Does anyone else want there to be a big fucking war (like WW3)? I just want to see people die. Even if I die it'd be worth it.
Does anyone else want there to be a big fucking war (like WW3)? I just want to see people die...
no not really
go watch yer anime kid
Be patient user. We just smoked a bunch of ivans over in syria and putin is buttblasted over blabbing about his doomsday nukes. Also, trump started a trade war yesterday and weed man is pissed off. We might be doing a little leaf raking soon too.
Only thing i wish for is to rectify my fatass ways before the end of days and serve to the best of my abilites, which aren't much. Perhaps then i can die with a clean conscience.
>wants blood
Sure but only if we get to glass your country, Shlomo.
The Samson option is a bluff, Nukes dom't work the way we've been told.
Kill yourself, edgelord.
Would be pretty fun desu.
Only a godless atheist would want war, pain, agony, suffering, etc. You are an agent of the evil one, you're an empty vessel, a device or tool of Satan.
Not necessarily a war. War comes with air raids and bombings.
What I would like is the police system to break down so that I can go out and kill muslims with impunity. Seriously, they have become a plague. My country feels unclean, as if it had been infested with rats.
Move to Sub-Saharan Africa. You'll have a ball.
I just want another civil war in the United States.
>all of my wanting Iran to wipe jewtown off the map
No joke, I am about one more bad encounter away from becoming The Nigger Punisher.
You get your paycheck from MIC, don't you?
>kike flag
>wants people dead
id say you must be 18 to post here, but flag checks out
Do the world a favor and kill yourself
>chaos breaks out
>kill as many race traitors and niggers as you can
honestly dont see how this is bad
That would be great. In a nuclear holocaust, I will actually fap to people going to hell while riding into eternity on exploding plasma myself.
There are plenty of places on the planet right now that are being ravaged by war. You can have your pick. How about Eastern Ukraine? Head there. You'll see plenty of dying.
Fair enough.
all wars in the past have failed to kill any significant number of people. nukes are just big bombs. with over 7 billion people on earth all the nukes in the world won't even make a dent in the population. i'm pinning my hopes on a virus or antibiotics resistant bacteria to cause a mass extinction event.
If all the nukes in the world were used there would be a nuclear winter you mongoloid, then most of the population would go extinct.
If shit did break out, I'm headed right down the block to burn down the nigger drug dealers' section 8 dorms, IDC anymore it's shitting up my neighborhood.
If I could comfortably watch from here. If only
do you know this because all the nukes in the world have been used and there's a nuclear winter right now? or do you think so because you eat up cold war propaganda like a gullible idiot?
Do It faggot
>Go to Sup Forums
>Finally say that it is really happening
>Die with a smile
It is really happening tho
>then most of the population would go extinct.
This is an oxymoron
Same my Juden fren
Who's weed man?
Trudeau. How new are you?
Whose weed, man*
i think the world is in serious need of something like that, or maybe i'm just a faggot that sits at home all day. Either way, it's a win for me
If anyone can do it it's you jew.
Not an oxymoron, a hyperbole.
i would rather avoid. but it's not looking good.
It's not mine. I was just holding on to it for a friend
It's an oxymoron. You can't go partially extinct
>campus shooter
That’s not a happening, it’s just another day in America.
No fuck you
i'd give anything to see yid's rayelle wiped off the map