Is this the future of all media?

Is this the future of all media?

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>we must combat racism and prejudice
>by being racist and prejudiced

Shut the fuck up white pussy

They see it as balancing things out.

>being colorblind

it doesn't matter what they "see it" as

Goes to show that Asian men are also being discriminated.

In short they hate hard working and successful people. Fucking Marxists.

because Asian people aren't loud about it. They don't throw out the race card. They want to succeed with deeds and not by the color of their skin

Fuck off, bigot.

They don't care about minorities, if they did they wouldn't be racist and discriminate against Asians. They only care about minorities that are " undesirable " in their eyes. They don't find for Indian's because their educated.

Asians would also be discriminated against if the claims are true

t. chink

SJWs worst nightmare.

Which kind of proves that they're racist in having such low expectations of blacks and Mexicans, they know their underachievers so they force them into position's that they don't deserve. The fact that they ignore Chinese, Japanese, Indian minorities tells you all you need to know. They only care if you are deviant and that's because subconsciously they know you're trash that needs to be saved.

This is gonna backfire so hard in whatever white boy's face is crying about it. The government hasn't mandated affirmative action for anything but federal and educational purposes. If they try to drag this any higher than whatever court it's in now then you can bet your ass they'll try to make it apply to all corporations.

It's not desirability it's about representation. Asians already have adequate representation for their population.

It fucking kills me that somebody looks at this chart and says "the problem is there's too many whites"

What's the ideal percentage of whites at a workplace?

Maybe because they earned it

It all revolves around the savior complex and low expectations of trouble minorities which in turn becomes the only minorities in their eyes. To them you are only a minority if you are deviant.

Dang, how about them hawaiians?

They don't actually. Blacks are massively over represented in out media.

They're also saying too many asian males mate.

>because Asian people aren't loud about it.

Asian women are probably one of the loudest bunch when it comes to being a SJW. They come second after blacks.

Asians are actually the most discriminated against, but whites are the second most discriminated against.

If you're a black person with an IQ of 105, the world is your oyster. Look how the majority of black medical school applicants get into medical school, even with the lowest test scores.

Damn, black people need to step their game up.

The stormfags would have you think the SJW's and their ilk are are anti-white, but actually it's that they are pro-black. Notice how "diversity" always means blacks, very little hispanics for the most part. Also they will sometimes pander to non-black colored groups, but only if and when they can use it against whites because it helps their argument more at that time. Whites are at the top of the list for obvious reasons, but every other group except black people will eventually be next in line, if not already. Now I admit I may be wrong about this: Maybe blacks are not the ultimate group they wanna raise to the top, it could very well be muslims, because I see SJW's more and more taking Muslim's side than blacks.

Because they're complacent and easily moulded into the victim narrative.

The funny thing is that no matter where you go in the western world Asians are successful migrants. While sandniggers for example in Europe are a failure in every single European state.

But they keep on arguing that the failure is due to the system, due to racism yadayada and not to any factor withing the group in question itself.

Failure is just their culture user.

Media perhaps but this is about tech companies.
1% 1% 6% 1% 2% 1% 1% from 13% of our population this is not adequate.

I worked in recruiting for Google. I don't know if this headline is accurate but I can confirm there are hiring targets for socially constructed groups, for example "female", and "minority". Basically recruiters are incentivized to find these "underrepresented" people. It's hard to describe this because I reject the premise outright that certain socially defined traits are relevant in this context.

>Asian women are probably one of the loudest bunch when it comes to being a SJW
The amount of Asian women out there who are SJW's I could count on both my hands

You can't be racist to white people, sweetie

And look up "accepted to every Ivy League school" and see what each of those extraordinary students have in common. Hint: it's not that they have the highest test scores or the strongest extracurricular records

Undesirable Asian woman are on the same level of black woman. It's why the cute petite ones are usually submissive and the Mongol jawed ones with mong faces are always sjw's, it's because once the Asian woman isn't good enough for a white man she does what black woman do and that's scream.

Arabs too.

Fatwa against YouTube when?

>weren't women, black or hispanic
the feminists were clever adding minority groups to keep themselves in oppression status while claiming the majority of the rewards

They put a strike against hickock45 they can burn in Hell

This is what you get when you have a street shitter running your company.

Google needs to be torn down and rebuilt.

Forgot to mention this in the first post. Google was encouraged to create this hiring practice because of legal pressure due to the "underrepresented" nature of these groups. They may have agreed to make this policy, but regardless they have little say in where this policy falls as it is largely defined in court, which seems to change like the flag sitting atop the court house blowing in the wind.

Tech companies don't need representation, they need skill you fucking goof.

you must have a lot of fingers

He-heh... it's not alright.

>While sandniggers for example in Europe are a failure in every single European state.
Which makes me wonder: why are middle eastern immigrants in the USA usually successful and Europe gets the retarded ones?

It is adequate if only 1/13 of blacks are not niggas.

step up niggers

apparently not

>black, female, hispanic only

that criteria is so strict for an IT position they probably got like 2 applicants in a year

It's unacceptable. They have gone too far

Because to get to the USA you have to fly there, and not walk there, you absolute mong.

Logic isn't a marxist's strong suit but at the same time it's not vital.

Name 10 female Asian SJW's

Because of distance. You have to be fairly extraordinary to cross the Atlantic instead of ambling through Turkey.

If they ever did a statistical analysis of people who were born in Mexico but now live in Europe I assume that'd be a very wealthy and educated group, too.

Well, the ones that cross the ocean are less lazy and imagine wanting to have a better life in a country that's been bombing yours for 30 years straight, it requires some balls. Europe gets the turbo lazy ones.

>that episode where we was sitting in the woods looking really anxious

Whoever causes the most damage to western societies gets the spot at the top. In the past that was blacks, but today it's muslims. If the chinese started blowing up buildings and gang-raping white children, they'd suddenly be the "most oppressed" group.

All of them except Tila Tequila

Shut the fuck up and educate yourself on the meaning of racism, sweetie. Pro-tip: The dictionary definition is meaningless.

ok dude the jokes been done like 4 times already

Soooo no answer then

I never see in the workplace of Jewgle or Jewtube, and neither does anyone else unless they work there. When you're working somewhere, if the race of the people working there is one of the top things on your mind then you're kind of an asshole and need to accept that fact.


You’re part of the problem fyi

It's funny people keep talking about gun control but Trump just said to respect the second amendment. The only thing that will come out of this is more armed guards at schools and armed teachers. No more false flags at schools ya dumb kikes

Is.. is it larger dick size?

Well that'd be very interesting because blacks would only be more racist towards Chinese then they already are. Blacks are extremely selfish and then the white sjw's would just follow them. I actually believe they would turn against the Chinese very quick.

Personally I can't wait for the day where teachers are ordered to have firearms. It'll be like the 50s again.

Because prior to the refugee crisis, the people who were living all over the world actually had to work hard and earn their place in society.
I know of Arabs who have lived here for 30+ years and fucking hate refugees from their home country.

... Maybe.

Damn I knew niggers were stupid but I didn't know they were this illiterate

must suck to be an asian man

least attractive of your race, lumped in with white men for discrimination, small penis

They ARE anti-white but their hatred of white people is not their main principle - it derives from their true core idea, which is the following:

Through their Marxist lense they assume that every single inequality in the world is unjust. They also assume that every single thing relating to humans is socially conditioned and nothing ever has to do with biology.

Since they want to usher in utopia i.e replace the current "rotten system (in their mind) they are anti everything that is currently healthy, successful and natural in the world. It doesn't even need to be that, it just bad to be vaguely associated with us, with our society, with the perceived status quo.

That is why they hate males. That is why they hate families. That is why they hate whites. That is why they don't care about Asian males. That is why they hate heterosexuality. That is why they christian while sucking Islam's cock.

Deep down it really is the slave mentality that Nietzsche wrote about in his genealogy of morality. These people are weak, pathetic, dysfunctional. So they create a virtue out of it and call it morality.

>thinks he cant be racist towards certain groups because of some arbitrary persecution complex

irony, you fucking imbecile. you will ensure your kids grow up in a hellscape.

>that hair
>that jacket
>that shirt
>that vest
>that watch
>that lack of tie
>that smile

I've never seen such a lack of style. All he had to do was wear a white shirt.

Maybe niggers will behave when they are in the classroom

>The dictionary definition is meaningless.

b-but he is

shut up racist

There’s nothing “arbitrary” about white privilege, kiddo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Educate yourself. Read some bell hooks. Take a few humanities courses and try to have this conversation again, like a grown up.

>Still no answer

Honestly, most people who say 'look up the dictionary definition' don't have much of an understanding of the topic, I've found.

>white vest is a white shirt

He is wearing a white shirt you /fa/ggot

>They want to succeed with deeds and not by the color of their skin

probably because theyre able to.

Nice selfie, sweetie :)

Maybe educate yourself on the real meaning of racism? So you can understand why the dictionary definition doesn’t accurately explain it?

Yeah, you're the one who knows everything, mr. jew.

Even if some idiots out there don't care about the white part, the fact that they're doing this to Asians, one of the smallest and still oppressed minority in the US should be sickening..

Asian americans are notorious SJWs every asian I know is one and there are ones spammed on this board daily. Go outside sometime user

It's a vest, you spaz. Nobody is dumb enough to wear a white shirt under a red shirt, and I mean nobody.

I'm not even talking about the topic you are. I was being general.

It's important to note that they all have one thing in common and that's feelings of inferiority, so they must sink everything to their level and bring up those who they deem inferior upwards. The West represented strength and masculinity so they deemed it something to be sunken down to their level. Inferiority complex is at the core.

>um no sweetie, read a book uhhh?
wow you sure showed him

(((Forced Diversity))) is beautiful, and that's a good thing.

I've never seen anyone with the "Colonialism and exploitation ruined everything forever, that's why they're poor and violent" argument explain this

>It's a vest
>white shirt
sorry but you are the spaz


Most my friends were asian american and the dozen i am still in touch with are not SJW's

Now show me on the doll where the mean girl man touched you

I understand Hispanic (needing the Spanish speakers) but why female and blacks?

Willful ignorance isn’t a good look, kid.

Pro-tip: If you want people to take you seriously you probably shouldn’t talk about subjects you don’t understand :)

Didn't you learn at an early age that two wrongs make a right? Oh wait

Strictly speaking this is illegal. The laws are written that you cannot consider race/sex/religion when hiring, not that you can consider race/sex/religion so long as it's in a way favorable to a minority group; gracefully these laws were written many decades ago by more sane people. If they canceled interviews and denied positions purely on the basis of those characteristics, it's in violation.

Can't imagine who's actually going to take up the case, though. "Yes, I'd like to be the poster child for reverse racism please and thank you."

Too many pajeets