Is this the most redpilled form of tobacco consumption?
>Gets you a nice buzz
>Allows your lungs to be healthy
>Extremely small chance of mouth cancer
>Pretty much completely healthy if you clean your mouth everyday
>Helps you aim better when during the coming civil war
>Certifies you as a tactical hardass
>Makes leftists gasp in horror when they notice you have it in because it’s pretty much a Right Wing stamp.
Dip - The Redpilled form of Nicotine Consumption
Other urls found in this thread:
>addicted to the nicotine jew
>nicotine consumption
>Red pilled
Yeah, no. Also dip is fucking disgusting. Spitting everywhere is disgusting and collecting your saliva all day is even worse.
I've used a ton of dip. I like the gigantic nicotine surge, but I've grown to hate the spitting and mess. And it hurts my mouth. I think it's caused some gum recession.
I like Swedish snus a whole lot more.
I want to grow my own tobacco and craft something similar to snus. Use a really gentle curing process, and flavor it with zylitol and black licorice.
> long cut
Snuff, boy. This is man shit!
Tongue cancer isn't fun user
Vaping is the most redpilled form of nicotine consumption, but Sup Forums has become to Reddit to accept it because they care what other people think
I was pretty sheltered as a kid. When I joined the Navy and got on my ship, I would see dudes walking around with Coke cans all day spitting into them. Took me a couple of weeks to ask what that was all about... dip, of course.
Vaping isn't the most red pilled way to smoke. Growing your own tobacco and rolling your own is. Vaping is fucking random was chemicals that I don't think we really know how bad it'll end up being.
You can get flavorless vape if you want then it is literally just two chemicals used to help people breathe better and nicotine, so yeah.
Nash yaaa
no, dip is not redpilled, there is fluoride in dip, it stains your teeth, and it's gross.
Nasal Snuff is the true redpill tobacco, it's not toasted, so it has 0 carcinogens, and causes no cancer ever. But its shitty to do if ur not used to it, but damn the buzz is like a shot of meth
One can of dip has as much nicotine as 4 packs of cigarettes
>Dip - The bluepilled form of Nicotine induced Mouth and Throat Cancers
Been growing with my dad for a few years. Soil and curing doesn't produce a flavor I prefer. My mom smokes it all. I prefer a darker cure and roll organic tobacco that I buy.
Chew does not save your lungs. My dad quit chewing about 2 years ago due to being close to needing dentures. He still hacks and coughs just as much as I do being a smoker.
You'd be dead. If you absorbed all the nicotine from even one cigarette, you'd die.
I really enjoyed nasal snuff.
I got this rose-scented pajeet stuff. "Six Photo" or something.
Turns out I love roses. A sniff makes me feel like I'm in a garden.
I just couldn't justify the prices. The only seller is in the UK, and royal mail is absurdly expensive. And I can't order anymore 'cause I'm in Utah. Online nicotine sales are illegal.
probably because he still smoked cigs. If you only chew it doesn't affect your lungs at all
>on a plane
>guy next to me pulls some out
>spends the entire flight spitting into a Gatorade bottle
Your "hobby" is fucking aids, enjoy the new fuckhole in your mouth.
He never smoked, ever.
lots of snuslets in this thread, no wonder you anglo weaklings get your guns and spoons binned by your nanny goobernment HA! fucking faggots don't come to sweden
I'm assuming you're talking about people who spit, he'd chew straight tobacco and didn't. He'd only toss the wad.
There was some guy I had a class with last smester that would spit his shit in transparent bags so we could all see it.
If you want nicotine stop being an annoying faggot and just smoke it like the rest of us
I ordered a tobacco leaf off of the internet and tried to make my own dip once. It was acidic as fuck and salty as fuck. But I made it out of a beef jerky recipe so it was fucking delicious.
>didn't even clap when we landed
youll get by for a few years,then quit.throat cancer is a real threat and i have calcitic bumps all over my jaw.i quit ten years ago.dipped from age 9 to 30.
safest is the gum if you have to have nicotine.
>is using dip redpilled
Wtf kind of retarded question is this?
Nothing better then a filterless cig with good tobacco.
>winter green
>not dipping southern blend or natural
Rot a gum not a lung
here come the snus purists
there is absolutely NOTHING red pilled about getting addicted to nicotine. It's literally one of the most blue pilled thing you could do.
Enjoy your cancer
Jews fear nicotine.
It breaks the conditioning.
>gross black sludge leaking from between your teeth all the time
you forgot the best part!
By far the most redpilled form of nicotine consumption. If you see someone dipping it's a near 100% probability they're a conservative. If you see someone vaping they're a liberal.
yea user, get off that shit and get healthy, you're hurting not only yourself but your family
Pretty true.
Someone dipping is a pretty clear indicator of;
>not a faggot
>likes guns
>probably former .Mil
>a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus
What are you, a fucking tobacco rep? Fuck off shill.
Chew is also good for preventing cavities. It kills the bacteria that causes tooth decay
T. Known Boss
Nicotine FRYS your CNS, you fucking retard.
Why do people smoke, I dont get it. Do you need the "buzz"? Why not just take some caffeine pills. Need to "relax"? Stop being a pussy. Its paying to smell like shit and die. Only plus is the "social" aspect. I don't drink, do drugs, or smoke but out of all of them I even respect stoners more than people who use tobacco.
Reminder to place sage in shill threads, so you can discuss and not bump.
>paying for any drug
You must be fucking kidding me.
>not cigars
>not a pipe
Yeah no. Keep your bottle spitting garbage away from me.
Chew and dip are different things.
>Why do people smoke, I dont get it.
because you get addicted to nicotine. and your body starts to associate cigarettes with the endorphins that get released when you get your nicotine fix. realizing you're addicted to nicotine and not the cigarettes (easier said than done) is crucial to quitting smoking
>t. ex smoker of 20 years
Stop astroturfing, Phillip Morris. Anybody who actually believes this post should see what mouth cancer looks like
>be viewed as a hick/poor/meathead
>spitting brown spit, disgustingly into a bottle or empty cup if you're inside
>can't be used as a way to break the ice with a stranger or to leave a group that's indoors
>little bridge thing you can feel if you push your tongue all the way down on the exterior of your gums will eventually erode
>I smoke
>my dad hacks a lung
>it's because he chews
Check your premise, fool.
>Someone dipping is a pretty clear indicator of;
>not a faggot
>likes guns
>probably former .Mil
>a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus
Congratulations, you fell for the marketing campaigns! I bet you think that real men also drink Tennessee bourbon too.
But why start? Is it a peer pressure thing? And even then, after the first breath of nasty smelling fumes that make you cough why continue?
>t. had no friends in HS
Make your own dip. Spearmint, the plant, and others are good alternatives too. Plus, you get to spit on things.
The social "plus" is all but faded. One of my younger coworkers once bummed a cigarette from me and posted a picture of himself smoking on social media. The pissy fest that ensued was hilarious.
I'm an oldfuck who has been smoking for 17 years. I know smoking causes a myriad of health problems, and it will kill me before I turn 120. I choose to do it anyway. That's one of the great things about America.
daily reminder that the jews are the ones pushing for the ban of tobacco related products sales
nicotine is actually good for you and increases testosterone
dip is for faggots tho, smoke a cigar or a pipe, cigarettes are for slavs and subhumans
Its gotta be just peer pressure until you acquire a taste for it. That shit is fucking gross to anyone who doesn't do it regularly.
The biggest users of dip are military.
Its something like 65% of all dip sales in the US are on military installations.
>be me
>go out on night ops in buttfuckistan
>wearing opscore with counterweight and PVS-15’s
>up for 20hrs, because intermittant shelling earlier in day fucked up crew rest.
>already had 2 rip-its
>tired and a little anxious about getting into contact
>cant light up a cig, because it’ll show up like a beacon on nods
>throw in a dip, and ejoy a bit of nerve calming
>suddenly hear a crack overhead
Dip improved my encounters with death. Granted, it’ll kill you in the long term, but making me a tad more calm before getting into an exchange with my platoon, has far outweighed the negatives.
Not enjoying some lingon flavoured Gothenburg rapè
Sat next to an annoying family at a tractor pull. The kid was younger than 10. "Daddy give me more skoal" mouth full of dip. Disgusting. Child abuse imo.
Yeah that's not the only rape you swedes enjoy.
I think you can enjoy Gothenborg rape quite easily, just walk around the town after sunset.
why not just smoke