"Evolutionists" unequivocally BTFO
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Now if only we had a full-blown scientist verify a lot of these claims.
END. If anyone STILL thinks evolution is true, he is absolutely retarded
The theory of evolution is one that describes the process behind evolution - a real observable phenomena. In the same way that the theory of gravity describes the process by which things fall down.
Debate me.
Come on then. Or can you only argue against a character you made up yourself?
What a faggot.
Garbage. Explain this:
Evolution is true, but evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe (which you can call 'God' if you want, but I won't, because that word has religious connotations that I would rather avoid) which cranks out life anywhere and everywhere. Start watching this video from 10:27 (ignore the whole 2012 thing, because Wilcock is still right about how evolution really works):
I also don't like the term 'intelligent design', because 'intelligent' is a loaded word and somewhat anthropomorphic. I prefer using the term 'self-aware design' or 'intentional design' and what I'm advocating is not magic, as it can be described in a purely scientific way. Evolution is correct, but (((Darwinian evolution))) is false. Evolution is never random. Also, humans are billions of years old and not native to Earth. Dr. Peter Gariaev is a Russian scientist who took eggs that were laid by a frog and then zapped those eggs with a laser light that had gone through eggs laid by a salamander. When the 'frog' eggs hatched, salamanders emerged from them - not frogs. The only thing that is necessary to rewrite DNA is wave information, which means that evolution can occur not through millions of years but instantaneously.
The agricultural division of the Ciba-Geigy corporation (now Sygenta) discovered that existing plant seeds could be transformed into extinct varieties, simply by zapping them with a weak electrostatic current. This process generated stronger and faster-growing wheat, extinct fern species and tulips with thorns. Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina energetically transformed a living apricot tree into an apple tree, actually causing the fruits on the branches to metamorphose from apricots into apples in only sixteen days. Ighina also zapped a rat with DNA-wave information from a cat, and this caused the rat to grow a cat-like tail in four days. (end of part 1)
(start of part 2) What we call 'evolution' can occur not through millions of years but instantaneously, because evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe. DNA is energetic wave-form information at its base state (just like everything else) and at certain periods of time, the information input in the DNA of the human species is relatively simple, and it is during these periods of time (like now) that we, for example, only live up to a hundred years (if even that) - among other things. But when the information input in the DNA of the human species becomes more complex, the human species lives for hundreds of years, is stronger, is faster, is taller, is smarter, has a better memory, etc. Our ancestors called these periods of time when the information input in the DNA of the human species was more complex 'golden ages'. (end)
>Variation within a kind
Oh my Lord you people are sad sacks
That's literally evolution
True. And there's no difference between micro-evolution and macro-evolution. Macro-evolution is just cumulative micro-evolution.
>Evolution has to be fake for God to be real
This is the stupidest shit, I swear.
Why can't you just believe that God doesn't have to play by the rules of what's real or what isn't, since that's the whole point of the fucking bible?
go kiss your gods ass
Evolution was pushed by Catholics
Welcome to GOD's only family
Exactly. It's a distinction without a difference.
Seriously. If I were god I'd want my creations to be adaptable
That guy is a kook.
That whole "forms from sea sand appearing even after being heated!" is because there were already tiny forms in the sand to begin with. Pic related, its sea sand viewed with a microscope
Imagine if you thought evolution only meant humans came from monkeys
1 2 3 and 5 have all been observed
>Imagine if you thought evolution only meant humans came from monkeys
that's what Trumps pick for vice president believes.
No new species has ever been evolved in a lab. No new species has ever been observed to evolve in nature in response to selection pressures. The only examples of observable descent with modification occur due to species being selected by man or in response to conditions created by man. This is because man was given dominion over all the creatures of the earth by God.
Descent with modification can most clearly be seen in engineering whereby man will create a series of improvements over time to create better, more efficient, more aesthetic machines. An alien species might assume a brand new Corvette had evolved when in fact it was the product of intelligent design. Deal with it.
There's nothing to debate him on, he is trolling or very retarded
What’s the logic that we evolved from chimps? Our genetics are close ? Our genetics are also close to pond scum too.
we didn't, we merely share a common ancestor
You're an idiot if you think you can't be a Christian and believe that evolution happens.
>No new species has ever been observed to evolve in nature in response to selection pressures.
Bacteria do this shit all the time. Why do you think you need a new flue vaccine every year?
Those are neighbouring populations of very similar animals going around the planet. The ones adjacesnt to each other can interbreed, but by the time the two ends meet after going round the loop they no longer can. There you go - observable speciation in action right at this moment in nature.
>You're an idiot if you think you can't be a Christian and believe that evolution happens.
I never said that...
I said that Mike pence literally believes in creationism, and doesn't know how evolution works.
Pence is basically a televangelist, and trump was all like "PERFECT!"
pick one
Shut up goat fucker
You are wrong. There's a species of birds on the Galapagos islands that descend from a few mating pairs. All have different beak structures depending on which island their ancestors began breeding on first. There's on with a hard beak for nuts, one with a narrow pointed one for eating grubs and several others.
>Different strains are different species
>This is a natural selection pressure and not in response to conditions created by man
Can be called science?
WTF you on boy?
Education about religion in general is ok. Religious "education"/preaching is not ok. it constitutes a state endorsement of religion, which is against the First Amendment.
christcucks are liars.
Richard Leakey is a hack who didnt find anything conclusive
Multiple critiques of this idea in that same wiki article.
>79,000 finch species on one small island
>Actually different species
>Not misclassification by overzealous taxonomists.
True, an imaginary friend is immune to logical assault.
try making a point that needs debated...
But it isn't one island, its several, and the islands are not small.
Do you even know what the Galapagos islands are?
Outline them in your own words please.
Evolution removes God and replaces him with death
>Somehow,people actually believe a a-biological soup of chemicals spontaneously gave life to fully functional cells (even the most basic cells are ridiculous complex) that had self reading and referencing DNA (or RNA) that had to not only survive for more than a instant,but was able to feed and reproduce out o sheer chance
And they make fun of the idea of a creator
That chart is wrong, outdated and not believed by the scientific community
>Evolution removes God
The theory of evolution says nothing about god. It might about a literal interpretation of the bible, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.
>God of gaps argument
>A chance of hitting a tree discredits all possible carbon dating
Fuck off with that bull shit
you know that scares me. We share a common ancestor with these anti evolution bozos...
Great work, bong. had a bit of a chuckle there
By the definition of ring species you could easily classify humans as a ring species because Chinese don't breed with aboriginals. We're widely accepted to be the same species and one of the main critiques is this very concept. All of the populations within the ring are just variations of the same species that don't breed at the ends.
I'm well aware. I don't believe for a moment a group of islands that's 3,000 square miles contains that man species of finch. This is an example of taxonomists splitting hairs in terms of the birds on that island particularly when they don't split hairs elsewhere.
ah, well I agree...
Evolution describes how life changes over time - the end. It doesn't say anything about the divine.
Vestigial means it serves no use, just because there is a muscle doesn't mean that its non vestigial
>a literal strawman cartoon
>haha I JUST proved Christian God exists! Atheists BTFO!
/thread indeed
OP can't even articulate his own arguments/conclusion.
tl;dr and not even funny, but macro and microevolution has never been observed. It's a shit term made up by a ruskie and is based on faith as much as creationism is.
I didn't know cringe threads were allowed on Sup Forums
I'm talking about 6 different sub species that evolved from an introduced species.
What I'm not talking about, and never was, is these 70,000+ "species" you brought up in your defence.
It's not a matter of don't it's a matter of can't. They are gentically incompatible. They can't produce viable offspring. They are by very definition a different spcies.
The positive charge of electrons is bounced around between the protons and neutrons through sub partcals called positrons. This continual chasing of passive the charge keeps it together
There's all the scientists of the world....and then there's you.
I think I'll stick with the guys in lab coats. M'kay?
The cartoon was a Chick Tract; its sole purpose is cuckstain propaganda. The artist whipped up other even worst ones.
Evidence doesn't require faith
This is some of the dumbest shit I have ever read. The arguments for evolution in that comic is laughable, and why do they not expand on the subject of "variance within a species" ?
Typical straw man retard propaganda
Fuck off for using a chick track. An outdated piece of religious rhetoric that has straw man arguments in a form of a comic so people will more likely fall for it you absolute sucker
Good thread.
>Evolution describes how life changes over time - the end. It doesn't say anything about the divine.
Evolution and geography tell us that the earth isn't 4000 years old and that the earth wasn't created in 7 days... If the bible is so divine and perfect why would it contain such retarded claims?
There's a new decades-old species of crayfish that's taking over the world.
"This Mutant Crayfish Clones Itself, and It’s Taking Over Europe"
"In a study published on Monday, the researchers demonstrate that the marble crayfish, while common, is one of the most remarkable species known to science.
Before about 25 years ago, the species simply did not exist. A single drastic mutation in a single crayfish produced the marbled crayfish in an instant."
>creationists btfo by a crayfish
actually evolution is pseudoscientific since its an entirely unfalsifiable theory. some fossils dont fit? add a billion year gap? repeat.
Its only good for explaining the past but not prediction and channeling scientific discoveries - which makes it more a lit genre that a theory.
some body parts turned out not be relic, call other parts relics until read scientific discoveries prove otherwise.
plebs wont understand this.
It was obvious hyperbole to make fun of the fact that taxonomists' definition of species is arbitrarily wide/narrow to fit whatever goal is in vogue or the popular understanding of species at the time. Species classification is not an exact science and species have been changed or moved around in the past. Just recently termites were placed closer to cockroaches for example. Basing your whole argument on this kind of arbitrary classification scheme and its derivatives is weak science (at best) and sheer conjecture at worst.
No but your level of divine says a whole lot about where we are suppose to come from and the two dont exactaly line up
hahah lucy was a feet dragging fag!!!!
homosexual chimps ftw