Why anons? A strenghtened relationship with Russia is what we NEED.
Why can't we get along?
Projekt Reciprocity
March 15 through March 18
Be There!
Of course it is. Natural allies, all the natural resources we'll ever need, culturally and ethnically predominantly Western and a healthy dose of expansionism.
(((They))) will never let us though.
The jews want to divide this beautiful union.
I can't cast my ballot for Putin for you user you have to do that yourself
You didn’t vote for Hilary so enjoy war.
i agree, it'd ideal for everyone in the situation. though i'm not sure if the russian people would like it, America being the country that tore their motherland down from her pedestal.
but i might be wrong
they're a nationalistic bunch, them slavs
Hillary would have started a war, dipshit
It’s the government trying to start animosity for political ammunition. Our people have no problem with eachother.
Russia's main problem isn't the USA or Europe, it's the possibility that China might try to capture Siberia sometime this century.
>Why can't a constitutional republic founded on the ideals of libertarianism and personal freedom get along with a pseudo-democratic authoritarian tsarship that still had serfs when other nations were building railroads
The average Russian has nothing in common with the average American and you know it. Two totally different cultures, peoples, ideas on how to run a government. Almost polar opposite nations.
Not to mention trade. China offers us massive industry and manufacturing. Russia offers us oil and natural gas that we can get cheaper elsewhere or make our own. What can Russia offer us besides muhh AKs and vodka?
Bless their hearts, my countrymen, they're a stupid but optimistic and friendly bunch. Always wanting to be friends with everyone and reach out a hand in partnership. But you ask the average Russian and he'll give you a more straightforward, realistic answer. They don't wanna be your friend. They rather you lose power so they can take over your hegemony. That's been their goal since 1945.
No she would not. Hilary is a woman.
without american hegemony, Europe would still be 99% white.
>repeatedly deny Russia admission into NATO multiple times over the last quarter century
>meanwhile adding NATO member states geographically and progressively closer to Russia and building bases on their borders
>Why can't we get along?
NATO is JEWISH control mechanism
>China capturing anything
I guess you're not familiar with Chinese war history?
Both are subhumans.
Trump is too pussy to do it and ignore the media for the good of the people.
Russia should be in Nato, maybe China too.
Who cares about our internal social differences, we all got problems.
We COULD all work together to stop Islam and stuff like that.
NATO is what we want it to be, the Jews are a paper tiger there are basically none of them anyways. Arrest the criminals and ban foreigners from government and POOF.
It is same as the niggers, if you don't make em follow laws you will have trouble, if you do they are forced to adapt to lawful society and they are made to change as a consequence.
Because GEOPOLITICS. If you unironically are asking this then you have no place on a board discussling politics in the first place.
They are going to need more internal industry to be in charge of the world, it isn't either or with China and Russia.
We can trade with them fairly let them build up wealth too, let them be intertwined with us like Canada is.
NATO was created to defend against possible Russian aggression. Letting Russia join would make the alliance completely useless. It would be the same thing as disbanding it.
>NATO was created to defend against possible Russian aggression.
no. NATO was created to counter against possible Soviet aggression via the Warsaw Pact. when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Iron Curtain fell the Warsaw Pact also dissolved. NATO's original function ceased and Russia tried many times since to join NATO without success since then. had NATO let Russia join when it tried to in the 90's and 00's, they wouldn't be our adversaries today. if people like the OP still wonder why we can't get along with Russia, ask NATO and the people that control it.
Do you really are so naive to think that Europe/ the west will ever get along with Russia? They won't. Both are superpowers, and both want the same thing: absoulte power. And your "muh NATO bases" argument is basic bitch-tier too. The US didn't invade and force anyone to build their bases on foreign soil, they were build there by the hosts permission, and the host still has power over the very bases the US garrison there. We are a memberstates of NATO all because of Russia, and the US airbase here was established by request only after Russia staged massive military drills right on top of our border right after annexing Crimea. Prior to that there were no foreign military here.
The Union fell, the Soviets(Kremlin) still remain. They are very open about it too, they do not shy away from the fact that they are a successors of the Soviet Union.
>military history
Don't play that point up too much, Russia. 1942 to 1970 isn't that great a spree either.
Fact is there is (an eventual) threat over resources in that area.
Get a Romanov back, let us in, let's win instead of letting Communist Germany black a Europe that's richer than all North America (US & Canada) with 3x its population right on our doorsteps.
If America gets SA style problems (with all those weapons lying around) WE HAVE NO CHOICE - ALLY (yet again).
Great Britain, Russia, India to liberate 32 states of America and Europe WHEN?
Total bullshit. After WWII, America occupied Western Europe, overthrew popular fascist regimes, replacing them with pet 'democratic' ones. Anything west of Belarus basically has the government that America has said it is allowed to have.
Liberate from what? Sovereignty?
>Total bullshit
What is? Please do be more specific here.
>Anything west of Belarus basically has the government that America has said it is allowed to have
You are being delusional.
Did America, or did America not, overthrow Fascist regimes, just like the Soviets did. Answer
There is very clear proof of this. America rigged the Italian election repeatedly to prevent the people voting in communists. America controls the west
I don't know, nor do I care. As far as I know only Italy was ever fascist. You seem like jumping goalposts here. What does the US occupying western Europe right after WWII have to do with NATO bases being established in NATO memberstates right now? They still have no jurisiction or political power over the nations soil their troops are stationed on.
>Do you really are so naive to think that Europe/ the west will ever get along with Russia? They won't. Both are superpowers, and both want the same thing: absoulte power.
Are you retarded? For the decade between 1992-2002 Russia was literally third world, completely aimless politically and domestically chaotic. Hardly a 'superpower' and threat. You keep ignoring the facts that Russia had tried to integrate itself politically, economically and yes even militarily to the rest of Europe, the EU and NATO following the collapse of the USSR.
> The US didn't invade and force anyone to build their bases on foreign soil,
Who the fuck said anything about the US dumbfuck? NATO's original mission and purpose ceased once the Warsaw Pact stopped existing. Yet in the meantime they have maintained an aggressive posture toward Russia when the threat long ceased to exist. I see you're a pants shitting PTSD Latvian who due to history will always be russophobic, but try to have some objectivity please.
>founded on the ideals of libertarianism
>There is very clear proof of this
Do show, then
>to prevent the people voting in communists
And you are protesting this?! You "nazis" are a joke.
Just because you have a horse in this race doesn't mean that I do. You can try to put me in a box all you want, that doesn't change my view on the matter.
because both have deeply corrupt governments
USA's is globalist
Russia's is nationalist
False, Russia is also globalist, that is where the conflict arises. And any non-civic/Soviet nationalism is banned in Russia - see Article 282.
>Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Chinese war history is repeated losses, over and over, for thousands of years, with victory only being gained through greater numbers, nearly every time. Sun Tzu, their only good strategic mind, died before the time of Christ.
if russia's government was also globalist they would cooperate with the EU the same way the EU cooperates with the US deep state
and since when do corrupt governments abide by the law ?
Conquer and divide by political elites.
The US/Russia/India need to team up and put a stop to China.
Chinks are creeping their way into global hegemony and need to be violently annihilated.
We can't get along with Russia because Wall Street Jews want to make a profit on WWIII and will stop at nothing to make it happen.
The globalists who run the European Union think they will be the next superpower if the US and Russia blow each other off the map.
America has a layer of its ruling class who follow the lead of the European globalists.
And so manipulation and propaganda will continue to happen.
The EU wants golbalism where they reign supreme, and Russia wants the same, only with them behind the wheel. Simple. Russia and Europe are not the same, they have very different mentalitites to begin with. Russia is not Europe & Europe is not Russia.
Do you want millions of tatars, mongoloids and other asian monkeys coming to USA??
China is rising all due to the US consumerism. They will never surpass the US. The moment your economy collapses theirs will follow.
got any resources i can read arguing your point ?
But the Russians are evil, user. They even hacked my cat.
Not to mention they poisoned my nice cup of tea and gave me a cold.
Do you not even read the news? How Putin hacked your United States election and elected Trump?
Basically everything that goes wrong is because of Russian hacking and robots. They are literally Hitler and want to hack into your servers. Bastards. They are pure evil, m8. I have proofs that suggest that they use magical spells to enchant the very airwaves of radio and internet.
Putin is literally only 4 feet tall. And he wants to eat your family's babies.
Is it really so difficut for you to comprehend that not all globalists are of the same kabal? Obsiously the Kremlin doesn't want globalism where they are not the ones in charge.
Because you make others to pay you taxes via petrodollar.
Because you disrupt other countries and dump brains from here.
You literally suck blood from other countries, burger, and as what is wrong? Stop lying that average burger doesn't benefit from this
lol, you want us to be your gun meat burger?
nope, thanks i will only benefit from your economical struggle with chinks, and you both will need to buy our resources
yeah of course, it's the same thing with communism at the nation scale and therefore it's contradictory in nature
so i understand that, i just wanted to learn more about that perspective because i don't believe that russia seeks globalism, i believe they only seek to protect their interests which is why they took crimea (sevastopol)
Let us take the world by the throat and make it give us what we desire.
i'm talking scorched earth mfers.
Russia would take far more than just Crimea or even Ukraine if they could. They tried to do the same thing here right after Crimea: massive "military training" right on our shared border combined with a "Latgales Peoples Republic" trying to form itself in Daugavpils.
You are right. Russia was always been authoritarian with 99% of people being borderline slaves in their own country. And when your state consists of slaves your only cause of action would be to conquer more territories/slaves so trying to be a dominant power in the region is natural for Russia especially in Baltic and eastern Europe. USA doing the same shit in South America/middle east. Big countries act like bandits and little countries act like whores.