ITT jews you actually like
ITT jews you actually like
Other urls found in this thread:
Milton Friedman
Norman Finkelstein
Larry David
Jerry Seinfeld
Mel Blanc
I've known so few.
But I respect Niels Bohr.
all the decent ones died during ww2
Tanks for asking!
Seinfeld is basically not jewish, he's agnostic from what I can remember
Von Manstein was not a jew you fagget
>thinking being jewish is just a religion
>Being this retarded
fuck niggers
damnit I missed the big one by two posts
Larry David
Mel Brooks
Some Hungarian girl I fucked about a month ago
диз нaтc
>a big one
Fuck off you retarded newfag
norman finkelstein
Murray Rothbard. Once you understand that the inflationary monetary system means that central banks are essentially stealing 2-4% of the value of all wealth PER year you realise the system is rigged. Not only is it essentially theft but also the consequences are preferences for consumerism instead of saving, i.e. hedonism over stoicism.
Donald Fagen & Aaron Freeman - both strong contenders for the title "Bard of Clownworld". Very hard to portray the absurdity accurately and still be funny and entertaining. Today the void is filled with memes which are nice and all but I miss the rhythm section
Is this nigger serious
I like you, OP.
Always heartwarming to see a family portrait
aww a his and hers
Not like that. I once dated a half-jewish girl and I call her non-jewish because her dad is a jew only, and she started crying lmao
Did she proceeded to tell you about the 66 quadrillion and never again?
That shiksa sounds like a real keeper.
let me explain
jewish religion, original variant:
harmless deserve your support and protection:, neturei karta, anti-zionist
jews as a race and nation (Zionism):
exhibits all the negative properties of racism: supremacicm, us-vs-them mentality
combined with a the perverted version of their religion
fostered by extremly rich control freaks that scare and manipulate "their people"
whichever one that has nice milkers
pic related
> Respects a couple that literally fucked twentieth history.
user, I don't even know where to begin.
Spassky is also anti-Jew.
muh fucking dik
>Liking communists
Might as well just kill yourself.
>all of the smart jews hate jews
I dont even know what to make of this
stein is a germanic name before jews appropriated it. Same as schneider
> implying Krauts are any better than Kikes
Richard stallman.
Also id fuck anita till my dick bled. She wouldnt be allowed to talk though.
Miller Time of course.
I mean, I know he has to go back to Israel with the rest, but we should fly him out first-class.
anita is armenian, not jewish.
miller really is a based jew.
Khazar Milkers
Jeffry Ross Hyman
Murray Rothbard
Bobby Fisher
Adolf Hitler
Lauren Southern
Abigail Shapiro
Need to replace Ginsburg with Barney Frank in that blue shirt... also rolling.
Those hardcore fuckers from the Warsaw Ghetto. The motherfuckers actually fought back and held longer than the entire country.
obligatory 'shlag post
post her now. shes went full hag mode.
My neighbour when I was a kid. He was an old man and lived alone. He came to UK in WW2.
He was one of the wisest people that I've ever met. A proper gentleman. He anglicised his surname from 'Hirsch' to 'Hush'. He was German and told me that he left when the shit started to hit the fan in the late 1930s.
My family at that time in the late 70s/early 80s were traditional Christian. I went to Sunday school, attended church. I'm 48 years old; born in 1970. I asked Mr. Hush (as I always called him) about religion and he told me that there are many paths to God. That life is about making discoveries of the Divine, that there are patterns to everything. He taught me by asking questions. Without any doubt, he had a great influence on my life.
He was a frail, old man.
My nigger
Michael Savage and Bobby Fischer
Satanic ritual killer for the Baphomet cult. Radicalizes men and women as a job. She really was a Luciferian cultist and got paid for sacrificing people-- including the babies she murdered.
Someone posted a picture of it on Sup Forums before, where she is holding a severed goat's head over a baby that is to be murdered. Unfortunately, I no longer have it saved.
To be honest, I've never actually met any jews.
Therefore I can't say I really hate any of them.
Sir George Solti
Would like to see this if any has it^
literally the only jew that I wouldn’t gas
* Bobby Fischer
* Norman Finkelstein
* Stan Lee
* Jack Kirby
* Jerry Seinfeld
* Jason Alexander
* Michael Richards
* Noam Chomsky (but only for some of his stuff)
* David Bohm (the guy who came up with the holographic universe theory)
Jews are a genetic group with an optional religion attached to it, dumbass.
The last girl I dated was a jew. The one and only jew I've ever had any kind of relationship with.
I was inside her within a couple of hours of knowing her. Narcissistic Personality Disorder on a shit ton of meds. A genuinely piece of shit person. Wish I never met her.
>not even 7's
how many newfags make up Sup Forums?
>ITT jews you actually like
kys jidf faggot
they are all whores man, I had same experience
obligatory, in my field
wtf I hate Jews now!
in my top 25 favorite humans
=/ R
>Bible revisionists in 3... 2... 1...
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