How was this achieved? What software can I use to turn an ebook/pdf into an audiobook with this machine voice?
I know this isn't a meme thread but I need your help
Need HELP in turning non kosher books into Audiobooks
Other urls found in this thread:
look up text to speech then copy paste. i havent done it but thats what I assume that is
It's not that simple. I did some research already but I'd like to know if someone knows how to do this exactly.
Preferably (but not exclusively) mobile friendly
Great responses pol. I hope your sister gets BLACKED
i'm not reading all that shit.
But you would listen to it on the go. That's the point de Shawn
Is this for personal use, OP? I've encountered a load of books that I couldn't find audiobook versions of, this is pretty smart. Alternatively, voice them yourself and share with Sup Forums
read it and record audio you fucking lampoon ass bitch
Reading history and politics is for le stoopid people xD all we need ta do to defeat le juus is shitpost on a Mongolian mushroom digging forum XD
Here, follow this:
Ask on Sup Forums for better results
It's to spread information. A lot of people listen to audiobooks more than they read (I am one of them) and of course I can't t find any of the books that I want to listen to on Audible or any other commercial platform.
If I had a good reading voice, I would do it myself.
Here is a place with alot of Sup Forums tier audio books.
They are read by the Author of the page.
I like it. But we need to scale this significantly and make it available on youtube/daily motion and other platforms. Make it mobile friendly (people will listen to audiobooks when on the go and not on their desktop).
There are so many books that risk being memory holed. We can use technology to reverse this trend.
I thought of hiring an acting student with a good reading voice and tempo to read some books but that takes time and money.
There is also amazon polly, very good voice and doing a whole book would probably cost only 5 bucks or so. Not sure if they will let you be kampfy though.
Here is your answer if you want to bulk scale this process I've got thousands of things I am going to do this with, good idea OP
just read it aloud and stop being a faggot
>stop being a faggot
That's an impossible task
I wish i had a fucking clue about linux or whatever but I don't.
What are you thinking wrt to this? Can you get something going? There are important books that need to be converted first.
Very good. Where would you plan on spreading the audiobooks? Specific forums or just make threads here?
go kill yourself
Dragon Naturally Speaking. Doctors use it now, even with their fucked up accents or slurring of latin words it still works well.
>What are you thinking wrt to this? Can you get something going? There are important books that need to be converted first.
I've got literally thousands of old >2013 Sup Forums threads saved, and countless ebooks - going to start with the old pol material
I was going to start with current stuff. Kevin Macdonald trilogy (only Culture of Critique is known, but he wrote two other works on the same topic)
David Irving Churchill War/Hitters War are voluminous and unlikely to be read by many people.
Bell Curve and other vulgarizing books that will educate people on important topics with more current data.
The voice sample i heard from that guy's solution was atrocious. For a better voice see video linked in the op.
That articles was 4 years old, I imagine parsing text files into the google/apple text-to-speech will be way better now. Honestly, post this on Sup Forums for better results