Dis anyone put their Tyrone stickers up yet?
"Tyrone 2020" is a good idea but I don't have any art skillz.. :(
Dis anyone put their Tyrone stickers up yet?
"Tyrone 2020" is a good idea but I don't have any art skillz.. :(
Where do I get those?
>Good morning sir, I have a delivery for you, please sign here
Sage, stupid idea, stop trying to make new fags ruin our image
>Our image
How can I sign into your edgy and cool club m8 ?
>ruin our image
>our image
gtfo boomer
> An ex British criminal thinking he can save le white race lol
British people destroyed the white race in the first place
Where can I buy some of those??? Your thread got 404'd the last time I saw it, which was more than a month ago.
you paid money for a bunch of nigger-face stickers.
WTF are you going to do with them?
He can put them literally anywhere in the universe that has an adhesive surface.
Boxful of niggers, the options are endless.
Where can I get merchant stickers? Will pay shekels.
They haven't done nothin'.
A black guy gonna buy those to put all over his university, to promote more anti-white policies on the institution.
this. 100% some dindu is gonna do some crack shit and blame white people again
You paid money?
For a product?
Sheeeiittttt I dun unnastan did whitey stuff mayyneee how did work?
>adhesive surface.
Homie ah tink da adhesive be on da stikka
great, then what?
There is no message there. This is not "IOTBW".
I'm the guy who made a mug of tyrone, merchant, and trump, but I dont pretend its going to influence anyone. Everyone already knows nigs suck, but a cartoon sticker of a nig face is not meaningful. Your $20 though, have fun.
No, I want Happy Merchant stickers.
Top kek.
Imagine how the person processing this order felt printing out all these bix noods
And then some white girl is going to have sex with him.
Are you retarded? I want to ruin this image as much as possible. Want to look like the internet hate machine and all that business.
I cant tell if you're retarded or just pretending.