How much did americanization ruin your country and culture?
How much did americanization ruin your country and culture?
boo hoo. we didn't force you guys to buy our stuff. quit blaming america for europe sucking
A lot.
Especially the younger generations.
so much
but you pretty much did after war...
>buy our stuff or starve to death
it's the country-scale equivalent coercing someone to do something by pointing a gun to their heads
>we didn't force you
You do it though
>it's YOUR fault we're yuropoors
Nobody forced us to land on the Moon, but we did. Because the Americans were pioneers who established a world order while Yuropoors were beating their shrivelled dicks. Sucks to be Yuropoor, I guess.
100%. Now people listen to shit music, practice all manners of degeneracy.
Not to mention new architecture all has to be made of glass and sterile because "thats what new york does!!!" so the retards think their economy, which is shiit anyway, will rub off on them. Oh and everywhere has to become a 2 party democracy™, practicing the worst form of capitalism, and accepting refugees and lgbtbbqisodksmql shit.
Pic related, the americans fund this shit to force diversity on to the europeans of tomorrow
Its arrived here and its slowly seeping into our society especially the greed part!
Guys, quick, look at the retard!
Faggot, United Jewstates of America are one of the big cancers on our planet. And you goddamn know it.
>russia orbitd earth first
then america joins in
>ruddia does worlds first space walk
america does theirs a month ahead of plans to catch up
yeah no one forced us upthere at all
OP is probably British anyway, doesn't count as Europe any more
>how much didn't socialism and atheism ruin your country and culture?
I view it less as "American culture" and more "Globalized neoliberal capitalism".
Though American culture is pretty much the tip of the spear in spreading this garbage, I shake my head at morons who are like "lmao america has no culture".
American culture *is* global culture, they can't see it because it's just so god damn prevalent it makes everything else start to look like itself so removes uniqueness.
You can't even name 3 things that are American culture euro pussy boi
>instead of helping germany fight communism you help commies destroy europe literally to the ground
>not my fault, GOYIM! keep buying our stuff or die heheheheh
are you american or an actual merchant I am talking to?
Or maybe you are so used to blacks asking for muh reparashuns that your automatic responseto historical responsibility is acting all butthurt.
Before anybody stuffs me into the chopper, reword that to "global mass finance and industry".
we have rap because of americans...
America being a superpower influencing many nations, other people don’t how we have changed them.
No one is stopping you from reading old books or dying of polio like back in the good old non-americanized days.
It's more being Anglo here.
Anglos love their nanny states and brown skins almost as much as the Nordics.
>tfw amerimutt realizes by himself he has no culture
Europe is keeping an ersatz vision of 50's America alive, buying all that diner shit and beautiful old jukeboxes up, the old redneck jukebox guys in the US are seriously pissed because yanks don't want it. They're selling it all off cheap and yuros are restoring it.
I hate Americas so much, you retards are the reason burger memes exist
All of those have been staples of Eurocucks prior to WW2, user.
Eat a dick Spain. Go have another civil war and cry about muh communism. Fuck Hitler for appeasing them and splitting Poland.
>Nobody forced us to land on the Moon, but we did
Thanks to Nazi Germany and its scientists you grabbed via Operation Paperclip
Some shops have english names. French Youtubers use english pseudonyms. The most cucked part of our country is the television, a lot of our shows have english name.
that's because europeans have no culture
doesn't france have an entire legal/tax regime to promote local cultural production?
The problem here in the UK that all of our television is basically 99% American imports while it stifles content made in the UK.
Who cares. You are literally living in the most prosperous period in all of humankind right now. It's so prosperous in fact that it drives idle people to shitpost about the littlest things like how your nation suddenly has rap music now. Oh boooohooooo.
My only regret is that I will not be alive to witness the Chinese century, to witness all your failed offspring (doubt you will have any) complain about the chinkification of their country, to slap you current retards in the face for having the nerve to spit upon the gift known as Pax Americana that we bestowed upon you. Oh man I can't wait. Your grandsons end up in prison for shitposting against the Chinese government and you sit alone in your 5x5 steel cage house nostalgic for the time America was the big boss.
That's all you Euros ever do, just whine and whine about whoever on top. But you don't got the initiative to replace us. You don't got balls. Kek can you imagine if this world was ran by some literallywho Euro poor country like Bulgaria? A hahahaha
It doesn't stop the young ones and the business world to use english words, even english words that do not exist in the English language.
Oh look guys, it's another grinning retard in the long line of grinning retards who think the only thing that matters in life is your ability to buy material bullshit.
Even though the proof to the opposite has been drifting past him for over 20 years.
That's because before and during the war Europeans begged Americans to come fight and die for their shit hole country
Pay your debts
so america is forcing anglophilia on the young and business? jesus we really must be a superpower
They declared war on us you fucking retard
>posted from the line at the benefits office
I will never not loathe boomers.
To be fair the Russians/Soviets forced us to get our shit in order for the space race.
all four
are you implying we salted your earth and murdered all of your farmers?
Alot we didnt have any of their nigger culture and cuckoldry and nigger worship they have there before the fagmerican media. I wish wed ban all fagmerican media and tv shows. All tho less people even watch tv now. I havent watched tv in years except ice hockey
Thanks for proving my point. Why don't you hop on a plane and see how America is for yourself. From sea to shining sea baby. We have lots to see.... you have to take your stinking European ass back of course. But you are welcome for a visit.
>steal nazi rocket scientists
>land on moon
>nazi scientists die
>cant do it anymore
>every country's political leaders, universities, media, and society pushes globalism
>you can't fight back in Europe or Australia (they banned your guns)
>you can't even deny the holocaust without imprisonment
>How much did americanization ruin your country and culture?
Very much
it didnt at all
>>buy our stuff or starve to death
>implying we're the only ones with stuff worth buying
It was going to happen anyway then, stupid spic. Go tan some more faggot.
>every country's political leaders, universities, media, and society pushes globalism
True especially cuckmerican leaders
>you can't fight back in Europe or Australia (they banned your guns)
wrong but will ber true in fagmerica because trump will take your guns while i can have as many as i want
>you can't even deny the holocaust without imprisonment
Also wrong I dont live in america so i can talk about holocaust all i want and call niggers niggers and most people will agree with me
You sound like a jew/boomer
How did the rise of Hitler destroy the concept of nationalism in your culture?
I can assure you mate, I earn enough to live well and fuck hookers hotter than your oneitis.
It's precisely because I have the material things I want that I see that they're not everything and ultimately, not greatly satisfying.
You remind me of the idiots we were talking about yesterday who are so obsessed with buying shit they buy stupid shit worth more than their house on credit. Which I'm sure you do since most of your country is in debt.
You will learn nothing from this, you'll rationalize to yourself some new bullshit and then wonder why being fat, dumb and happy watching the game provides no long term satisfaction.
What is that a Belgium flag? I would slap you in the face with a buttery waffle if I could.
A lot. America is Yugoslavia 2.0. now, and everyone knows what happened with that. And the Bulgarian youth is picking up their culture like hotcakes, changing the direction the country is headed.
They ruined the world by joining the War.
But I love them
poor estonia wants to be part of scandinavia
The older generations of this country are nationalist as fuck.
My generation on the other hand can be nationalistic on certain aspects but we have sucked the USA culture so much since kids that we are more open to the a lot of bullshit.
>belgian flag
>America is Yugoslavia
You take that back you filthy Slav. How dare you compare America to shit balkans.
>give up your empire and give us all of your secret information or Nazis will invade your island and put you in camps
You did worse
>begged americans to come and fight
Things that never happened vol. 60000000001
>fuck hookers
How does it feel when you look into their eyes and see the absolute agony they feel being rammed by yet another disgusting stranger?
>Gun ownership is restricted in Norway, unless one has officially documented a use for the gun. By far the most common grounds for civilian ownership are hunting and sports shooting, in that order. Other needs can include special guard duties or self-defense, but the first is rare unless the person shows identification confirming that he or she is a trained guard or member of a law-enforcement agency.
>Also wrong I dont live in america so i can talk about holocaust all i want and call niggers niggers and most people will agree with me
Yeah. Sure. Ok. That is why Norway is totally not letting in refugees or anything. Every country that you surround has laws against holocaust denial. You are delusional if you don't think it will happen to Norway too.
>europeans begged fagmerimutts to come and fight against them
Bro I hate to break it to you, but the moon landing was fake. Do some research.
How did the French Revolution ruin the concept of monarchism in your country?
How did the Protestant Reformation ruin the concept of tradition in your country?
Mix gypsification and americanization and you have the most genenerate shithole of Europe
muttcuck got the mutt brain kek. Have you melted your ar yet cuckboi? Go give your guns away for based trump
America is an unstable powder keg waiting to be set on fire. The tension between the different ethnicities there is unreal.
Sounds pretty similar to Yugoslavia to me, user. One well-calculated push and you'll have a second civil war on your hands.
>Why don't you hop on a plane and see how America is for yourself
Because even if your country isn't like that it is the main root of all evil in the world
I'd rather use my money go to visit some asian country than your degenerate porn land
Belgium telling anyone they have no culture
The only culture your knockoff country ever had is waffles and small cabbages
Have you ever been to America? Or are you just internet smart?
I don't know, you'll have to tell me what it's like when you can afford to try it.
They just give us money and leave us alone.
>Firearms may only be carried while they are being used for a specific purpose (e.g. hunting, shooting at the range).
Ah, your laws are even worse
Wew. All you can do is speak in memes. You need to travel more and see places for yourself. Ask anyone who has been to America and they will tell you how nice everyone is.
I didn't want to say it, but if Euro's are going to shit on America there will be consequences.
I mean, we live in a country-sized favela run by Jews where everybody hates eachother and the only thing holding back our disparate mongrelized races from murdering eachother is some increasingly weak civic nationalism but nobody cares because we all get to be degenerates and miserable assholes living in an atomized neoliberal tech dystopia built on the smoldering remains of the western world, lost in a mess of the foreign tounges and cultures of our conquerors.
well you have at least three different families to let become king again
I just wonder what's gonna happen to JewSA once chinese become so powerful to make JSA irrelevant
>making shit up
kek wrong again muttcuckboi i can buy a gun for self defense and every single male over the age of 18 knows how to shoot one. Unlike your mutt nation
>fuck hitler
finally, the Jew is unable to hide himself forever.
This guy gets it. California is the problem
>declare war on flightless bird
We have OAMA or "please let the USA colonize us " the organization. But the good thing is that they are literraly who's just like the Argentinian monarchic movement.
>literally got occupied by America in the later stages of WW2
how much do you think?
Everyone with half a brain agrees with you
bin that knife, mate
You mean the america of europe great anglonistan?
I guess somebody is sabotaging your wikipedia to make Finland look bad.
Or, more likely, you are delusional.
In my "mutt nation" any 18 year old can go to the store and buy a gun in many states. You can then drive a rifle home, with ammo in it, and you still need absolutely no license. You can leave it in your car for the next 20 years. You can go to a shooting range. You can use it on your private or any of your friends property. Still no license. You can defend your house or car by shooting any invader. Would love to see that in Finland.
Also, the average Finn is literally more oriental than the average American is non-white anything, so who are you calling a mutt?
America took over a year after the British occupation began
though there's something to be said about the influence they had as well
I heard your rock bands play in english too
it's always somebody else's fault, isn't it