Is Sup Forums dying?

Or is it just a slow day? There's also lots of shills. Where is everyone flocking to? Twitter? Discord? Another chan?

I'm done giving a shit. This place is just a slightly edgier reddit now. 99.99999% of Sup Forums is just shitposts and shills. Board is only good when there's happenings and seeing if there's any happenings


That’s the reason it’s shit. Faggots like you have given up.

>is Sup Forums dying
m8, Sup Forums has been dead for at least a decade. Its just a board to shit post politics on and LARP as some kind of super secret government agent.

Still, its always a good chuckle when the MSM treats this board like some kind of Illuminati

T_D is unironically the new Sup Forums. Woke on the (((globalists))), right now theres a thread on White genocide in SA with posts naming (((them))) and the we wuz kangzers getting 100s of upvotes, in comparison to the SA thread here which boomers, JIDF and other degenerates destroyed, along with every other productive post.

Case in point, this is your typical old, degenerate American poster on Sup Forums. Compare that to T_D were the majority are young, energized and tired of (((their))) schemes.

I want the meme flags to go.

I'm usually on Twitter the same time I'm on Sup Forums. It's an excellent news feed, since I followed all government agencies, police stations from all major cities, every major city in the world's news site and various tech journals, weather watchers, and military.

I follow about 1000 different things and I'll post something here when it pops up.

This. pol was the shit back in 2008. now is just larping of all kinds. From nazis to illuminati


we gave up a long time ago. the problem with redditors is that most of them are immovable fedoras who believe their redpills put them far above the normies.

I recently made a post in a T_D thread about Europes demographic problems in which I wrote about how the bad guys and (((globalists))) won WW2, that leaving half of Europe to rot under Communism for decades with millions being sent to the gulags was not a victory, and the same people who made Germany a living hell during Weimar moved here and began destroying us. Dozens of upvotes, comments agreeing etc.

If i made a similar post here Im immediately attacked by dozens of JIDFers, boomers, Poles and "do it again bomber Harris" retards.

T_D is more redpilled than Sup Forums. This is how low you've sunk, and will continue to sink.

Well it's not like I'm trading Twitter memes with niggers or following some rapper. Here's a current clip of what I see. Just news I scroll through, usually when something happens I see it quick as fuck since everyone posts about it. Then I post it here, not some random cap of some stupid bitch that says whites are stupid. I'll post the article.

Been dead since Moot sold us out to Gamergate.

Sup Forums was created in 2011 newfags.

Probably because the user base split when people went to 8. The thing that made it great was there was some seriousness, and some fun. But everyone serious went to 8 and it's no fun allowed, and all the shitposters stayed here and there's no discussion.

An 4+8 unification is needed.

underrated, have a you

its always the jews

me too

Too many shills. Meme flags+mods not doing their job+popularity=fall of board quality.

The shills will never silence us

Trump is spiraling the drain so Russia-bots and Foreign-Trolls are losing interest now that the damage to America is mostly done. The Mid-Terms are coming and Dems are going to win huge and Trump will turn back Dem and cuck out as his family members start being indicted.

Sup Forums is just ahead of the curve. Sure there are retard American Trumpcucks who actually bought into Trump being some kind of savior...they'll "shill" until he's bounced...

Sup Forums is dying because troll faggotry is dying... its boring.

8/pol/ will die just like 4/pol/ is now, they're getting the same shitposters we have here. On the first page is an "I need a girlfriend", post.
There's also the low effort Sup Forums tier stupid questions making their way over as well, and just like 4/pol/ you can report these threads, but good luck if the mods ever remove them.
It's a slow process, but in about a year you probably won't be able to tell the difference between the two.
The reason for this is simple, there's nothing to drive those kinds of people away.

This is a shill faggot
This is why the quality of the board has gone down
They parrot the same fucking talking points in every thread
They start dozens of idiotic slide threads every hour and the mods ignore them

It amazes me people still engage in those posts.