This is illegal in the "land of the free"

>this is illegal in the "land of the free"
why is this illegal if guns are legals?

Other urls found in this thread: by Type&subcat=Blue Cheese

amerrifats don't know anything about *real* cheese. they only eat lolchedder

We don’t allow people to sell moldy ass old food to the public, you fucking retard.
Fucking faggot ass nigger loving kike bitch.

commerce clause has been eroding our rights for some time now. Unpasteurized anything was one of its first casualties when the progressives realized what they could do with it. Back then they were progressive republicans so you really never know which party is gonna fuck ya.

Quick question... Is blue cheese legit banned?


It's forbidden in Russia. Maybe it's geopolitical.

Roquefort is sold at every grocery store in America.

Somehow I think that is one of those cheeses that looks like blue cheese but ain’t.

That's bullshit, I can't believe this delicious sheep cheese is illegal in the US.

Pic related?

>Americans will never know what it's like to eat moldy food
lol, ok, who cares Europoor

yes they do, probably they are afraid to increase their average life expectancy to european levels

Your shit is fucking disgusting, that ain't real cheese. You have to use raw milk.

Cheese isn't found anywhere in the Constitution. What lazy bait.

Now who would've expected that?

I always wonder, why do americans out of all people bring up kikes? You are the most jewed country by far.

At least we aren't French

>hurr durr your cheese is moldy
That's what makes it delicious. But I don't expect a nigger to understand that.

You answered your own question.

Blue cheese is not forbidden in Russia.


It tastes great.

>Calls other people niggers
>Eats food that the rest of the planet would consider 3rd world standards

And you'll never know what it's like to eat actual cheese.


Amerifat food is atrocious.

Saw your flag and thought holy hell, is this guy for real? then I realised it wasn't a swedish flag, feel free to proceed.

Why is pasteurized cheese product so popular over here? It seems like everybody I know eats that shit and doesn't even know it's not real cheese

Uniformed Italian. We have engineered a mozzarella derivative with a comparable gooey-meltiness to our own bastardized cheddar, and now we eat more than mozz than cheddar. In essence, this means that our milk-become-plastic product is less orange now.

It's healthy and tasty though.

show your flag

American cheese is now higher end then french cheese, you guys are too busy getting fucked by niggers to make cheese

Part of taste is smell; problem with French people is they stink already. That's perhaps why you enjoy moldy foods.

We have the best cheese.

Oh yeah I know, there isn't enough fat for you, sorry.
Opinion disregarded.

cheese is food for children
cheeseburgers are for kids
I'll take a hamburger thank you

b-but muh micro-cheesery

cos you don't get to eat a gun n shiet

I could throw some food out in the trash and leave it there for a week and it'd look the same as your moldy cheese. You shouldn't boast about eating garbage

There are certain cheeses banned in the USA because their production requires maggots or something. OP's cheese is not one of them, at least in my state, as it's available commercially.

Do you even have any known cheeses?

This mold is a source of penicillin, for over a 1000 years French farmers used this cheese to treat wounds, long before the modern usage was discovered.

You bongs produce great moldy cheese too, why the hate eternal rival ?

>those stupid Americans they don't even eat spoiled food

they think mold is more dangerous than AR15s

Mmmm nothing beats the taste of mold and bacteria yummy yummy.

if you don't order 5 cheeseburgers instead a big mac meal or whatever in the local american embassy you're getting mugged off

Fuck, this thread made me hungry. Post the best cheese combinations of your country.

nothing beats a nice sharp italian provolone with keebler townhouse crackers

>because their production requires maggots or something.

Those cheese are banned in the EU too

Yeah just impossible to find blue cheese in the US.. by Type&subcat=Blue Cheese

>muh cheese are more important than guns!

Lol go fuck yourself.

Penicillin is mold.

Blue cheese smells disgusting, tastes worse on first try, but you just want to keep eating it, it really is a weird food.

Oh dear. Ha :-) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :-) ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>high end food
>pick one fatso

>American cheese is now higher end then french cheese

Citation needed

If you don't have a bad stomache, severe acid reflux or the roof of your mouth is burning after you have eaten something the amerilards don't want to hear about it.

I was not aware of that. I thought for sure something like that would be legal in at least France or Italy.

Absolutely degenerate

An irishman would know about mold, wouldn't they

It's simple. Because we came up with food safety laws designed for retards and industrialization.

You actually CAN buy unpasturized cheese in America, because we give less of a fuck about it than we do immigration laws. It's just not available for widespread sale.

Americans come up with more new kinds of junk food to try every year than any other country on the planet.
I've always figured it was a better living through technology thing.

Oh snap. You gonna let him get away with that frenchie?

Maybe monterey jack? I'm also going to claim cheetoes are the quintisential american cheese.

Ew it's fuzzy
What the fuck don't eat that
You god damn retard

Let's plop on some leeches and do some blood letting while we're at it then

yes well chances are 50/50 here that if you order a humburger, you're getting a cheeseburger. people can't get this yummy yummy childish gooey nonsense out of their minds and they have to infest my hamburgers with it. I would say the frenchie is right about Raw milk being requied, American dairy just makes my stomach turn.

because it's a health hazard and also fucking disgusting
>eating literal maggot feces
old worlders need another genocide

The people who outlawed cheese and kinder eggs and "the Catcher in the Rye" and everything else arbitrarily are the ones trying to get guns outlawed. Busybody moms trying to force their beliefs on everyone around them because they can't handle that someone might think differently than them. So using something that was pointlessly prohibited as a justification to pointlessly prohibit something else is retarded.

håll käften din jävla fitta

Why don't we just burn him at the stake? I mean they did that for 100's of years too. In fact, let's just start crucifying people again

>goat cheese is forbidden in the USA

Wait, what?!

>unironically eating mold

>this is illegal in the "land of the free"

This fucking frog really cares about his gross cheese doesn't he?

The eternal anglo will always hate us.

that's when it's been left too long
just cut the bad part off and eat the rest

this. murricans dont know shit about food. all they eat is already processed sugary shit and they don't even know it because they're so used to it.

>It's healthy
Mold isn't healthy if you weren't a retard and knew what you were eating

Fuck that shit, you should eat real food instead.

Casu marzu is one of those cheeses, and to my knowledge it's still "legaly" produced in Sardinia because otherwise people there would still produce it and sell it on the black market, this is why Italy allowed its production and sale in Sardinia only, they can control the market.

Also produced in Corsica (part of France) but only for your own consumption, selling it is illegal and you could be put in prison for that (would be like selling contraband) and no one actually likes it outside of those islands so it's ok.

blue cheese isnt illegal, Its moldy. I see it all the time in stores. Dunno about roguefort or Maybe its just certain states. Not much beats a good goat cheese though, smells like bum dick.

I bet you'd eat mold if it was deep fried amerimutt.


You can buy it at Walmart

You faggots can't even figure out how to fit cheese in a can

Are those shitake ?

Roquefort is a blue cheese, I guess you can buy that in the US

praise the lord i'm not a mutt

>molding/aged food is ruined

Dude just stop. You are making us look bad

if it were up to me, all mushrooms would be illegal, punishment of death
>eating literal fungus
i'd tell you to kill yourself if you weren't already trying to

I... i think that's the wrong kind of mold, user.

non-americans should be perma banned. All they do is talk about their faggot food that no one cares about while leeching off everything America offers them. America owns you, show respect to your superior

How do they make the mold on the outside spell the name of the cheese brand?

>cheese in a can
>not letting it rot in plain air for maximum ammonia content



It should be illegal after all its fucking rotten, why would anyone with a normal mind want to eat a rotten product?


>Amerishart insecure about his food habits

Draw me surprised

you... can't buy blue cheese in USA? That's fucked up.
t. next door to France and superior dairy industry here.

This is quality food too.

wtf do you call that? What the hell are all those things he put in?

>Be French
>Think cheese is illegal
