Frankfurt joins the list of cities where the indigenous population become a minority
Germans now a minority
Mostly because of EU immigration. Frankfurt is surely whiter than Birmingham or London.
Of course the eternal English race traitors consider anyone not English 'foreigner' and 'inferior' - despite being the most inbred, cucked, low IQ chavs among us.
All England ever did right was being 'gloriously' invaded by the superior Dutch.
I would not be that sure about this problem...
Visiting Frankfurt will show you that most of them are muslims and many cases both
It's interesting that it is the banking centers that are run over the most.
Tell me more bro
Kek, and it's called enrichment!
A lot of them are Turks
>The report also shows disparities between immigrants and German - with 49 per cent of non-Germans falling below the poverty line,
>The German cities would join others throughout Europe that have already seen immigrant numbers overtake natives, including Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva and London.
>Germoney now a minority
Let them embrace their follies. Its clear now Europe has rejected all that is good and holy for a cheap mockery.
Look at the cities. Those are financial centers.
Geneva, London and now Frankfurt. Frankfurt is the banking center of continental Europe. London is all banking and money laundering and not much else.
>Daily Mail
I don't believe it.
The "immigrants" there are French and German
schadenfreude its only right they should be the first to scream in pain after they forced this nonsense on everyone else without even asking them if they want this.
Everything will be alright with the Weidel attack from the right wing
Old news. Why are you posting this now?
I see where your coming from, but really it's all major western cities. You telling me Copenhagen doesn't have the same problems
do you expect the "trusted" mainstream media to report on stuff they routinely censor because that's what politics demand?
I mean lol dude just looool
No. But i think there is a correlation between the more you financialize and have a elite that make money on usury and fraud the more immigrants get imported.
It came up as the next item on something else I was reading. I didn't look at the date. Why post anything? Does it being 6 months old change anything?
The Cuckening of the century
Hold on a second, a big portion (majority even?) of this immigrants are highly qualified Whites from all over Europe.
Frankfurt is a fucking shithole. I've never seen such a thing, even in france. Honestly even Berlin is better. I've seen more turks there than in Istanbul.
>most of them are muslims and nignogs..
Did you count them Hans?
I went there couple of months ago for work. Massive influx of companies and workers fleeing London, all whites. High end property prices through the roof.
Your argument that 'you only see muzzies and nogs' is nigger-tier
Don't laugh, we're next. I'm pretty sure marseille is less than 30% french.
What's your fucking problem dickhead? It's not a matter of "X is whiter than Z", it's about how Europeans are being replaced. I don't actually believe you're white. The English are actually cousins of the Dutch dating back even before Christianity spread in Europe, which you'd know and cherish if you were white.
The Guardian believes Wakanda is real and the BBC covers up for paedophiles, so yeah, you're not really on the moral or intellectual high ground for dismissing the DM like that.
It really depends on what part you go to.
hapuptbahnhof is only niggers as far as you can see, shit like Taunus and Königsstein are white to the bone, with some guys from EE or other EU countries.
Unless there is a proper breakdown where the 50+% come from, we won't know for sure unless there'll be substantially more niggers then anybody else.
My problem is that the cucked English Brexiters want to actively replace Europeans with shitskins.
Agree about the cousins part, just don't think English have a right to speak here.
Someone posted the % of kids in each city that were British the other day... See if I can find it
London 26%
Leicester 29%
Birmingham 31%
Manchester 37%
Frankfurt has been a complete shithole as long as i can remember.
Frankfurt is the london of germany
Turks, despite their problems, are a hell of a lot better than Pakis.
Also, having 40% European ancestry means they are more likely to blend into the population at large rather than colonise it.
Any source lads, want to check my city
Yeah because the way Turkey is evolving is really as pro-Western like it was two decades ago.
Gotta love how half the thread is westcucks flinging shit who has the least amount of migrants. Its like cancer patients slapfighting in the palliative care ward, which one of them has the least amount of cancer cells in their body.
Good riddance faggots, none of you will be missed.
Don't kid yourself: UK cities are the worst, excepting a few French and Belgian ones. Places like London are completely unrecognisable.
France is actually worse than Goymany. Paris looks like Africa at this point.
go to brit/pol/ and ask for the source
t. polish migrant
Only the suburbs and one districts of Paris.
British parochial nationalism is a pain in the arse and an embarrassment. You guys had more of a backlash against Poles than the hordes of Pakis raping your girls.
Any of you eurofags ever consider taking your countries back instead of watching your people, culture, and ultimately yourselves disappear?
There are no niggers where I live.
Not too bright are you? O wait you're Aussie, England's genetic waste. Didn't even need that memeflag.
How is that relevant to my point? I'm talking about their gentics and behaviour, not the current political trends in Turkey. And anyway, there is nothing good whatsoever about the modern "West", which is nothing but an Americanised cultural barbarism--are you one of those people who thinks Islam is the root of the problem, and that Islam is bad because it doesn't like "western" gay dildo culture?
The rot of Europe goes far deeper than "muh Islams", and if people keep focusing on superficial consequences of decay rather than its root causes, we are doomed.
At this point becoming Islamic would be preferable to a continuation of "the West"; if we were Islamic we at least wouldn't be letting ourselves be colonised by foreigners.
We are in a much better position than you retards are. Your culture is already entirely non-European, and your demographics are worse even than Sweden's.
>if we were Islamic we at least wouldn't be letting ourselves be colonised by foreigners.
yeah there also wouldn't be anything of worth left. Saving your culture by assimilating into another one, must be one of the most stupid things I've read all day.
Also most Eu Turks are Assyrian, just so you know.
Sure we can talk about this but you do notice it's an old post?
But yeah it's unfortunately seeming like it's only a matter of time until you have jews and identityless sheep.
>more than half have migrant background
Why do they come up with the dumbest terms?
But it's highly depending on which city district you are in.
In the banking quarters, you might only see whites.
Niggers in the US = 14%
Spics in the US = 35%
Add the muzzies, asians and whatnot to it including all your pakis and people from india and you honestly ask europeans about taking their countries back?
We have at max 15% shitskin population in our countries. That's far better and whiter than USA.
But i agree, there is a lot of purge to do.
The Islamic faith is in better accordance with European culture than is the modern west of godless liberal democratic capitalism (which is a complete inversion of genuine European traditions). Many places have maintained their native culture and forms yet converted to Islam. The same way that much pre-Christian European culture was preserved despite the growth of Christianity (which i don't like either btw). Islam would look completely different taken up by Europeans, as it changed considerably as it spread (Arabs have not added anything to Islam for a thousand years); if you don't understand that, you don't understand anything. A Europe that was still racially European and yet Islamic would be infinitely superior to a Europe that was not racially European and secular--if those were the two choices i would certainly choose the former.
Islam is largely a scapegoat and distraction that channels the general sense that something has gone wrong into acceptable (and fruitless) channels. As far as i can see, elites and jews seem to be deliberately pushing for a conflict between "the west" and "islam"--it's what they want, because then no one is looking at the actual problems. This is a standard tactic of occult war. And if you look at the "anti-terrorist" legislation enacted in places like the UK, the sentiment has been used to effectively criminalise any political opinion that isn't liberal democratic.
A lot of this "muh Islaming" is just reflexive and ignorant, and actually conditioned. Most people haven't got a fucking clue what they're talking about, same as all the New Atheists retards vis-a-vis Christianity. The most fundamental means of subversion is depriving society of a spiritual foundation and a belief in something above the material--after that the rest is easy, because materialist people are easy to manipulate--Islam at least has this foundation, whereas the modern West does not.
Islam is cancer like all Abrahamic kike mind control systems. Mohammed had his first victories handed to him by the jews.
Just because you agree with some tenets doesn't make it attractive for Europeans. Again, nigger-tier thinking.
This. Brexit was an outburst of british imperial butthurt over getting rendered irrelevant by germoney. They lashed out poles because they are still allowed to be xenophobic aganist whites. They wouldnt dare to shit talk the legions of muslims seeking to subvert their country while living on welfare so they took it out on Józef working minimal wage jobs.
>muh spiritualism
Fuck off. Islam is a symptom of the weakness of the cultural immune systems. Just like how it isnt what HIV what kills you but the infections you get.
>Also most Eu Turks are Assyrian, just so you know.
>For example, supervised STRUCTURE (K= 3) illustrates a genetic ancestry for the Turks of 45% Middle Eastern (95% CI, 42-49), 40% European (95% CI, 36-44) and 15% Central Asian (95% CI, 13-16), whereas at K= 4 the genetic ancestry of the Turks was 38% European (95% CI, 35-42), 35% Middle Eastern (95% CI, 33-38), 18% South Asian (95% CI, 16-19) and 9% Central Asian (95% CI, 7-11).
When your people is less than half your nation, only then you will understand the plight of catalanism
Demographically, France is committing suicide. In 20 years France will no longer exist. Why don’t you just gas yourself and save time?
>Fuck off. Islam is a symptom of the weakness of the cultural immune systems. Just like how it isnt what HIV what kills you but the infections you get.
Great argument there. I suppose it's just a coincidence that all radical movements target first and foremost the spiritual foundations of the society they are trying to tear down; i suppose it's also just a coincidence that the collapse of Europe and the loss of will amongst its people has been coterminous to the decline of religion and the resultant growth of secular "culture" (which is more like barbarism, like in America and its primitive worship of mass).
Dismissing something that has been the central ordering point of all the great European traditions as "muh spiritualism" is so ignorant and so simple-minded that it almost defies belief.
Hahaha. Ok Brazil version 2.0.
>demographic suicide
Says Le 56%
France isn't even half way down the ethnic drain where the US is going.
Fucking multiculturalism is an American disease caught by Europe.
London here. It is the worst. Only really Paris can compare. Amsterdam is pretty bad too, but it feels worse than it is because of its design. Because of the size of the country it probably has a proportionally worse effect too
This is not true. It was just the press trying to create stories to prevent brexit
Fuck off, Amsterdam isn't near the London/Paris leagues of white replacement.
I live in an entirely white working class neighborhood. Don't have many of those in Londonistan do you.
Islam is not the answer to the problem called Islam in Europe.
We have enough own culture and moral foundations to regain our countries without using Islam, that by the way is the very cause of many of our problems nowadays.
Don't try to sell us rotten apples here user.
I understand the the position your coming from but that last bit was retarded
>if we were Islamic we at least wouldn't be letting ourselves be colonised by foreigners.
20 years ago, I dreamed about visiting Germany.
I have zero interest in going now
Where do think you are, baguette?
Don't fall for the meme.
Many americans are visiting the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) Region here and are amazed by it.
Don't let Sup Forums make you belive that all of Germany looks like the Central station of Frankfurt main.
It would be like if i say i stay away from travelling to USA, because i don't like the situation in Detroit, Chicongo and Blackimore.
Bavaria and the eastern part of Germany were great when I went. Berlin was a shithole except for the furherbunker.
female voting, it's the only explanation
every nation that has it ultimately has a negative fertility rate and opens their borders
there's no other thing
we can blame jews too but without female voting they wouldn't rule
This is legitimately scary. I can't even imagine what's it's like in France. Too bad ethnic stats are banned.
That is my fundamental point though: Islam is not the problem, but the consequence of problems not addressed long before we had any Islam. I'm not trying to sell anything except that people who focus on Islam are really missing the point. Frankly i'd much rather have Islamic Turks than Christian Africans; the problem is racial, not religious.
Well, we wouldn't. Islam is at least a masculine religion, and one of our major problems is our complete feminisation:
>If Islam despises Christianity, it has a thousandfold right to do so: Islam at least assumes that it is dealing with men. (Nietzsche)
All i'm doing is acknowledging the facts of the matter. People who go on about "the West" as if the modern west was anything but a decadent farce, ripe for despoliation and abuse, is kidding themselves. Without this rapid islamic migration we'd actually be even more clueless and unaware of the slow demographic destruction of the European people.
At least middle class european women don't sleep with non-white
Tell me, how borderless open market consumerism work for you?
I would stay away from the US desu, at least the places where things are actually built (it's geographically beautiful at least); the entire country is a steaming shithole.
/thread its white exchange students
>Go to Germany for oktoberfest
>It is ramadan instead
Reminds me that time when the barbarian hordes of the Eurasian Steppe drove the barbarian Germanic tribes into Roman territory.
Fucking bants, geweldig kerel
that's old as fuck lel
I am from Berlin originally and i can confirm Berlin is down and lost in most parts of it.
I now live near the Lake Constance region near the French and Swiss border. It's much better here and i haven't seen a shitskin in weeks.
I am one if the non-Germans in Frankfurt, AMA.
I am Celtic-Germanic, by the way.
Agree 100% and that's also what i said earlier.
Feminism and women voting was the beginning of the downfall of western societies.
I partly agree, but i honestly prefer not having turks and also not having niggers and other shitskins in my country.
we can only hope that the rest of the world soon follows cause internet age has made it dificult to prevent females from wanting to participate on politics
>Frankfurt joins the list of cities where the indigenous population become a minority
I'm sorry guys but you will never be the champions.
Paris is the ultimate leader in this category.
Tolerence on the rise!
>he thinks having a literal caliphate next door is funny
You won't be laughing in 20 years, Pyotr.
I lived and worked in the US, so it is highly depending on what area we talk about.
I would for sure not like to live in L.A. But living in California at the Lake Tahoe would be a totally different thing.
It heavily depends on the region.
I hate NYC and like small towns and country sides.
I want to cry
Hahahaha diversity my ass. Super diversity is more like it.
that's not what minority means. germans are no longer the majority, but they are still the plurality (largest single group)