You killed our people, and took our sacred land...
We natives are the true Americans.
You killed our people, and took our sacred land
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your """people""" were killed by the common cold (lmao) and you sold your land for shiny trinkets
And you'll never get it back.
Maybe in several hundred years when humanity is fleeing this rotting corpse of a planet and we haven't all merged into one race, native Americans can stay and retake the sacred land. It'll be bittersweet but it'll be yours.
Get in line, Tonto... you're lucky we didn't have wheels, or we would have sacrificed you all as well
>Say, where did you get that horse?
Just finished a book on the Comanches and let me tell you, Americans did the world an enormous favor genociding those homicidal sadists.
Pic is ironic considering whites brought horses to America....
I lived in Montana when I was younger, and I remember driving through an Indian reservation and it being an absolute garbage heap.
I lost all respect for native Americans at that point.
Beer cans piled up outside of every window, trash in the streets, naked children running around unsupervised.
Someone told me how those people are uneducated and just live off of casino money. I can't imagine respecting that type of people.
When you act like savages, you get savaged by the civilized.
Shouldn't have liked those shiny beads so much.
What nation do you belong to?
The first colonies that were wiped out are clear examples of white genocide.
Some of them were really fucked up. Even the tamest Indian tribes had crazy rituals that involved kidnapping people from the other tribes and torturing them to death as slowly as possible during a grand feast.
I guess its what a society looks like when the moral imperative is completely absent.
Comanches were based.
Siberians murdered bronze age Europeans that were in North America before them.
You worshipped the sun and shat in holes in the ground.
You didn't adapt. So get out of the way.
Didn't yall negus come from Asia over the bering land bridge? Yall's is asians
>Even the tamest Indian tribes had crazy rituals that involved kidnapping people from the other tribes and torturing them to death as slowly as possible during a grand feast.
What the fuck? Is that true?
by that logic everyone is a nigger african
And over 9000 years ago you Indianiggers killed some other people and took their "sacred land".... get over it.
Not United States Americans, and it was never your land. You never won it, bought it, or built it.
Fuck off back to your liquor and nihilistic lifegoals.
If your land is so sacred and your people so noble, why did you lose?
>A true American
>not Hulk Hogan
>when you're defeated so hard your iconography and imagery become token imagery of your conquerors
>Men and women captives[2] as well as teenage boys,[3] would usually face death by ritual torture. The torture had strong sacrificial overtones, usually to the sun.[4] Captives, especially warriors, were expected to show extreme self-control and composure during torture, singing "death songs", bragging of one's courage or deeds in battle, and otherwise showing defiance.[5] The torture was conducted publicly in the captors' village, and the entire population (including children) watched and participated.[6] Common torture techniques included burning the captive, which was done one hot coal at a time, rather than on firewood pyres; cutting with knives, beatings with switches or sticks, and jabs from sharp sticks. Prisoners' fingernails were ripped out. Their fingers were broken, then twisted and yanked by children. Captives were made to eat pieces of their own flesh, and were scalped alive. To make the torture last longer, the Native Americans would revive captives with rest periods during which time they were given food and water. Tortures typically began on the lower limbs, then gradually spread to the arms, then the torso. The Native Americans spoke of "caressing" the prisoners gently at first, which meant that the initial tortures were designed to cause pain, but only minimal bodily harm. By these means, the execution of a captive, especially an adult male, could take several days and nights.[7]
Oh definitely, not like there were friendly tribes who used their first traded firearms to cleanse the land of those people or anything. Yup, all prairie niggers are 100% the same
You killed our people first.
It was the common cold that killed you btw.
You were not Americans, you were Lakota, Kiowa, and Shawnee. America (the nation) did not exist before its creation by white settlers. And your people sadly did were not peace loving dove-people that you were led to belive. They would massacre each other over land and territory. Just look at the origin of the name 'Comanche'
Sounds Klingon.
No it's not.
almost as bad as we wuz
Take it back, if you can.
We should have bought more blankets
France is no longer France.
Honestly, Native Americans are perhaps the only minority in the USA that I actually have respect for.
Holy shit
Land is only yours when you can defend it. Simple as that.
Let's kindly forget how the different tribes genocided eachother for centuries.
The Egyptian leadership was white people.
You are correct, western indians were slavers not torturers. The torturing was more east coast and central indian custom. But these customs were present even in the friendly tribes we gave weapons to and didnt stop till they started to westernized.
Oh well. You couldn’t defend it and it’s not yours anymore. Go build more casinos.
Amerigo Vespucci
Europeans were on the continent first holmes.
sounds like you had a little too much fire water Cochise
To be fair the Aztecs had a working irrigation system that gave running water, which is better than using buckets and dumping them out the window imo
Sup Forums
>"We won America fairly by conquest."
>"OMG muh Solutreans, REEE! REEE!"
That is how ridiculous you sound.
Europeans arrived in North America thousands of years before the Mongols.
Why is this board so hypocrite?
>Nigs come to white countries
>Whites come to native countries and actually genocides them
Haha deal with it.
This is exactly why nobody sympathizes with whites anymore.
Is the Injun man saying that to Europeans, or to the Native American tribe that just raided his village and slaughtered everyone?
The Europeans had this as well when they landed in the new world. And the Aztecs lost to 50 men. Their entire empire was defeated by 50 men.
What's a "native country"?
Hey, it's me again. Anyone have similar experiences? Was this just an isolated case I went through?
Because they were savages that’s the key difference you goon.
or the fact that the pilgrims only survived because one tribe helped them to in exchange for thier help in slaughtering a rival tribe
Are you the Mapuche guy? The people crying over muh Solutreans is funny.
And then the next year they didn’t need injun help anymore. The colonists who can here weren’t farmers. But they leaned quickly how to.
That's how conquest works.
Indians never wared with other tribes and stole woman and children for slaves nahhh never nahhhh. they were just sitting around weaving baskets. ya thats the ticket..
White tribe for the win.
The North American Indian genocide never happened
so muslims will be the true Europeans soon?
>"Muh Solutreans!"
Fucking indians teamed up with french to kill all the english, fought a war of genocide, and lost.
Fucking ingrates should have all been wiped out after the indian war.
If they don't fight it back, yeah, eventually.
Yeah youre starting to get it
Why tf is poland there?
>subterfuge with help of traitors
>conquest by might of arms
'Empire of the Summer Moon'? That was an amazing read. What did you read, user?
Fuck off back to Siberia.
>conquest if that’s “how it works” the means should not matter at all
>implying the natives were not turned on eachother by traitors who took orders from colonists
a messed up phonepost but you get the point
This man wrote his dissertation about it, about the Indians in New France (Quebec, Canada).
You can also read about French missionaries getting fingers, ears, noses, et cetera cut or burned off. They whole tribe got in on this. In the aformentioned dissertation, the man describes how the torture of captives was a religious and community building undertaking.
>hes porturbed by quanahs behavior
What a fuckin beta frog faggot
If we were to return your land, would you turn around and return it to the tribes you stole it from?
>I have a stuffy nose
> *sneeze*
> *dies*
Fucking settlers didn't kill enough it seems
"Native" americans stole it from the Solutreans. Europeans didnt take their land. They took back their own land.
Who is “you” because Spain did most of the bloodshed
>an inferior american race
And dont you forget that.
Indians allied with Europeans, because they hated each other so much. Not sorry.
white man came, across the sea
he bought us pain and misery
he kill our tribe, killed our creed
he took our gain for his own need
WE FOUGHT HIM HARD, we fought him well
out on the plains, WE GAVE HIM HELL
but many came, too much for Cree
Oh will we ever be set free?
Greetings from Fr*nce, fellow non-white
thats what libkids never get told in communist brainwashing, they all think natives lived in peace. Truth is natives were in a constant state of savage tribal warfare, little better than aztecs and their mass cannibalism of their own people.
Bet you wish you'd built a wall, eh, Tonto?
You got Anglo'd.
Ill rape your wife redskin
I've never killed anyone.
Should have been more organized instead of fighting and eating each other
>What did you read, user?
Correct, just finished Empire of the Summer Moon, got drawn to it after reading the diary of Rachel Plummer. Now that is a shocking primary source if I ever read one.
the ancient natives appreciated the land in a way that we never will. common day Indians have lost that knowledge and are now degenerative. Americans should be grateful for the land we share, but most are assholes about it.
>trades land for beads
>wait no gib land back
>WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO (rapes and scalps women and children)
>oh these are nice blankets, white man
The ones who survived became alcoholics. Most Indians were less than human. Nobody and I mean NOBODY liked them. Even the blacks helped genocide them. During the Indian Wars, armies of blacks were called "Buffalo Soldiers" by the Indians.
What the actual shit
the solutrian whites that got to NAmerica around 20,000BC were unlikely to be the 1st in merica. There were likely many migrations there. in the hundreds of thousands of years prior there was plenty of icebridges between asia and merica. But the people before them would likely be nigger tier, abo tier and prehistoric sub-abo tier with IQs that make abos seem smart.
Using Subhumans against Native Americans.
America, just KYS.
Once met a fella in Yosemite who did food deliveries to rangers and camps in the remote areas where only backpackers and Mules could reach
He said he was once doing a similar job for a native and his tribe during the end of the Alaskan summer
Thing is while he was delivering the food in the tribe his "partner" had stolen all their supplies and money and abandoned him there
He had to work for the tribe for the entire winter in order to make enough money to get out and he said it was one of his worst experiences in life
>no morals in the tribe
>no respect for sanitation
>constant fights
>nephews raping their aunts on a daily basis
>treating him like shit
Needless to say he never worked for natives again
The Solutreans disagree with you, Gets Ass Kicked By Cough.
The "natives" polluted on large scale and lived in their own filth.