>"It is Denmark that will be part of the 144,000"
wtf, I love Judaism now
"It is Denmark that will be part of the 144,000"
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf am I reading
>saving the thumbnail
Hvad fanden sker der?
Ej drop det, gleeeem det kammerat hahahah!
stop med at snakke som en perker
stjæler dit billed
vi er de 144000 tilykke brorman
Nå smider lige et billede til og skrider.
we are coming for your shiksas filthy danes
Snakke som en perker hvad fanden mener du? jeg skriver sku da dansk, er du blind?
fuck det du får en til, du er heldig idag.
'sku' er 'sgu'
du lyder allerede som en perker
generous tak mange
en til?
Du må synes som du goer. Jeg er sku ligeglad.
perker eller ej
jeg gemmer gerne dine billeder
hvoren du får dem fra
Hvordan fuck inder gedekneppere overhovedet deres vej til denne bacon stegningsdiskussionsklub?
Den her er også en god klassiker.
Jeg er dog ikke af anden etnisk skider.
Jeg har fundet billederne igennem årene kan ikke huske hvor, rimelig sikker på det bare har været herinde.
hvis du kan snakke dansk vil jeg tro på dig
sandt nok, de har få travlt med at ikke kunne komme igennem eksamerne
which parts of Denmark are the richest? Those by the sea or those bordering Germany?
the sea, specifically gentofte, which is like northnof copenhagen, and where all the rich ones live, they have the lowest tax in the coutnry I think
Do straits play any role in the economy anymore? Additional taxes or something?
Those bordering germany are just flyover cities.
Basiccally everything except Copenhagen is irrelevant and a stoneage tier village.
Yeah, maratime trading is an important factor in danish economy, because many international ships go trough danish waters to reach the baltics and international waters, but people settle near the coast because the shitskins and communists cant afford to live there, and its close to nature without being in the bumfuck nowhere, and the schools are better, due to lower number of shitskins and reds obviously.
wtf, i have to agree
Mindless drivel written by retards.
Did Germany penetrate your market with their shops or energy firms?
dont know about you, but in frederiksberg, in the gymnasiums, there are so fucking many shitskins, its insane
hopefully i will go to university and get rid of them all
Mer! Kan relatere til denne megmegen
no, we have our energy firms in them, and we drive to go to their shops, beyond the border
wtf har den samme
>copying someones meme is the highest praise you can give
I was talking about the actual good places to live, Frederiksberg is a cancerous shithole that deserves a nuclear holocaust, for the exact reasons you listed.
There is something blatantly smug about Frederiksberg; its like the wealthy socialist's borough. People from there are always entitled smugs who think they are better than everyone, because of their zip code.
Also dont even get me started on (((CBS)))
>tfw we have have no mountains and can only compete in curling
kan vi forblive under en enkelt krone, gib oil
are all danes autistic? what the fuck is going on in this thread?
>compete in curling
Based quads, but did you actually see our """performance""" at the olympics?
checked. I guess we can.
we dont talk about CBS
kommunen bruger så mange penge på invandrer selvom de er konservative
2 dage siden var drenge var 3 andre skoler hende og "irriterer og provokerer" MK klasserne
skulle have stukket perkerne ned med knive
Are all canadians fragile little mountaineers? What the hell is going on in Toronto.
>also yes Danes are a tad autistic.
pls dont talk about denmark in winter olympics
tak brormand
Norge som er stormakt i skandinavia nå
we get it from the krauts
Danons please blow up bridge and god helg.
>pls dont talk about denmark in winter olympics
>tfw best result was a fifth place in speed skating
You win this time Norge
And can you live in the countryside or small-medium town in Denmark and lead a satisyfing life? Or does everybody go to the capital city?
Som en dansker bosat i USA:
WTF I love jews now!
only when the wave of niggers stop, then you can keep them
get out of this thread leaf
shit its worse than I thought
yes I think so. If you're at a small town, then yes. Ribe I think, and the town, were our first King was buried is pretty white and nice and comy. Its mostly drive by towns in Jylland. But we have a problem with everyone moving to the capital, and we have a housing bubble, so dont come here. Though it will be hard to find a work place. the government is trying to reverse that. also, if you want to live in southern denmark, its basically half german and danish
someone has to keep you spergs in check
yes we are pretty spergy, and pretty boring, but we are definetely 100% unique
unlike your chink muhammed orgy over in leaftown
>100% unique
you are a wart that grows on the ass of germany
we literally existed before germany, and while they were the french and austrian rape area
>we have a housing bubble
so Danes take mortgages to make money out of real estate like others? Not very popular in Eastern Europe
t. the cesspool of poor migrants from france and britain that couldn't make it into the usa
i dont know, haven't taken one, but I think you have to do so, at least to affort a house in the capital. if you wanna be a farmer, its pretty good I think. If you go to DRs homepage, just look at all their videos and documentaries, if you're serious, if there are english subtitles, or learn danish faggot
>except Dan
> 1 post by this ID
get out faggot
this link if you wanna get good danish propaganda
you faggs haven't a clue what you're talking about. one of the biggest problems here is migrants coming through the usa and entering illegally across our souther border in the middle of the country where there is nothing.
something is rotten in the state of denmark