't believe me? Go over to /x and speak with any of those claiming to be heavily possessed by demons. Most of them report suffering a great deal of abuse or being the abuser. It seems like the army of darkness likes to recruit from your pool. Pedophiles have been inverting and perverting the beautiful exchange of sexual energy for far too long. It stops now. The world is waking up and you have lost. Game over.
Judge yourself for your own actions. It isnt my place, but I have the heart of a warrior and I wont stand by silent when the innocent have no voice. The ripple effect has created a new wave of change and pedophiles and those who rape and abuse are being exposed. It is a matter of time for you.
Read the thread m8, I never said they shouldn't be punished. I know polacks have trouble reading.
Would you mind bible-bashing in another thread? We're talking facts here.
You can invent statistics to prove anything. 80% of all people know that.
All you have proven is that you can find a study that supports your belief. Hmmmm why would that exist in world where scientific studies are funded by pedo elitists? 100% of americans will know why soon.
So you have nothing to contribute.
I didnt mention the bible and I'm not a Christian or any religion. Spirituality stands on its own. I do however know how to read energy and yours is quite dark. Much like that of those who have convinced societies of old that what you're doing is natural. I'll post what I want. I was polite and truthful. My view doesnt validate yours, but you shouldnt push your agenda here if you arent prepared to debate it from all the angles.
>I'm not religious
>I don't have an agenda
>I only spoke truth
Ha! Yeah, okay.
Pointing out that the agenda you push is equally as fake as all of the fake news that is fed to us is a valid contribution. Your inability to address any of the points Ive made says more about you brother. You do not have to believe me. Your belief is irrelevant. This cycle you are in will continue regardless. I stand outside providing the perspetive of the observer. If you dont want to look through my eyes, don't. Others may and therefore the contribution stands.
When you leave could you take this other crazy fucker with you?
Sage and KYS in all fields Ahmed. Fucking disgusting. Wake up mods and get this fucking trash out of here.
>Sup Forums taking an anti-free speech stance
Seems I struck a nerve.
Sure... When I leave I'll take myself. Good thinking user!
> Be me
> Pedophile user says I'm crazy because I point out his violation of free will will negatively affect him. Try to help him see
> Accused of being crazy by said pedophile
> Pedophile doesn't like me. Pedophile doesnt understand, but I don't hate and won't back down
> Wish pedophile could see his aura
Yeah because free speech is valid in this thread. Um... Unless you disagree with OP. Then he says BTFO
Defending having sex with children doesn't constitute as free speech, it constitutes a bullet in your fucking head
You know what? You're right. Talk all the mumbo jumbo you want.
pedo scum.. your all being hunted as we speak.. keep sharing your childporn while u can.. you sick fucks
Maybe when you blow yourself up you can have those 72 children that you can't seem to stop thinking about. God I fucking hate Muslims
That's exactly the problem I'm trying to point out. Shooting someone for following their base and natural instincts - which they never asked for - shouldn't be met with such extreme penalties.
the fuck u talking about it does when consent isnt or cant be given.. dumb cunt
posts a photo shopped graph he made in his basement... trys to use it to justify the fact that he likes kids
I want you to come practice your natural Islamic instinct anywhere near me. I wouldn't just shoot you, I would make you wish you were dead you disgusting fucking pervert
If I did that'd be alright. I'd share the same desires as most other men. Which would make me normal.
I think you need to calm down.
u deserve a doxing just for trying to stuck up for it...
Thanks! Now we are having a real conversation. Kudos user.
I had my world shattered when I dis some research and found out the scale of what was happening. In my search for underatanding I befriended someone who was abused heavily by his mother and others as a child. As a man, he is sexually attracted to children and is so fearful he will act on it because his soul knew instinctively as a child it was wrong. So now every day he fights these demons within all because he was programmed to seek pleasure unnaturally. Amazingly enough he changed his thoughts and desires to find an adult who would role play with him willingly and safely. I see that as great progress. He is slowly creating habits for change. His story is truth just as yours user.
Okay, post proof any of this happened.
all u pedos need to be in jail to realise the whole time u just needed a dick up ur ass
>ywn meet a cute red-pilled 20-something virgin girl
Post your ip dirtbag
Ephebophilia is the natural state for any normal man. Who the fuck would want a roastie? 14 and 15 is pretty young tho so not sure if in good conscience I would bang, however, would marry and groom until she was a bit older and ready for having children safely at around 16 or 17. Paedophilia is fucking disgusting. Kill yourself.
>would groom a 14 year old
>says pedophilia is disgusting
Kill yourselves
14 is legal in many European countries. I quite clearly said I'd likely not fuck a 14 year old, however, if you think an older man marrying a 14 year old and raising her to be a decent woman is worse than having her raised by social media, then you should also probably kill yourself.
Did you guys know that homosexuality is also entirely natural? Every species of animal we have ever studied on this planet has exhibited homosexual behavior.
Just shut the fuck up and die
i wish i found u cunts in prison... u lot dont last long at all.... even wardens kill u cunts
dont worry... working on doxing him
Post proof of a conversation I had with a friend? First all, I cannot prove an exchange of words. Secondly, even if I had it digitally we still could not prove the legitimacy in today's age now could we? I would be happy provide insight perhaps if you have questions about our chat though.
My point in raising the story is to say that while some children may never show adverse effects of this lifestyle, there are those completely broken by it. As adults we can look at each other and see a kindred and know they are alike. We know who shares our tastes per say. Children are just finding themselves and there is no frame of reference for their experiences. It is only later when they begin to see the world through many lenses that they can make sense of what occured in childhood. Some go on fine. For others, it is a dark web of shame, victimhood, and pain. Both are true. Gambling with the life of somone else always has more than on possible outcome.
Muslims don't go to prison, they get coddled and act like they don't know they're fucking disgusting wastes of skin
paedophilia isn't natural, you are defective and should be killed in the most inhumane way possible
You know I was wondering earlier what percentage of Sup Forums was posting from prison. Also good luck I'm behind 20 proxies.
Well, you see if you don't start backing up your claims with evidence this is going to be a short conversation.
Oh, there's plenty of muslims in prison I can assure you.
ive done plenty of these cunts inside and out of prison... he needs to eat a box of tide pods
Oh no no no no .
Over 60 and pubes thinning ?
WTF pol/ I'm going bald THERE too ?
The absolute horror
im not in prison anymore... ur proxies dont mean shit mate.. ur kind isnt safe anymore
he needs to eat a fucking bullet
just don't engage him. He knows he's demented and can't help his affliction. You have a better shot at getting a response from a brick wall.
in all fields.
I've been replying a lot.
Oh Yah right . My gay cat and trans dog Fuck all the time.
What college degree is needed to study homosexual deviation in animals ?
keep replying makes it easier to find you.
it's not natural that young girls have secondary sexual characteristics
endocrine disruptors in cosmetics, pesticides, city water, plastics, food additives, and bio-accumulated pollutants are to blame. China has toddlers who have been overexposed to these chemicals and begun transformation.
cosmetics (esp hair)
pharma in water
Fertility among female hairdressers
consumer products
So be it. I won't post lies to further an experience I had for the sake of another. You must recognize we live in a large place with an extreme amount of variation. The notion my friend's story is impossible is for you to carry alone as it is illogical and false.
Perhaps there are otheers who suffered abuse as a child who would be willing to openly share with you here. Stranger things have happened. Youd need to open your mind a bit ansd your heart a lot though.
okay hes fucked in the head... you can tell by his talking points especially the roder he presented them in... i seriously advise u to keep your SICK thoughts to yourself
people are taught to think young girls aren't sexually attractive. it's societal conditioning.
everyone below 25 is seen as a kid nowadays. the infantilization of adults and sexually capable girls has ruined society
I do not judge his transgressions more than my own. I do disagree with him wholehearted though. He for the most part politely engaged in debate with me. I take no issue with that. Your hatred is for you to look at user. Dont project it upon me please.
You should die now, you're going to get caught anyway.
Interesting. I may look at this later, though outside of Hong Kong China is a shithole so not entirely surprising.
You're right, things like these do happen. Not going to deny it. And I feel bad for people who suffer, and I feel bad for their families. But I run into a lot of extremists on the internet who will say just about anything to bolster their argument, which is why I prefer for fact over allegory.
All kikes are closet pedophiles.
It's really weird actually
Even the female kikes are
They hide it very well
there is some fluctuation from nutrition but even well developed nations had 15-16 solid averages, industrialization started the leeching of these chemicals into the biosphere and it's been getting worse.
girls keep getting it younger and younger and doctors act like a 7yo menstruating is normal when 20 years ago a girl at 12 would get a bunch of remarks about how young she was.
Seems logical to me to not trust blindly. When I said I can feel your darkness it was true. I can also now feel your light as I now know you can see that in some cases what we are discussing can be quite detrimental. Thank you for that.
It is a net negative to society,
Boobs are boobs. Booty is booty. If you got em, it’s hot.
>oh shit, she’s 15????
Guess I’m a monster now
U must be one of those sick Rabbi worshiping pedos who like 2 mutilate baby boys then let a dirty old man suck on the bloody stump
As a father lemme tell you....that feeling doesn’t go away. Even if she’s 25, you dont want anyone touching her. That has nothing to do with OP’s topic
Fascinating. This article I'm reading says that obesity is also a chief cause in this phenomena.
You're welcome.
Yes, but it doesn't have to be... or at least it doesn't have be an overwhelming negative.
it's death by a thousands cuts, same with the reduction in male testosterone levels
I like where you're going with the non net negative approach. What ways forward do you see that would allow for that?
I'm not going to engage with you, you're a moron with out a speck of decency or common sense
What I will say though, if you ever go near or touch my children I will literally kill you
Is that a good enough reason to not act out your sick, degenerate, evil obsession?
0-3 have low libido?! How about none...
Very interesting. Definitely going to read more about this.
Better education on the topic and less stringent beliefs about sexuality and pleasure may be a start towards less strict penalties for acting on the desires. Also I'm a big believer in correctional therapy in place of prison time.
Of course we're always going to have someone like who will threaten to shoot you if you look at their daughter and that's where I believe the negative net sum game stems.
Fuck off, kike.
All is one?
>towards less strict penalties for acting on the desire
You are a worthless individual who cares nothing for the child victims of evil people, you will get what you deserve and it can't happen soon enough
>leeching of these chemicals into the biosphere
No, it's not the chemicals in the water making the frogs gay.
It's the fat content in our foods.
read the studies i posted, even just the summaries
Fun thing about this is that no one died and one of the planes actually landed safely.
I think the Idea of calling someone a pedo because they have no armhair is a feminist way of labeling men who dont want to fuck their unhygienic ass sounds like a very feminist thing to do
Have you taken a good look at that pedo bingo card? It reeks of 'men who are attracted to traits I dont posses are pedos'
Can we stick to "youre a pedo if you like kids" rather then try to turn it into a mathmetical "IF TITS =
I can support all of that. Your brain knows better than mine what might work. I agree change cannot come through rejection and condemnation. That just pushes things further underground.
Guys like you don't scare anyone.
>Your brain knows better than mine what might work.
I don't know about that, I just know that this is a crazy fucked up world and a little reason, tolerance, wisdom and patience is in short supply.
Maybe you're right to a degree. I just find the results of the study interesting.
Fabulous read. It doesn't define my worldview but I agree with most of it. OP if you ever have time on your hands the Law of One info is one could I recommend to anyone.
>Guys like you
Ok, what am I like then you stupid cunt?
Believe me I would find it very easy to scare
>Guys like (you)