Isn't neo-nazism the ultimate "we wuz kangz"?
Isn't neo-nazism the ultimate "we wuz kangz"?
no one says that's nazi's were their ancestors lmao most neo nazi's aren't even of german descent most of the time, let them do whatever they want. They're doing more for our race than you are
we wuz kangz is a meme for something that didn't exist / nothing to support it.
the Nazi's were real and were European and there's nothing not to support that; however african "Kangz" is a different story.
pretty much
No, it's retards who think having a dark-skinned ancestor 8000 years ago means we are all niggers.
Or maybe people who want reparations because their great-great-great-great-grandfather was a slave.
at least blacks think they wuz (black) kangz, but with neonazism, 56% goblinos and monstruos de la oscuridad think they wuz (aryan) kangz
Or perhaps even some large-nosed morons who lost all their land and spent the next 2000 fucking over the entire world to RECONQUER a DESERT.
Mostly they dont they are just pawns to discourage other whites to self preserve.
not really if you're an american since the national socialists basically ripped off the usa. hitler youth was the boy scouts of american. hitler also wrote in mein kampf that the usa's eugenics program was the best and later copied it. yurotrash untermensch larping as nazis is more pathetic, but still pretending to be a nazi is for faggots
many Nazis were Jew-mixed and denied it because it was easier back then to falsificate documents
there is nothing more sad than non-germans larping as nazis.
i could understand germans larping as nazis, nothing makes germans happier than killing whites.
More like we wuz fags, but yea it is.
>we wuz kangs?
Sorry, no. It's just bunch of aggrieved losers and punks who worship the memory of an earlier loser and punk.THIS is the icon/ideal they should aspire to.
The same faggot posted the following threads:
Op got BTFO'd
TIL Egyst isnt real
All of the Americans with family members who fought in WWII are collectively sighing at your stupidity.
If you're european you pretty much can as lots of european countrys helped the nazis.
In our case we had the blue division, so it's not bad for me to identify those heroes as part of my spanish identity.
Why should whites need encouragement to survive lol? Are you that much a cuckhold