When did you grow out of racism?
When did you grow out of racism?
I'm racist as fuck but damn I wanna fuck a black chick with a big ass right now.
I'm not a paki civic nationalist, so never
>When did you grow out of racism?
Nigger please. I've been getting more racist by the month.
Also why are you posting a picture of an ape?
When I actually started interacting with people and realized what people say on the internet aren't always true
just now
>interacting with other white people in my white neighborhood
when i got a girlfriend
Where are we burning a cross this week?
I guess it's possible to stop being racist just like it's possible to become homosexual or a cannibal.
Still all of these examples are to a high degree unnatural.
If you somehow overcome your natural barrier to become degenerate no depraved act becomes impossible.
Kike SHILL fucking Slide thread, The more I dealt with black people the worse it got. coming from a waiter
if you can just stop being racist you were never racist to begin with
I grew INTO racism, m8. It's too hard to deny easily perceivable reality and the sheer amount of evidence, though.
A couple of years ago when I realized that it's a bogus concept used to oppress and/or destroy whites.
Firstly, what is racism?
As a kid I didn't hate ANYONE! But that changed, guess why?!
>half black gf
>somehow still has red hair and blue eyes like her dad
>Firstly, what is racism?
A racist is someone who knows who they are.
Never had it. I've always had a high-functioning brain therefore remain somewhat immune to caveman behavior.
However, I would gladly role-play Plantation Owner if a black qt3.14 demanded it for her satisfaction.
When all the niggers are dead
Knowledge about scientific race differences and culture is not something you can just throw away. You will look at that big ass and see mutt kids with the average iq of coco the gorilla.
>A racist is someone who knows who they are.
What a load of word salad! Elaborate!
Seems more rational to hate the system which pits you against incompatible groups of people, rather than the groups of people.
If faggots weren't forcing everyone to swallow their preferences or be stomped out of civil existence, none of this bullshit would be happening.
actually grew into it since they are pushing it so hard to not be racist.
When somebody posted a black person on the internet and my pee-pee felt funny,
I grew into it actually. I used to be antiracist until I experienced diversity first hand
>When did you grow out of racism?
>posts picture of a nigger slut showing her ass to camera
>What a load of word salad! Elaborate!
Well who do the anti-racists call racists?
...White people who love their race, love their race's homelands and want to see their race survive.
Those Whites don't care about other races don't care about other races homelands and put their own people before the other races and the other races homelands. All things the anti-racists demand Whites never do.
A White person who knows that they are a proud member of the White race and who has a desire to see the White race exist, survive and thrive is a racist.
That's why we say there's nothing wrong with being a racist.
That isn't word salad, it's the opposite. You should have pointed out how vague, pretentious and meaningless that statement is. Instead you pointed out how he uses big words to make what he said sound complex when really it's very simple.
I never grow out of it, I grew into it, you sick fucking collectivist.
When I realized that their women want me more than our want them.
so you are posting this on every board?
>so you are posting this on every board?
OP must get paid to.
That's why OP hasn't posted more than once. He's probably posting this on another board or even another site.
D&C forum sliding shill.
*grow into it
i grew into racism after i had to get a real job and stop bring a faggot liberal leach on my parents. i adopted sexism much more heavily though. women are almost universally worthless in the workforce
Is your dick racist, or is it just a conscious effort?
but not all blacks goy
don't forget the 6 gorillion too
>You should have pointed out how vague, pretentious and meaningless that statement is.
If you thought about it and didn't automatically take the word racist as a negative (which is exactly what the anti-racists want you to think) you'd see it was none of those things.
Better fuck her. I hear she can be booked.
Weird, my parents say the opposite. They think that my hatred for others comes from not working.
Most black women can be bought easily as long as you don't treat them like prostitutes.
>They think that my hatred for others comes from not working.
Did you ever inform your parents that every single non-White in the country takes a potential job away from a White person?
Not to mention it drives the wage scale lower since the darkies are willing to work for much less than Whites?
dont we all?
Yo, what's that meme called where a chick is squeezing another chicks tit and smirking?
Maybe as recently as this week. Stoicism is better mixed with prejudice and race realism.
Racism isn't real, cultural and genetic differences exist. They were never meant to intermingle and live peacefully, humans by nature want to see differences and attack different outsiders.
Fair enough! I guess I'm racist! Is it bad to be a proud racist?!?
>dont we all?
No, because I don't fuck animals. I certainly don't betray my race.
>Yo, what's that meme called where a chick is squeezing another chicks tit and smirking?
Being a degenerate whore.
The weird thing about older generations is that they say everything that we say, but they will never call themselves racists. The accusation of racism is like some occult spell to them.
loaded question
sage and hide
No I mean that picture of the chick grabbing the others boob? Come on, this is driving me nuts and I can't find it anywhere.
sounds like they think you're jealous or petty. i was one of those liberal pussies who thought the races could co exist and that whites were just overly aggressive. now i realize that line of thinking was ingrained in me by an indoctrinated school and social system. when you end up working with different races, you start noticing patterns specific to each race. same with working with women. if it's manual labor they'll do the absolute minimum and claim they're "trying". if it's office work they'll do the minimum and get endless praise for it
>appeal to the natural state
you don't grow out of racism
you're just not as much racist as before
being racist takes too much time and effort
It's called CountryLove.
>The weird thing about older generations is that they say everything that we say, but they will never call themselves racists.
Back then racism was a natural state of being. They knew that Whites and darkies did not get along, did not live together, did not mix and certainly did not breed.
It had nothing to do with hate or superiority. They instinctively knew that the darkies were different and for that difference we all should remain apart.
>The accusation of racism is like some occult spell to them.
To the anti-racists calling someone a racist is immediately supposed to stop Whites from acting in a way that benefits the White race.
If you don't let that work have power over you, they lose all their power over you.
>No I mean that picture of the chick grabbing the others boob? Come on, this is driving me nuts and I can't find it anywhere.
Stop being a degenerate nigger.
When did you grow out of braaps?
>being racist takes too much time and effort
Yeah...wanting to save your race from those destroying it is just too much.
It's better to spend that time watching TV and drinking beer amirite?
Thank you. I had to run to the closest Sup Forums thread for help.
I don't think you can technically call me a racist. I only hate blacks, I'm pretty much ok with all other races and ethnicities.
When I spent 3 weeks in Australia and finally understand that white people in Australia are actually niggers too.
The same hapa faggot posted the following threads:
I'm not racist. I love niggers and shitskins
you grow into racism, silly
that's how gypsies are made.
Guys, what does she have around areolas ?
>grow out
Nigger I grew INTO racism.
fuck yeah, broski!!!
anglos are awesome though
what didn't you like about them?
There’s nothing wrong with white slave masters raping nigger subhumans.
>I only hate blacks
pretty sure that's all it takes to be a racist
>Guys, what does she have around areolas ?
>fuck yeah, broski!!!
Good goy.
I grew into it after i stopped being a naive child mate.
>false premise thread
perhaps one day, once in your life, you will post that isn't a scheming subversive lie.
Doesn't it bother you that you can't speak openly, using truth to influence people? you have to spam subversive lies to get people to side with you?
10 seconds ago
>muh dik
break free from your libido, slave
when the black exchange student from my class kicked my ass, I didn't really expect that
Why would we do otherwise? Expectations are too high for people, especially 85 iq african's in western society. To think that people who never created an advanced society would suddenly auto catch up in your society is silly. Humans of all race like to deny fault, when you are a minority this is an easy excuse to brush off your failures. Then the less you look like someone, the less you share the same values, the less you know a person, the easier it makes it for you to do wrong towards a person.
>Good goy.
thx goy.
Why did he kick your ass?
When I stopped caring about my own "race" from realizing that no matter what I would do there is no future for it.
I still acqnowledge the differences between races and still stand by the statement that some are just better than others,
only I have given up on the nation/culture/ethnicity that has given up on itself.
You cant preserve something that doesn't want to be preserved and actively destroys itself.
he gets it
When i read this book. So 20 i think?
wtf is that photo
>When did you grow out of racism?
Pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence and speaking the truth at a risk of being politically incorrect is a sign of integrity of character.
>grow out of racism
you have that backwards, retard. people don't become more liberal as they get older, they smarten up and become more conservative.
You don't need to grow out of racism to not be a douchebag about it.
Just respect people. Is it really that hard?
>white trash bogans and degenerate liberal white apologists are awesome
How weird i just saw this thread from Sup Forums did the mods moved it?
>Just respect people.
This is the standard of western society, but the issue is that outsiders do not share this sentiment and approach situations in hostile manners. Blacks and mexicans are by far the worst offenders of this.
after I had read and began to understand the Bible, and Christ
otherwise I would be a ragin 1488'er, in the extreme
Every single human is a soul Christ would do anything to not lose for eternity, and it is OUR job to win them over to Him, to speak the Gospel and pierce their pain and sin that we might have their company, in righteousness, forever
what is racism? sounds like a made up thing