"Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever" - The Guardian
The unwelcome revival of 'race science'
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We're back ^-^'
and here he is FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS AGO writing the exact same asinine crap archive.is
black people and white people require different heart attack medication.
OFFICIAL STORY: "Isosorbide and hydralazine in a fixed-dose combination (BiDil) has provoked controversy as the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration marketed for a single racial-ethnic group, African Americans, in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Family physicians will be better prepared to counsel their patients about this new drug if they understand a number of background issues. The scientific research leading to BiDil’s approval tested the drug only in African American populations, apparently for commercial reasons, so the drug’s efficacy in other populations is unknown."
REAL STORY: It doesn't work on other races.
pic is GEDMATCH results of animals to see how much they have in common with the various human races
This deserves bump
>We have to stop the science. We don't want the goyim to question the (((settled science)))
50% of Italians are functionally illiterate, look it up.
I mean if there's such huge differences within European tribes, as in Italians can't read a book, I do assume there may be further developments in the field.
Fuckin' guberment gibs, making it worthwhile for the medical jew to research black medicine.
Why does every rebuttal on race realism just say "It's been debunked lol" and never reference what debunked it.
You can just see the authors hand wringing
Black people die of Fluoride poisoning, while White people only develop Hypothyroidism.
>that image
Because it's all "I knew a smart black guy once" tier shitposting.
If we acknowledge IQ differences among people, we can fix it with smart sperm hybridization therapy eugenics.
lol, i went to this thread, it was fucking hilarious
>In 2014, Nicholas Wade, a former New York Times science correspondent, wrote what must rank as the most toxic book on race science to appear in the last 20 years. In A Troublesome Inheritance, he repeated three race-science shibboleths: that the notion of “race” corresponds to profound biological differences among groups of humans; that human brains evolved differently from race to race; and that this is supported by different racial averages in IQ scores.
MFW when basic arguments are actually shibboleths, not totally lucid, transparently simplistic, demonstrable claims
There's so much more to measure than IQ.
It may prove that niggers can be good at sales of old cars or something.
>"Its defenders claim to be standing up for uncomfortable truths, but race science is still as bogus as ever"
Localized archaic hominid admixture = bogus eh? Hmmm....
>science can differentiate between different breeds of animals with the same number of chromosomes
>humans are all the same and there is no such thing as racial differences, but fuck wypipo
Oy gevalt, it's a bunch of shibboleths!
What was the racial arguments against Jews by the way? They are inferior because what? I miss this.
why is the left anti-science?
genetics doesnt play by your bullshit social enforced lies.
>Tibetans and Han Chinese possess genes separated by a million years of divergent evolution
vs. "but muh holocaust"
>The supposed science of race is at least as old as slavery and colonialism, and it was considered conventional wisdom in many western countries until 1945. Though it was rejected by a new generation of scholars and humanists after the Holocaust, it began to bubble up again in the 1970s, and has returned to mainstream discourse every so often since then.
but the holocaust happened goys that means race isn't real.
This makes no sense.
Do you know what functionally illiterate even means? There is not even a single clear definition.
I don't get why you wouldn't want this sort of thing done. Like in , you can take advantage of or account for differences in races. Let's say there's some theoretical drug that cures cancer, but only in niggers. Slow death is preferable to hurting their poor feelings by acknowledging differences?
It's not the left. It's the neo-liberal elite, big corporations that want dumb cattle to exploit.
Rousseau + Locke
t. functionally illiterate Italian
It may arbitrary in absolute sense, but when you run the same tests on different nations and results are different... Then it means something.
bidil is a great point