Why are fags allowed to live again?

Why are fags allowed to live again?

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i assume from the flag you are catholic so i will directvypu to ephesians particularly 6:12 as to why. and if you are a muslim then this should be even more prevalent an understanding. if you are an athiest than you should already comprehend the ethics behind killing

if you never see a car accident how will they scare you? they exist to remind us of the damage that happens. sometimes a man has weakness, wonders what it's like to get a handy from his friend. these people show that such behaviour does not always lead to good ends, regardless of orgasm quality.

Why are jews allowed to live again?

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Some of us are making white babies...

Abandoning Christ
Moral relativism
Women's rights

Because gays are not as bad as your outdated and religious-propagandistic biased studies make us out to be:

Statistics on gays and marriage:


Science on gays as parents:


The benefits of gay marriage:


Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:


Does conversion therapy work:


HIV information:


Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?


Is being gay a mental illness?



Go spread sexual diseases and degenerate filth elsewhere faggot
God did nothing wrong when he nuked Sodom and Gomorrah

I really hate faggots. I truely despise them. Does anyone else feel like this?

Fuck you faggot.

Absolutely abhorrent. I can't tolerate it in any capacity. Never could. Just have to stop watching any tv at all.

So we can use them as a propaganda tool for generation Zyklon


Bro, same here. Olympics is on, cool I like the Olympics. That faggot hunger games looking guy is on half the time, fuck this I can’t watch it. Girlfriend watching normie bullshit model shows, literally have to go in the other room. Its all so tiresome.

Considering what was once a fetish is becoming a lifestyle, through logical extrapolation you can certainly expect increasingly weird fetishes becoming normalized.
>inb4 pedophillia
I think there is something much more degenerate and evil coming.
Just connect the fetish dots and liberal platitudes.
For example,

A. Liberals whole-hardheartedly support abortion because they do not believe a fetus is a real person.
B. There is an obscure fetish known as "vore" which is essentially eating live creatures or being eaten, very frequently with humans as the meal and a human doing the eating.
C. Combing A and B in the future you can expect women living a lifestyle in which they eat their own children. It may start out as a fetish behind the scenes, but following liberal logic the fetus is not a person so there is no "consent" factor to worry about. Adding in the nature of identity politics and these very people will claim themselves to be victims compelled to eat their own children.

TLDR: slippery slope is real. You give progressives an inch, they will take a mile. Purge when?

OK budd. I don't mean to alarm you, but you might be homophobic. Like actually homophobic as in an illogical pathological aversion.

If you were describing the same avoiding behaviors to pictures of spiders it would be exactly the same.

You should really evaluate why you have this issue.

Faggot scum

I think we are simply at the final stage of empire before everything crashes.
However, I do not think we have reached peaked decadence just yet.
Most likely in the next 10-20 years.
After the crash is probably your best time to reform the culture of this nation, you won't be able to do it without a crisis.

Lol, nope. I’m not alarmed. Overall, I think faggots just annoy me more than anything. I don’t like to hear them talk. I have a beautiful gf laying next to me and I’m happy with my life. I just hate gay people. They are a symptom of a sick society. Not a latent homosexual.

And fuck your reddit spacing faggot.

In what world would not being homophobic be an evolutionary advantage? It's proven homos are disease ridden people that you should keep your distance from. Furthermore, a homosexual can rape young men and turn them gay. That is there are the natural born homosexuals and the traumatic homosexuals. Killing the former to prevent the creation of the latter is a strategy that increases birth rates.

>Here's an amazing way to describe Drag Culture to your kids

Shooting Range?

Will this madness reach a boiling point soon?
Surely this can't continue for much longer..
And i dont just mean trannies, i mean the whole progressive agenda.
Surely normies will revolt soon and we'll become traditional and conservative again, right?

They won't be allowed to during the 2nd American Civil War.

Oh for fuck's sake, if imagery like this isn't enough for normies to consider gassing, nothing is.

They will never change.
The 2nd American Civil War cannot be prevented and it's only a matter of time before half of the normies wake up to this fact - the other half will quietly sit by as they're loving societies current state of filth.



White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:



HIV infection decreases globally by a third:


HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade



Full article so don’t bitch that I sourced the BBC:


UK HIV decrease:



AU HIV decrease:



HIV came from Haiti to New York




Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive problem with myriad short- and long-term consequences for victims and their families. Its impact is far-reaching with recent estimates that 26.6% of girls and 5.1% of boys experience sexual abuse or assault by age 17 (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2014).

















3/4 victims of molestation are female:



"A 2015 study (linked above) looked at virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States in 2010. It concluded more than 20% of child sexual abuse cases reviewed involved a primary female perpetrator – so estimates vary significantly."

In a world where HIV is declining in white gays in developed nations, the biggest HIV problem in Europe is in Russia, where gays are not the biggest cause of disease spread.

In a world where whatever causes people to be gay genetically causes some women to have reproductive advantages:

Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:


News article summarizing the study:


Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:



Straight males carry gay genes:




One day we’ll lynch faggots from lamp posts

Your shilling is making my hatred even stronger. You’re a piece of shit. Your genes are defective. Nature is telling you to die and not reproduce. Fuck you.

Who caused the initial widespread of the disease faggot? The easiest way to contract the virus is taking a cock up your shithole.

Yes you are sodomite

The homosexual factions will largely be killed off during the 2nd American Civil War.

Because you cannot breed you are forced to pass on your culture by prosteylzing to people in the hope that they convert to your pathological and degenerate culture. Do honestly think the illegality of homosexuality for most of western history was just some arbitrary interpretation of biblical dogma? The fact of the matter is that this dogma was precisely created because homosexual culture is just so toxic to society that the threat of divine punishment had to be invented so faggots would stop ruining societies.

>3/4 victims of molestation are female:
Then that means 25% are boys and fags still are 3% of people

stone yourself

"Well, as long as they keep it to themselves"
*buries head in sand*


Yes, that is indeed the fruits of your pathological culture, it's no surprise stoning was decided as the proper punishment

I feel like this because they lied with a smile on their face about their end goal and everyone bought it. This is the one absolute that will make me never fall for slippery slope absurdities ever fucking again because nothing is too absurd. Everyone remembers them saying the fucking lines, absolutely everyone and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying through their fucking teeth. Everyone remembers them saying that love is love bullshit, how they just want to be happy couples like straight people and mocking the coal mine canaries by comparing pedophilia within the fag community to dogfucking. I fell for their line just as I imagine many people did. Now we're here, catering to fags and mentally ill people who want to chop their cock off in the name of tolerance, and I want a fucking cleanse.

I wouldnt feel this way if I wasnt blatantly lied to and told to laugh and mock at all the people who ended up being right.
I wouldnt feel this way if they just wanted to keep it between themselves like normal human couples.
I wouldnt feel this way if they just held up their end of the bargain.
I wouldnt feel this way if they didnt go after the fucking kids man. Thats the only thing they had to do was not try and indoctrinate kids and they just fucking did because they're soulless creatures that dont even deserve to be called human, and will pull every sympathy card they have in order to not be called on their evil.

That or people are just less fearful to admitting to having some degree of same sex attraction now that religion is in decline in the West.

Have you looked around lately faggot? Things aren’t going so well. Nigger and Mexicans will soon overpopulate the country while faggots like you will cater to them. Great fucking job you weak cunt. Even if this bullshit “new study”, which I doubt is true, why the fuck would this be biologically sustainable? Are we just going to keep homosexualizing the population until nobody breeds anymore?

You’re an abomination to mankind. How many mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with? Where did your uncle like to touch you faggot?

Well even the most generous estimates of who identifies as fully gay or bisexual top out at around 10%. This is just saying that younger people are less likely to peg themselves as 100% heterosexual. Bisexuals outnumber gays 2:1 and most of them have opposite sex partners and breed. Gays can use surrogacy and breed. Traditionally, many gays married the opposite sex and bred that way. Gays are not infertile nor ignorant as to how to reproduce, nor do all gays not desire reproduction. They simply are attracted to the same sex, preferentially. And bisexuals may or may not prefer the same sex and bisexual females and female relatives of gays are even MORE fertile than other women. There are advantages for some in this game, and the disadvantages are not as universal as you claim.

Holy shit. Spot on man. Yeah, I fell for it too. I always had this disgust with gays, but I tolerated them well enough. My aunt is lesbian, because of her fucked yo dad of course, so I always felt I had to be tolerant. But you’re so right about the kids man, that’s what kills me with all of this as well. Boys need to be boys. I’m 29 and feel like I come from the last generation of young men who played outside with other kids around the neighborhood and weren’t influenced too much by the kike filth.

Great way to raise strong young men. Holy shit, if only you mother fuckers knew how sick and demented you really are. You truely think you’re living for some utopian dream aren’t you? Nothing is sacred or pure to you is it faggot? You literally like putting your dick in shit. You’re fucking disgusting. Why are you here? What noble cause do you think you’re doing?

>Posts some bullshit study with a bullshit sample size.
>Who’s behind this (((study)))?
Well there you have it boys, I guess we gotta find the women with faggot brothers.

showing people the best recent data on gay people that is out there


7% of millennials are gay or bisexual:


Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

Homosexual culture is substantially more promiscuous and less monogamous than typical people. Marriage was already fucked with the advent of no-fault divorce. The toxic culture you bring is a bizarre sense of pride in a particular sexual kink. Your entire identity revolves around a primal desire. There is no pride in the creation of anything, or a great civilization, but simply the solemn fact that you like getting fucked up the ass. You can't comprehend how toxic this culture is because you're already too deep in it. In this very thread you invoke merits of having an identity based primarily on who you like to fuck.

Okay? Yeah faggot I want to keep you from housing and a job. No faggot, I want you to stop pushing your bullshit across every spectrum. No faggot I want you to stop feeding kids hormones and calling them heroes for wanting to mutilate their genitalia. Keep your sick shit out of the public eye, stop parading around with children in fucking leather chaps, and maybe we can “co-exist”. That’s a fair compromise for what we all really think should happen to you.


2 ensnare another generation so they can recruit more feeble-minded idiots, since fags cant reproduce.

Congratulations you've created an identity that revolves around being proud of being fucked up the ass by other men. Now the entirty of society is in a scramble to invent new genders rather than new technologies. This is why China will surpass us.

>look how degenerate we've made the next generation, doesn't that show how worthwhile we are to society?

Sodomites should all be killed I would hang u upside down cut open ur stomach and let ur faggot lover watch while ur guts spill out and u slowly and painfully bleed out before I do the same to him

The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”


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>only 800 people
>people tell the truth on surveys
>life experience has shown me that gay men are disgustingly perverse, like shit on their dick, and are the most sexually promiscous of all demographics.
Faggots like you are so funny.

Regnerus and Sullins, cited here often, used 242 and 20 gay people respectively, and nobody ever has issues with those sample sizes because those surveys made gays look bad.

Your anecdotal evidence, like all anecdotal evidence, does not imply a trend.

Spot on. Homosexuality has been treated differently through the ages by different cultures but a commonality in the treatment is that homosexuals were social pariahs, even if they were tolerated they were still something to be reviled. The only time when a culture openly celebrated them was during the decline phase of the civilization, when social and moral values had erroded replace with ennui, decadent perversions, and indifference.

Well their identity revolves entirely around sexual acts. For instance, an ethno nationalist would take pride in what his ancestors did. Furthermore, the ethno nationalist is bounded to his ancestors by blood.

The faggot on the other hand just points to other faggots and shouts
>hey this guy liked getting fucked in the ass too! He's our guy!
>worldwide dick sucking pride
The whole LGBT thing would be a hilarious joke if it wasnt our own society. I'm sure the Chinese monitor this shit everyday to get their daily laughs about the state of their "rivals"

Yes yes but you've overlooked the much more elegant study of Rectalblowout and Pozzcarrier, who conclusively proved that 5 out of every 5 homosexual men get their ass blown out and molest small children.

You’re absolutely right. The Chinese are laughing at us. So are the Russians. We are going down this hole that I don’t see any end. Mr. Faggot in this thread doesn’t see the big picture. Most progressives don’t. One thing I will never do is give in to this shit. It will never normalize to me or my children.


>The only time when gay culture openly celebrated them was during the decline phase of the civilization

don't care how it decides to rebuttle. that statement right there is irrefutable.

because they're protected by you kike government. In my country if that monster would get anywhere near chlidren it would get curb stomped into the pavement


New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.
>New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.
New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.
>New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.
New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.
>New Janitors are removing threads that go against their personal agenda.

This poor poor child I hope it dies young and takes the faggots who did this to him with him


Same reason straights are allowed to live: they're not all evil.

fuck off filthy fag

I wish to learn more about the ethics of killing.

becouse fags allowed it.

neck yourself homo

Because i havent dumped my napalm supply on a pride parade yet

>people tell the truth on surveys
Most promiscuous faggots openly flaunt their promiscuity. They are 30% at most, though deafeningly loud and very politically active when it comes to LGBT idpol. Regular gays typically concern themselves with more productive endeavors, so one is less likely to encounter them as representatives of the LGBT movement. This naturally creates a false perception among normies.

Know that most homosexuals couldn't possibly care less about the LGBT movement save for its efforts to attain their right to marriage. If there is one decadent tendency to be fought, that'd certainly be the hookup culture fostered by apps like Grindr, though straights are hardly better in this regard, with Tinder having turned an entire generation of young women into cum dumpsters. Gay marriage and institutional recognition could perhaps be used to slowly decrease the prevalence of such lifestyles.

>proud of being fucked up the ass
Homosexuality is not purely sexual. Homosexuals are entirely incapable of being romantically attracted to women, which is why they can only experience emotionally fulfilling relationships with other men.
>fucked in the ass
Many homosexuals, around 25% I believe, are perfectly content with oral. I personally find anal distasteful, though I wouldn't judge those who prefer it.

Only LGBT affiliated lunatics push such bullshit to children. Most of them are either trannies or straights pretending to be bisexual for progressive good boy points.

>Homosexual culture
Is a culture that most homosexuals do not follow.
Homosexuality has an equally significant romantic component to it. it is bisexuals who merely fetishize homosexual encounters.
>who you like to fuck.
The only reason you don't have to identify by your sexual and romantic preferences is that you belong in the majority. Whom one takes as a mate is a significant component of every human being's course in life.

No one wants your sodomite propaganda. Get aids and die reprobate scum.
