how do we stop our women from falling in love with the BIG RED ROO?

not even joking why do women find Kangaroos attractive? every girl I've been with says they think kangaroos are sexy

hang yourself

This persons wife was ROOED™

It could be worse, mate. You could be getting SLOTHED. It's become a trend among women to let sloths drink from their bosom.

what's wrong mate, wife got a joey in her pouch and it's not yours?
how do we stop this epidemic

Fuck the roos first

How can aussie bois even compete?

>rekt by the emus
>cucked by the roos

and noting of value was lost to China

Not gonna lie, I'd totally watch a kangaroo go to town on a woman

Is ROOD the new POOD?

U mad abbo

Are Australian women really having sex with kangaroos???

I'll upvote this

Roos are the chads of the Aussie animal kingdom
Emu are enemies, Roos are based

Kangaroos are like rabbit-deer-goat things

>how do we stop this epidemic
You could try waging a war against them, that always works



>the virgin bogan/ the Chad Roo

Now I understand how come your criminal and degenerate ancestors were confined in that Island




Geezuz .
Hop niggers
Penal colony, Abos ,crocs ,poison everything , filthy sheep, fucked up marsupials, platypus, must I go on,
Shit tier Gilligan's Island .
Sorry Aussie's, up side , at least you're not complete faggots like your step bro England .

That's me
Mirin' brah
You mirin'
got it from fighting off natives


>That fucking bottom face

Son I'm dying.

Can't do much it's all about KANGZ and SHEIT.

What the fuck is going on in Australia, men fucking emus and women fucking kangaroos?

All those Chad roos are natty too, let that sink in for a minute

it's like a more degenerate Canada

>Getting cucked by kangaroos
damn I hate this timeline

That shit's fucking adorable! Adorable I say!

You're in a club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass - what do you do?


What the fuck cunt? Why not SKIPPED or ROOTED? Pissweak........

Roos are like more intelligent, more civilized versions of niggers. It's probably a serious upgrade for coal burners.

Deck the cunt obviously....

Why you fuck a kangaroo of course

Tell'em get the fuck off my koolaid

>it's like a less degenerate Canada

Kangaroos have one of the lowest IQs slightly above African population, so they are subhuman,
Kang?! Really? They were never kangs.
Once this girl dated a roo, she go punched in the face so hard :hop on the roo, fuck you

And thus Abo were created.

>Joey in the pouch and its not yours

Coz kangaroo chads be ripped af you permavirgin Sup Forums cuck.

Go hit the gym or this alpha stud will be coming for ur woman.

Fuck you

But to at least be fair, this happened in Australia.

Tell her to file a police report and claim he's muslim

>Quintessential ausie /pol thread
Put me in the screen cap

Oy sheila, 'av a drink?

it's fucking disgusting. I've been told by atleast 3 different girls that they get wet thinking about the muscles on kangaroos


there was a huge kangaroo roaming the suburbs and a news station did a story on it and interviewed some people and one of the women sounded extremely hormonal when talking about how big the kangaroo is



how am I suppose to compete with a 8ft muscley beast. it's fucked

Hey, don't bring Scotsman into this fucker

Jesus Christ Jamie, that thing will rip you to shreds

Me on the left

hey my girlfriend is scottish and she hit me because i laughed at that

You know what they say, England's demented, but Scotland's depraved!

Roo cucks,
emu fucks.


Women are such fucking whores in Australia they even betray their own species.

oh Australia, never change...

Meanwhile in reality most of the aussie women are getting chincked or blacked, but such is life in the land of cucked.

That's probably my second favorite Australia picture.

All the white women are flocking to Indian men. There's none left for us! it's not fair! save us Romania!!

feed him a carrot

why are kangaroos so ripped, what the fuck do they even do all day

Is that jacky legs


I remember when this was first posted on Misc a decade ago by the husband

Vegan gains, Pewds.

It's kinda true tho. Yesterday I have seen that tinder interracial couple shit, and there actually was more aussie women than american ones. Also, for some reason they were ugly as shit.

Melbourne is our containment city

Well I can teach you the old ways of the gypsy warrior if you want but it will cost you.Are you willing to give me a lot of iron and copper for it?

Fucking foreigners taking our ugly rejects, it has to be stopped. Those hags belong to me.


I know that's it not a big deal when you say it like that, but don't forget, no matter how ugly they are, they are still spawning la creaturas.

time flies when you're having fun

where's canada when you need one?


What about the dolphins problem?