Professor Says Men, Women Differ 'Biologically', US Students Leave Class (VIDEO)
We are all one species, the mammal species.
Fuck white people are stupid. You deserve everything coming to you.
This is how insane the left is now. Remember, these are the same people who will repeat the muh 97% of scientists agree meme on you. Remember, democracy gives them the right to vote.
Degenerated beyond help
The girls just need the big D
But nobody want to give it to them!
These people actually think that acknowledging sexual dimorphism is fascism?
>Main article on SJWs having a shitfest about gender politics
>Article on the right about new sex robots
How appropriate.
shouldn't that say Oregon State University?
I'm terrified of the future. Violence is going to be the only way to stop these people
>you should not listen to facism
>nazis are not welcome in civil society
If you think men and women are different youre a nazi...
It's coming satan, it's coming.
Stuff like school shootings are just the beginning. It's what happens when oyu force men to adhere to illogical concepts that contradict each other.
The human mind can only last so fucking long, and the moment the critical mass is reached, it'll blow up spectaculary.
Satan's advice, ladies and gentlemen.
You know what's coming to us don't you? We're going on shoahs, pogroms, lynchings and a good old fashioned purge. History always repeats. I hope I live to see the day, maybe i won't but that day is coming never the less.
this but unironically
Haha no one even cared.
These cunts oppose objective thought
top laf
The amount of Russian Hackers in the comment section is disturbing.
Those people should not pass any kind of biology course, and if they did they obviously are either following an agenda or literally cheated to get through, which means they shouldn't have passed
Modern day classrooms look like freak shows at the circus
They're right though.
Objectivity is a spook, especially in science. The notion of the perfect impartial observer free of bias is an ideal and a fantasy, not a reality. You should know this already, considering how quickly you (rightfully) dismiss a lot of scientific work as biased garbage.
All observation is subject to interpretation, and all reason is based on "axioms" (i.e. shit we made up). None of it is pure. Everything is opinions.
So women can't think rationally. Sounds about right.
i do believe there was a nigger that walked out also
I cant wait until the Russian send their new muttduster missile their way
subjectivity is worse. Objetivity at least has a good chance to be done right
Fucking lying apples
You spelled excited wrong
>he attempts to imply that certain things can only mean certain things with a phrase that has a connotative meaning totally unrelated to its constituent parts
Objectivity is impossible, as far as we know.
For example, you're literally unable to prove that we should consider scientifically proven information more valid than unproven information.
Yes, you can say that you choose to believe scientifically proven information over random bullshit because historically that's been the better move for you, but that decision is based on your subjective observations and your subjective value judgements about utility. None of it is objective. There is no way to prove that information gained through the scientific method is more valid than information I just make up. You can't even prove that the former is correct and the latter incorrect.
the world needs a purge.. a good one.
world population is way too high anyways.
fucking hell..
>these people deny biology, genetics and sociology
>ur a nazi
>my opinion is absolute
>therefore you don't get to talk
How can these weak minded imbeciles not comprehend that they are turning into the fascist anti-intellectuals.
Marxism hates centrism because it convolutes extremism and allows pragmatic thought. These brainlets use emotional intelligence as a base for sensationalism and then wonder why no one cares what they have to say.
I hope these people literally get shot one day.
watch out racists, sexists and nazis. these brave folks took a stand and were willing to suffer consequences for standing up against sexist, naziesque speech
maybe if you bigots aren't careful things could get quite a bit worse for you.
Stop trying to solve equations. Math is racist.
Is that the guy who was going to sue goolag sitting next to the professor?
Beyond retarded.
I'm 32. I can only hope to witness the next great white chimpout. This one will make the Nazi's looks like saints.
The map and the territory (i.e. the world we perceive through our senses vs the actual world) differ, yes. This doesn't mean that we can't approximate what the territory actually looks like. That is what is meant by objectivity, you kike.
And yes, I know that we can only know that we exist(cogito ergo sum) and so on and so forth. Doesn't change the fact that we can learn about the territory the map is describing.
Imagine actually living in the USA
>This is how stupid the americans are now
there you go
So the biology professor is a fascist nazi for not denying biological reality ? weird times.
>Objectivity is impossible
That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to achive it.
He's a monster.
>That is what is meant by objectivity, you kike.
>"i care about absolute precision devoid of all interpretation in knowledge. that's why i use the wrong words to describe the concepts i am trying to explain"
Objective does not mean "slightly less subjective," it means fucking objective - not influenced by personal feelings, judgements, biases, and so on. Therefore nothing is objective, and any use of the word to describe any field of human knowledge is fucking incorrect.
>This doesn't mean that we can't approximate what the territory actually looks like.
Yes it does, because you cannot know the accuracy of your approximations. Unless by "approximate" you mean "utterly guess with no way of knowing how wrong the guess was."
Your approximations could be spot on, or they could be so far wide that they bear absolutely no resemblance to the real world whatsoever, and you will never ever know which is the case.
Objectivity is one of those words like "good". It doesn't mean anything in common parlance but you slap it in front of things you agree with to make them seem more legitimate.
"This decision is good."
"This fact is objective."
It also doesn't mean that you can call your attempts the real deal.
>Fire is hot
>Fire is cold
>Both are valid
Yeah, no.
His nose doesn't look at big in this
Same goes for you.
Excellent post
>I'm terrified of the future.
It's gonna be so bright
you'll have to wear shades
>it is important that issues like this are discussed at universities because otherwise they won't be discussed at all
As if universities aren't the places where speech is most intensively suppressed.
>Fire is hot
Compared to ice.
>Fire is cold
A wood fire is cold compared to a Dicyanoacetylene flame.
>"but all fire is hot, just at different magnitudes"
Only compared to comfortable human temperatures, and that measuring stick is no more "objective" than whatever ones I make up. It's just so universally useful that you mistake it for fact, when it is in fact a choice to use that yardstick and not another.
Think before posting, retard.
>There are women right now who wants to have the same rights as men
>There are women right now who think having the same rights as men means working for the same kind of pay, for the same time and for the same kind of position
>There are women RIGHT NOW thinking this is extremely fine and they should go to work while getting a kid or right after they give birth
>THERE ARE WOMEN RIGHT NOW who believes it is fine paying someone to watch their kids instead of her until they go to school
Stay at home bitch, i don't want you to work while our kids are being raised by strangers that could fuck them up mentally.
Objective truth exists.
Difference is, I'm not trying.
This but unironically.
Whether it does or not, we have no way of knowing at present when we've found it. Maybe (probably) all the "objective" facts that we've found so far really are the truth, but we can't prove that.
>Therefore nothing is objective
You are exactly the kind of dipshit progressive Sokal was making fun of with the paper "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity"
So much so that paraphrase a statement made by him after he revealed the hoax; if you believe gravity is a social construct feel free to test your theory from the tallest building you can find.
The dumbest person they interview is a nigger. He says that fascists are not welcome in a civil society, but in reality- niggers are not welcome in a civil society.
Tried to help nigger by giving him an education.
Gets nigged.
I wish my tutor corrected any grammar and spelling mistakes I made
>All observation is subject to interpretation
>philosophical woowoo
Which airplane would you want to fly in, the one designed by way of observing facts rationally or the one designed by interpreting observations any way one chooses ?
sodpfospidjko aoipdpoaksdpok ypso poakwpyclxcölawpokdp apokdpowkapod yspodkapwokde qpweo203ispomcpoymxcpo apodkpoqk2e0kpayoskdpo kqke02kepaoskdüp
The sun's hot.
this but ironically
>social construct
These are different things you retard.
But I'm not. Caring about politics when it's literally just a bunch of people oozing their opinions on each other is fucking dumb.
>Which airplane would you want to fly in, the one designed by way of observing facts rationally or the one designed by interpreting observations any way one chooses ?
Why do you think that my choice matters?
Obviously I choose the former because I don't want to die, but my desires are the most subjective fucking thing you could possibly use to measure reality. How does "what user wants" help you find objective truth?
Are you fucking retarded?
Gut gesprochen Bruder !
beep boop
Actually it's quite cool.
As it has always been with Communists.
>Biological facts are facism
t. kike or retard
>gender dysphoria is caused by differences in brain structure, science says so
>science also says there is no difference between men and women too, shitlord
The parts where there are no other people around and you can own guns and hunt animals seem nice. Their cities are a disgrace.
Hey, I was originally going to post "not as hot as your mum."
Nah, they will just breed themselves out of existence and most young white conservatives are skipping liberal indoctrination centers for blue collar work.
I agree with you in philosophical terms, but don’t you think we should atleast pretend that positivism works when doing politics?
There is no hope for you and your post modernist/critical theorist ilk
What you need is a bullet to the back of your head
>These are different things you retard.
Not when you are stating that everything is completely subjective, which is the the basis of the idea of social constructs. That the subjective view (aka perception) of a group of people (Mostly directed towards those who have "power) is now deemed pushed throughout history as fact and those who may not belong to the group will see things differently.
The whole basis for statements like "Math is racist" is underpinned by the idea that nothing is objective. You may not believe you are a progressive but you are sure pushing their retarded ideology.
Looks like we have a useful idiot posting in the thread.
No need for flippancy.
I can't believe people can hold this opinion and somehow think scientists all magically observed the same thing to land rockets on the moon.
Now prove that fire is cold by sticking your hand into the flames and holding it there. If your subjective opinion is correct, you will be unharmed. If your subjective opinion is wrong, you will be badly burned. This is called the Scientific Method. Try arguing about fairness and justice with gravity while you are falling at terminal velocity without a parchute. Let me know what gravity says.
>Are you fucking retarded?
No but you obviously fucking are m8
So I'm designing this propeller, I've looked at two possible materials, material 1 cracks & breaks up in temperatures below 5 degrees, material 2 does not, but since the concept of temperature is merely a social construct & a product of the white supremacist patriarchal system of oppression, it can safely be ignored...... I'm going to go with material 1.
>Failing to understand the difference between a philosophical truth and a practical truth
Won't get you or any group of sentient beings very far
Also we can simply apply your own argument to your argument and dismiss it on your own terms
>"Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity"
Thank you for sharing this user
>don’t you think we should atleast pretend that positivism works when doing politics?
Yes, but I like picking stupid fights on the internet.
I'm writing a fapfic in another tab but I'm out of ideas so I'm procrastinating.
Besides, it does Sup Forums users good to get some philosophy in them every now and then.
A gun is not an argument.
>Not when you are stating that everything is completely subjective
But I didn't. Objective truths may well be out there. The problem we have is that even if we do know them, we can't identify them as such. The reason for this is because philosophers have been wasting their time talking about right or wrong instead of true or false, and so we are armed with powerful tools for observation but fucking nothing for discriminating between facts and opinions. It may never be possible for us to identify objective truths - it may require some seventh sense that we are biologically incapable of possessing - but nobody is even fucking trying.
>The whole basis for statements like "Math is racist" is underpinned by the idea that nothing is objective.
So? Firstly, maybe maths is racist. Secondly, ideas are not true or false depending on how much you like them. They are true or false regardless.
>you are sure pushing their retarded ideology
There's only one retard here.
Why do I even watch stuff like this? It makes me homicidal.
>this idea seems too retarded to possibly exist
>rather than ask whether or not i have misunderstood it, i will instead choose to believe that everyone who holds it is retarded, despite some them being demonstrably intelligent
I can't believe people can hold this opinion.
>>Now prove that fire is cold by sticking your hand into the flames and holding it there. If your subjective opinion is correct, you will be unharmed
Truth is truth, but I take your point. This tangent is just a question of semantics.
>Firstly, maybe maths is racist.
>There's only one retard here.
Way to shoot yourself in the foot, chump.
>Stating biological differences is fascist
I dont mind them watering down that term, it will be easier to have fascist attitudes. It will be fun when they met an actualy fascist/nazi and nobody will care, since they use the words so loosely.
>i dismiss ideas out of hand when i dislike their implications
>everyone is retarded but me
>t. muhammed
>A gun is not an argument.
The time for arguments passed when rationality and empiricism was thrown out the window. That's the funny thing
I'm defending empiricism you fucking idiot.