How do we cure male femininity?
Daily reminder the lad on the picture fucks more pussy than you'll ever, you virgin shitheads
I would fuck him, he is cute
Ban soy, ban porn, encourage outdoor activities and trades, never knew a soyboy plumber or chippy. .
>never knew a soyboy plumber or chippy
>working class retards are all neanderthals
Really made me think.
Soy doesn't feminize, there are no conclusive studies, stop sucking PJW's micropenis
OP wanted to know about male feminity not IQ lol
no u
Haha, that bitch is pouting. Roasties just hate seeing men having a good time.
You're mum gay
with a bullet to the head
Get rid of thots.
The rare edgy leaflet
Meme flag and normie rhethoric
Go back to the_donald
Culture shift away from the roman statue look
It's cool to look feminine. The TV told me so.
>t. too smart not to be a faggot
Dont eat palmoil and soy
The reason of that many soyboys are the lack of good fathers, who take time for their children
>implying females aren't the gatekeepers of sex and therefore in control of the market
They built a Chinese market and now they're blaming other people for if being full of Chinese food.
Abdul eats the lies of Infowars like he eats his bf's dirty ass
Honestly thought this was a before and after operation trans thread.
Fuck off cunt
That woman should leave that poor man alone. He's allowed to have hobbies, and he isn't her fucking dog.
and absolutely no milk or meat. Those are packed with estrogen.
So, vegan ?
Fucking SJW Cuckholds in denial, all of you
Give me violent racist sexist videogames.
Sage, report hide. Slide thread. Weve seen one of these threads every day for the last week.
whose the chick
Give men something to be manly for.
Right now a man is an undesirable element of society snd a second class citizen. Why would they do anything other thsn keep their heads down and play video game while stsying as far from women as possible?
Women have unlimited legal power over men and pose great danger, they can send you to prison on a whim or just make you pay alimony and child support until you kill yourself amd they find a new victim.
Why would anybody be masculine in an enviroment like that? thsts outright foolist, might just as well play russian roulette with a full loaded drum in the head.
>inb4 just dominate the woman
Women dont want a partner, having a wage slave and 100% control over the child rather than sharing it with a man is objectively more beneficial and a better deal than keeping relationship.
Why have a oartner when tmyou can legally have a slave? That would be simply foolish when the better deal is available and the women arent that foolish.
Ban X ban Y. Ban this ban that. Degenerate behavior is a symptom not the disease.
Proper upbringing with both parents. I believe once the damage is done and that boy reaches adulthood there's no going back.
Even though I had a father present in the house, because he had so much work, he was rarely home so I got raised mostly by my mother and grandmother and I can feel the damage on myself being more feminine than I'd like to be. I'm trying to change that but I'll admit some of the stuff feels really deeply ingrained into me
Women dont want to properly upbring anyone.
They want to get knocked up make you pay child support and have 100% control over the child, they dont care how bad that is for the child, they want the power for the sake of having the power.
>t. council house dwelling doley
Go smoke some brick weed and complain about how the job center is treating you bad.
and men dont want to raise kids.
Redpilled user.
Lies, they simply arent given a chance.
im a babyface. i only ever catch looks and smiles from 14 year olds.
Free TRT.
>192cm tall dyel
>chin-long hair
>catch smiles and looks from men
nofap unironically.