1) accept degeneracy and female/male hypergamy and fuck as many pussy as possible
2) hold on to your values, refrain from casual sex till you find your unicorn virgin
Lets settle the case
Other urls found in this thread:
Man I'd love to fuck a unicorn.
I picked #2 and it worked out great. I just upgraded to a superior Asian girl. White women are trash.
Why is a kike posting with the Nazi flag?
3. Form new society. Don't make the same mistakes your predecessors made. No jews, no women in the work place, no voting for women.
I'm with this guy, option 3 asap. It always happens historically anyway. Kingdoms rise and fall.
You have to beat w*men like children because they behave like ones to make them emotionally dependent on you. I hope that this isn't news to you obese virgin
>female/male hypergamy
i dont think that means what you think it means
Finally, an user that is talking sense. Giving women the vote was the fucking death knell for Western society. And the thing is, giving women more rights has actually made them more miserable - taking them away will actually be a universal good.
Clarification: I meant female hypergamy, which in result enables few men (Top 10-20%) to fuck all women.
Ironically (or perhaps not), fucking a lot of pussy turns you into a giant pussy. So number 2.
W/E just breed and produce more blonde cuties.
Values are more important than pussy.
Fuck off, heeb
>Sup Forumsacks discussing sex
1 - Because you can find varios different unicorns, with different styles.
Abstain from dating until you have amassed enough wealth to get a young virgin.
and marry her.
As if it's tough to refrain from casual sex.
in other words, you did nothing for white genes
Obviously you can’t into R vs K selectivity.
Can I have her? I'd love to pound that pussy every night.
3) don't be slutty and have sex only when you're in a committed relationship
Fuck as much poon as possible
I agree with 2 although I haven’t had much (any) success with women in the past few years so it would be dishonest for me to espouse this thought anywhere other than an anonymous Uzbek rug weaving board.
Found the arabian filth
3) rewording of 1)
I refuse to believe it's a german who wrote this.
You can do both user. Fuck whores your age as practice and marry a chick 5-10 years younger than you. Even if she's not a unicorn, she'll be too young to have had much chances of being fucked.
B-but muh GDP
>find your virgin
Inb4 you realise you're no pedo and dont want a
Most people choose neither and do something in between. i.e. actual real life relationships that entail fornication.
GOD***** has excellent taste
> get a engineering/lawyer/doctors education, get a well paid job
> go to homecountry and pick a girl from the northern part of the country, pale, dark haired beauties and just marry one.
Sure sucks to be european heh
1) Have normal long-term relationships with normal girls until you find someone you think you can share your life with.
2) Be a loser complaining about his sexual deficiencies in an online board.
>dark haired beauties
Stick with pisshaired ones you filth.
>refrain from casual sex
No thanks, gayboi
We do not have pisshaired girls in my homecountry.
Western society does not function without the nuclear family.
Less right for women = more productive society
#2 worked for me
I was 24, now im 29 and married
blacks do option 1 (fuck many puss...)
whites do option 2 (values and family..)
what you think is goin to happen at the end of this game and pic related is not happening???
3) reinstate the traditional marriage and the patriarchal values that protected it
too young, you degenerates
>asian wife is a christcuck
why would you combine your genetics with someone who believes in ancient mythology unless you want your kids to be stupid?
Oh ok...you can't trust flags anymore
>el goblino americano...
i married an 18 yr old christian wife
u mad?
3) accept the female inclination towards hypergamy and fuck as many pussy as possible until you find your unicorn
no, see
Where you find one of those?
2 obviously.
Too bad that it isn't working out that well for me.
3) Abstain from sex, give your life to Christ and kill mudslimes and kikes, exactly like the Templars.
Cute slut.
4)be incel, shitpost on Sup Forums all day
3. become gay
3) Go MGTOW and don´t risk yourself with those hoes.
Theres much more to live than roasties, and unicorns doesn´t exist.
If laws change, then fuck some bitches won´t be so dangerous.
Yes goy , free love.
Somebody has been spreading some spicy molyneux memes on here lately. I have been saving them
Be a little stoic and have hope that every new generation is born pure in this regard. I've focused on my little cousins and am doing all I can to teach them what love is and to me wary of media. It's too late for those raised by boomers.
Virgin unicorn pussy best pussy
3) isolate myself from society and interact with people as rarely as possible.
3. Fuck pussy as it comes and find unicorn? I don’t get the dichotomy.
Unicorns don't date whoremongers.