Let's be honest, Sup Forums, nobody actually likes this shithole.
Poland Hate Thread
Fuck Poorland
How could anyone like a country that has let itself being swept from the worldmap not once, but 3 times... Oh wait, they are far right now and Sup Forums loves far right.
We are not far right. Not wanitng to commit suicide is not far right. We want your "rapefugees to fuck off" instead of killing them, big diffrence.
kys i like all slavs
poland is shit
>far right wants genocide
nice meme
Poland is a good country with decent people.
Go KYS fucking kike kurwyn syn.
Poles are no slavs. No slav will ever tell you that poles are slavs. To the real slav, poles are like kikes to Sup Forums.
I like Poland. Interesting History and nice people right across the border at the Oder.
If you hate something than you should keep improving untill it's lovable how hard could that be? It's so weak to simply hate.
>Poles are no slavs. No slav will ever tell you that poles are slavs. To the real slav, poles are like kikes to Sup Forums.
Suuure thing filthy kike.
By your logic, all nonwhites are white because they learned to immitate a superior ethnic...
My Polish friends in high school would start speaking Polish whenever they could. I felt so left out ):
oh hello divide and conquer shlomo
>it's german with a proxy thread No. 1154625
Fuck off dirty kike.
Poland is a shithole deal with it.
when did you get the VPN Hans? Did you at least get a good discount?
but i like poland! :3
Then instead of shitposting and self-hating about how you hate your country maybe you can try to make a change stupid retard
But it's Sup Forumsand
How to hate a thing that shares your name?
Poland is alright by me.
I do it everyday hardworking you stupid fuck but you can't change retarded mentallity of Poles.
Well, duh. They're mostly just Slavs since Russia ruined your country multiple times.
Poland is awesome. Get lost
And another thread started by some Germacuck with obsession about Poland, samefagging all over the thread and hiding behind polish proxies. I wonder if there are meny Germans like him or is it just one guy spamming those threads all day every day ?
Roosh says polish women are becoming fatter and more westernized. Is this true?
Poles are arrogant cunts. They thinks too much of themselves for no reason. A lot of them are also imperialistic, dreaming about things that happened literally centuries ago.
And they will never fail to remind everyone how they are the biggest victims. They remind me of jews sometimes, but much dumber.
Despite the fact that I have some grudge with Poland, they are kicking EU shit to pieces. Hungarians and Poles are those few who have the cojones to tell Kalergians to fuck themselves
>Poles are arrogant cunts. They thinks too much of themselves for no reason.
Says the hohol, oh wait...
He is not a pole but a proxyfaggot.
Russia is still waiting for the apology and submissiveness...otherwise it is death by nigger and liberated White female.
Common...just swallow your pride a little bit, save Poland.
that's after Lithuania gave Ukraine to Poland... so that's that
neuropku wypierdalaj stąd, antypolaczku zajebany
hohols and karakans in thread kek
Co ty tam pierdolisz?
>I do it everyday hardworking you stupid fuck but you can't change retarded mentallity of Poles.
angry bandera hohol detected, wypierdalaj z Polski skurwysynie banderowski
przykro, ale czuje ze tego nebedzie
p.s. sorry for murdering your language, I'm bad I know
Poland, the China of east europe.
Nie zagotuj się tylko Polaczku
Napisz w paru złożonych zdaniach dlaczego myslisz, że w Polsce tak chujowo... i pamiętaj o gramatyce i polskich znakach, no dalej "polaku"
Possij mi moje polskie pęto, zwierzaku banderowski
yeah... too bad Lithuania does not adopt most of the polish style policies
but no, let's just fucking destroy Lithuania instead...
I traveled to Poland last summer and fell in love with the country and its people. I loved it so much I’ll be spending the next 3 years studying in Poland. Fuck off faggot.
i meant its China because everything it produces is shit what breaks down easily..
Fuck this country.
I'll leave and become Deutschvolk.
dat true :DDD
More room for me :)
Lithuania is full ZOG. Poland is the PiS retards who think they can ride the back of the Zionist Lion and not end up inside.
I don't really want Ukraine, just Galicia and Podolia.
Bo ten kraj został wyruchany o parę razy za dużo przez ponad 200 lat historii. Obecna spierdolona mentalność jest bezpośrednio spowodowana PRLem i wytworzeniem się tzw. "Homo Sovieticus". Nie twierdzę, że wszyscy ludzie są chujowi, ale biorąc pod uwagę średnią mamy bardzo spaczone spojrzenie na rzeczywistość
triggering poles online is fun as fuck and I am one myself
Poland made Lwow the city it is today, how is it possible for anyone to deny that? It rightfully belongs to Poland.
:D well tough for you, it's other sovereign country now (I admit - with their own national problems, so who knows)
I spent a few months there. It's ok. Could be worse.
Would go back to visit (in about 50 years or so).
triggering is always fun! :D
KEK'ing to death
>heart of their ethnic heritage erased from the coast of the Baltic forever.
What was that you were saying, Tuetonbro?
At least Poland didn’t sell their own people out or hide behind communist lies fucking leftist kike shill cuck
Why are you posting this? Its not even a polish achievemnt... remember 1939-1945? If anything you are cementing that poles are underachieving good for nothings as even their demographics are still a product of foreign "help".
good parry, but not as good as his thrust
Teutons are niggers of Europe also Kraurs genocided the entire Prussian race then LARP and claim to be Prussians. Now you worship Muslims and communism. Go suck gas fsghot oh wait this is probably an illegal thing to say in the CuckReich WIELKA POLSKA faggot
There's more than one reason as why so many people hate poolaks
They caused many wars, most of them got BTFO, but got revived by jews
>They are "judeus paradisus", but LARP as if they are enemies
They live on a stolen clay
>They are hardly humans, lazy, liars, thieves and whingers
In 25 years, they managed to turn commie shithole, in to SHITHOLE, not even niggers want to go to.
>They hate every nation, they have been helped by
Their PM is a Jew
And on and so on
>get invaded by the two biggest world superpowers on the planet at the exact same time
You’re a nigger or a Jew
I hate your shithole, just like every other slavic country
Fuck Poland and fuck Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Mazowsze
>eternal anglo
How’s Birmingham?
The thing that annoys me the most about the Poles is how they victimise themselves, and how they are viewed as some kind of red pilled ultra-nationalist country. They are fucking gibsmedat euro-niggers who suck on the EU's teat whilst at the same time talking shit and trying to act like they're some sort of Regional power
Doing better than Warsaw
Fuck Stalin :/
I can't really say I hate your country, but your expats are terrible, and your women, while pretty, fall into two categories
>prudish nuns
>fucking whores
you live on a stolen Roman clay faggot, good thing we are replacing you
It looks like a typical Polish city, because it is!
I hate polskum. I’d love to see Poland partioned again.
Get fucked then faggot Moorish cuck slave piece of shit. Poland’s only weak point was being stuck in between the niggers of Germany and niggers of Russia who ALWAYS CONSPIRED to invade Poland m. Funny how they claim to hate Poland so much but can’t keep their hands off Poland. Also polish language and culture has survived all this nigger behavior so shove it up your ass Israeli faggot get gassed
>They are fucking gibsmedat euro-niggers who suck on the EU's teat whilst at the same time talking shit and trying to act like they're some sort of Regional power
like spain?
At least we have some prudish ones
You confirmed yourself to be a Moor fuck off nigger
Because the only thing Poles are good at is being subjugated.
Let me guess. You're of slavic descent.
Yeah, we don't shit on the EU. I wish we would just leave. But we don't.
The West fears The Pole
Proving my point.
Czwerona Hołota. Go worship Stalin you worthless nigger
>Macedonians are all slavs
Do you realize that most of slavs hate FYROM?
Nope not a drop. French. You’re a faggot and also if it wasn’t for Charles THE HAMMER Martel you’d be the real la creatura fucking spic kike
>it's other sovereign country now
So what?
Fuck off bandera loving communist rat
Yes yes, indeed.
Spics race mixed so hard the hours created the shit hole of Latin America great achievement nigger Hahahahahahaha