these are your supah programmers
New game!!
>Nene holding the gun as if she was carrying a dog or something
Why would one want to be a programmer?
Brought to you by Red Bull. It gives you wings!
that's because nene is a pacifist and would never try to shoot anyone
to make games with aoba!
Red bull? I prefer pink cow.
This dork is cute
she probably makes that face everytime another girl touches naru
Autistic cow.
>kou leave eagle jump to work with ubisft
>she is force to design pic related
why did she just acept rin's love?
Pink cow? I prefer Pink Pineapple.
That's the face when I put it in her butt
I see Nene has embraced the /k/ life.
Peco genocide runs when?
I NEED to molest Momiji's Momos.
I'm not usually one for tittymonsters but god damn, she's attractive.
Don't forget to preorder and get the season pass, user.
Sorry, no Momo, no deal.
>killing the cute queen
You'll put yer eye out, kid
It's excusable for nips.
[insert that one gif of the nip with the waifud out rifle and case I can't find here]
That's the best they can access in Area Eleven, user. If Ahagon could buy actual guns, she would do it without hesitation.
were reaching levels of smug I never thought possible
Nips can get an overunder shotgun for sporting use and hunting. Then wait 10 years to get a rifle
Pretty silly desu
>nips have to wait ten years
>I had to wait ten days
This is a bit of a meme, you can get guns in Japan, and they're not limited to O/U shotguns either. I saw a blog by some hunter in Hokkaido that detailed his and his friends guns, and they had Saiga shotguns, M1 carbines, rare Euro hunting gats, and some real museum pieces.
I had to wait 5 minutes
Do you think Ahagon is into pubg?
What the fuck is that bulge in his right arm
I didn't have to wait at all.
you can own rifles there's just a ton of paperwork and stuff you have to jump through first
I don't even have to leave my house. Just have it shipped to my door with a pallet of ammo.
Where did it all go so wrong?
It's only a matter of time she's fully trained by Umiko.
Ko is kinda bad at considering other people's feelings.
I didn't. But now I do.
No Momo=More Hifumin=Better Show
Remove everyone but those two and make the show about nothing but them trying to hold a normal conversation.
when she fell for the chad of lesbians
I want a spinoff of just Christina and Hazuki being cute cakes.
When the company decided to use Kou's name instead of Aoba's for promotion which was bad enough to push Kou to leave the company so they'll use Aoba's name next time. She'd have eventually left to expand her horizons but that event made it happen sooner and more abruptly. Didn't even give Rin the time to prepare her heart.
Is this...
...a motherfuckin'...
Why are you still watching this? Just to suffer?
>clutching the watch Kou gave her to remind her of her connection to Kou
>the eventual realization that it doubles as a goodbye gift and Kou was planning to leave even before she gave it to her
>there's nothing she can say to make Kou stay because Kou's job is her life
That's some delicious suffering.
>rins only reason to show up in this season the few times that she has was to be sad
rin bullying needs to fucking stop
Most people aren't as oversensitive and easily triggered as you.
she doesn't deserve any of this shit
Now, go back and write unit tests.
>she will marry some random jap and live a life of misery knowing Kou is somewhere out there living a happy life without her
Hey. user.
Watch this.
So when Kou leaves, does the cat dyke lady swoop in to munch Rins muffin or naw?
Cat lady goes with the autistic cake. Actually, cat lady ships Rin with Kou the hardest out of anyone.
Oh im aware she ships them hard like a motherfucker, but that dyke is so thirsty she would pounce on Rin so fast if given a chance. Same story with the autistic cake.
>skipping testing
I have to wait the time it takes me to drive to the store.
fucking speedcoders
she wouldn't do something like that knowing that Rin is in love with kou, kuristina on the other hand. I bet they're fucking right now
Sorry that Hajime didn't have much screen time, she was busy getting her delicious armpits and butthole made out with by ME!
>doing the QA team's job for them
go to bed yun, you're drunk
that's not how you hold animals, nigger
Unit tests are the responsibility of whoever wrote the code. Nobody knows better than the author of the code how it works and how to test its functionality. If you routinely pass the QA team untested code you should be fired.
>first memecchi
>then hajimaymay
>then memecchi again
who will she stomp the fuck out next? aoba? her mom? hifumeme?
She stomped out herself by not fully checking her code thus causing more work/problems for others.
I want more of the girl in the right
>dumb&dumber haircut like Nene's
How plebs can you be?
no she didn't. she got HIRED. you're next, faggot, if you keep talking
>purple eyes
she's insta best girl
just watch k-on or koe no katachi. hyouka
best moment and best line of the season. just the way she said it + that face was just perfect. it almost felt like i was there
Aoba's gonna fuck her up if she goes down that alley.
Is Nene undisputedly best girl now?
Nene wouldn't even be best girl in an all male cast show.
Who said she didn't write unit tests? Nene didn't save her by writing unit tests, she played the minigame.
Best at being most annoying, yes.
Yeah but the writer knows the code and will write the unit tests to pass. Integration tests are better.
I want to marry Umiko.
>umiko likes the US army
but i thought she was redpilled and hated israel
who do you think is the most redpilled?
She needs a dick down her throat
she always has been
Hifumi is so frightened of Aoba. It's so cute.
These are your group sex partners for tonight.
She knows that Aoba is a sadist
Ahagon, the only one without Red Bull in her desk is the only one awake
>these three will never shoot you in the taint
why live
Best pet for Umiko, at least.
don't spout Sup Forums buzzwords, obviously.